FIES : food insecurity experience scale package - r

Can someone help me find a package to calculate the FIES score ? I don't seem to find any anywhere.
If there is no package, may someone guide me through the proper equation of the score so I can create a conforming function ?
Thanks a lot.

I managed to find the package. It's called RM.weights and it uses the Rasch model to create this score. For more details check the link below :

You can also check this link provided by the FAO organisation that includes detailed instructions of how to create this score using the FIES score app designed by the FAO


How to use weight with the package "crsosstable" for R

The crosstable package give me exactly what I need to do some exploratory work in a data set composed of answers to a survey. But I need to weight the crosstabulation to get a representative results of the population I'm studying. Any ideas how I could use weights with this package?
So far I have used the "survey" package to do that, but it's lacking presentation tool to get publication ready tables.
I'm the dev of the crosstable package and it is unfortunately not supporting weights yet.
I would love to implement this as a feature one day, so you should definitely open a Feature Request on GitHub.
As I've never had to do a weighted description myself, please add a simplified version of your use case so that I can make something useful to everyone.

Hierarchical bar charts in r

I'm working on a visualization project in R and thought of creating bar charts for hierarchical data (states with constituencies in it, each constituency possessing a numeric value).
I came across this web page ( which implements exactly this using library "d3" but for JavaScript.
Is there any similar library in R to do this?
I also had similar question before! But I couldn't find any package or code online that does the same thing in R, the closest thing I found was "r2d3" package which allows you to run javascript in R.
So by leveraging the "r2d3" package, I was able to replicate it and put it into a function call "hbar", you can directly source it from my github with the code below:
For more details and use case please follow the link below:
Let me know if you need any help in terms of using this function.
You can use ggplot.
If you need more help, please share a reproductive example.

Identifying required packages from code

I want to follow the tutorial found on this site, but despite being thorough in all other aspects, the author has not included information on what packages need to be used for the code to function.
As far as I understand one of them will be the PerformanceAnalytics package, yet my inexperienced eye is not sure about what else I will need to include.
The fapply function used in the code is one example that I cannot find.
Error: could not find function "fapply"
findFn("fapply", sortby = "Function")
The findFN(...) function is great. It should open an internet browser window with the search results by itself at least it does for me.
The tutorial on Backtesting a Trading Strategy uses time series data as seen its part 1 and part 2. fapply is also used in part 2
As the data being collected and processed is time-series data, fapply() function belongs to far package which is used for Modelization for Functional AutoRegressive Processes.
I hope this helps.

R Package to Analyse Eye Tracking data

I was wondering if anyone out there has found a nice package for R to analyse eye-tracking data?
I came across eyetrackR but as far as I can tell there is no English support documentation available:
I will move onto another freeware that handles eye-tracking data if I need to but was really hoping there would be something accessible in R.
It would help if you could explain which kind of analyses you are intending to do. There are many different approaches depending on the research question and the research field. Many approaches involve the detection of fixations and saccades as a first step. An R package that can be used for fixation detection is called saccades and is available on CRAN. See also the Github page of the package for examples and screenshots.
A new eye-tracking analysis package for R (eyetrackingR) was recently released. It provides a variety of methods that handle data preparation/cleaning, visualization, and analysis.
Here's a list of several dozen instances of researcher contributed code (FOSS) for post-acquisition summarization and analysis of eye-movement data. You may be able to find something to suit your needs there.
List is provided in case anyone stumbling across this thread may find it useful.

'firstyearpop' for `pop.sim` in `demography` package

I'm using R demography package to study Mauritian population. However, I'm having some problem with pop.sim function as I can't figure out how the mid year population must be entered? Can anyone give me an example please?
The help file is rather brief (sorry about that). The first year population should be part of a demogdata object. The example at the end of the help page on pop.sim should help. It requires the addb package which is available from
