New Nest Doorbell (wired) SDM Support - nest-device-access

I received and installed the new Nest Doorbell (wired) over the weekend and wanted to play around with it today via the SDM API but I discovered it was not listed in my Device List and while "Nest Doorbell (wired)" is listed in the supported devices, it seems to still refer to the 1st generation Nest Doorbell (wired).
Is there typically a lag between launch and SDM API support for new Nest devices or have I missed a setting/configuration somewhere?

"Is there typically a lag between launch and SDM API support for new Nest devices...?"
Nest Doorbell (battery)
release date - 08-24-21 - source - 9to5google - link
SDM support - 09-21-21 - source - release notes - link
Nest Cam (indoor, wired)
release date - 10-05-21 - source - 9to5google - link
SDM support - 11-18-21 - source - release notes - link
"...or have I missed a setting/configuration somewhere?"
I doubt it. Lots of other users are reporting the same issue (see this thread in the official help forum).

Just found out the hard way to realize 2nd gen wired Doorbell isn't supported in SDM. Half of my household members are hearing impaired and dependent on flashing lights triggered by doorbell press.


Units of measurement in turn-by-turn navigation

I'm using "HERE SDK for iOS" to implement turn-by-turn navigation in my app. I have one issue when I display the distance in GuidanceManeuverView and GuidanceEstimatedArrivalView. All measurements are showing in feet, yards, and miles. However, in US we don’t use yards, but just miles and feet. The only way to configure measurementSystem is navigationManager.voicePackageMeasurementSystem = .imperialUS but it only change the voice sentences.
Is there anyway to change units of measurement to imperialUS?
Regarding SDK 3.X (Premium Edition), it is only possible to set the unit for voice guidance. There are two options for achieving your goal:
(1)Implement the conversion on the application side by using the measurement framework from Apple under the hood. Please find the below docs:
If you are using HERE Mobile SDK UI Kit, then you can get the idea from the sample codes:
(2)Use SDK 4.x Navigate Edition

Runeforging won't open for new Death Knight

I have a running server within Docker and when I create a new Death Knight, the second quest to open Runeforging and apply a buff to the provided weapon will not function. Runeforging appears in the spellbook, but does not open an additional window when clicked on so the quest cannot be completing and using the GM command to complete the quest will not complete it.
Just posting here what I said on Discord for reference. Runeforging was an issue in the core. This isn't related to your setup. Here is the related issue, fixed and already merged in last AC version:

Get current MCC/MNC from mobile phone number

I would like to know how I would go about finding out the 'current' MNC from a UK mobile phone number?
I have given out a collection of numbers to companies, and they returned the "original MCC/MNC" & the "current MCC/MNC" codes, all checked out fine.
I would like to know how this was done in the first place? Its easy to find the original MCC/MNC codes, but I'm having trouble with the current MCC/MNC.
To obtain the current MCC / MNC (or NWC - Mobile Network Code) for a mobile number you can take a number of approaches. Based on your comment I'm going to combine a little background information also.
Getting the original MCC / MNC
This is relatively easy as long as you have a reliable source of data. The MCC is relatively simple to deal with as MCC's don't change all that often. MCC being the Mobile Country Code designated by ITU-T. MNC's are a little more tricky because they can change over time. The ITU-T also distributes these allocations and regularly publishes updates or should I say the GSMA does.
Getting current MCC / MNC
Here you have a number of factors to consider. One of them you have already mentioned. Here are some more possibilities:
Mobile porting - Transfer of a mobile phone number from one operator to another
Roaming - The mobile phone number is currently registered on a "foreign" mobile network
Both of these factors mean that just using the mobile phone number is not an option for finding out the current MCC / MNC. It is really a question of how accurate you need the information to be. And of course how much money you want to spend finding it out.
So finally to the original question. The short answer is no you do not have to be a member of ITU to have access to this information. The long answer is that you need access either to the ITU publications. As I recall the following are ways of obtaining the information you need:
GSMA (GSM Association) regularly publishes updates to NWC's (Mobile Network Codes) in document form. This together with numbering schemes for every country using GSM networks.
Neustar ( provides an API which you can query for the currently registered (non-roaming) mobile phone numbers. They also provide portability information which is updated at various rates depending on country and operator. Effectively they are the root of all portability information for the GSMA.
Some mobile operators for example Deutsche Telekom in Germany provide an API to obtain daily updated portability information for the whole of Germany.
Companies with SS7 connectivity (basically the GSM cloud where mobile operators interoperate) can query realtime the mobile phone numbers current network registration. This also includes whether the mobile phone number is roaming or not.
This information is priceless for many companies and GSMA rightly so ensures that only companies and people who can responsibly manage this information are allowed to obtain it.
You can use this nuget package.
Sample code:
var IsViablePhoneNumber = PhoneNumberUtil.IsViablePhoneNumber("989123456789");
var MCC_MNC = PhoneNumberUtil.GetMCCMNC("989123456789");
var Operator = PhoneNumberUtil.GetOperator("989123456789");
var Brand = PhoneNumberUtil.GetBrand("989123456789");
var OperatorStatus = PhoneNumberUtil.GetOperatorStatus(232 ,10);
var OperatorType = PhoneNumberUtil.GetOperatorType(232 ,10);

get request parameter from url in HP loadrunner

I am using HP loadrunner for my automatic tests.
Every time, when i run my application, it creates some transfer and also generates id in URL.
How can i get the id from URL?
Thanks in advance!
The web_reg_save_param function in LoadRunner is used for this. The following line will save the current page URL to the parameter (URL).
web_reg_save_param("URL", "LB/ic=Location: ", "RB=\r\n", "Search=Headers", LAST);
If you know what the ID is that your looking for, ie. you can adjust the call accordingly.
web_reg_save_param("URL", "LB/ic=Location:", "RB=\r\n", "Search=Headers", LAST);
Hope this helps.
Recording with Siebel 8.1 on Loadrunner 11 having issues,posted a question on HP and got the same comment. But usually we can try the below mentioned option
You can record in Siebel-Web or web (http/html) and playback as
either too (if you want to record in Siebel-Web and play back in
regular web, just copy the contents of the script to a regular web
script and save).
Try a proxy mode recording in LR.
Changing registry and disables NTLM.
Turn off all autocorrelation rules
Turn on record as URL mode (as an alternate use web_custom_requests())
Use a sniffer to capture the traffic and then build a script by hand.(Best Option)
Change settings on the Siebel server side as well (Enable Automation=True, EnableWebClientAutomation = TRUE)
If you are recording your scripts using Web http/html you can use automatic correlation. For automatic correlation go to Design Studio
If you are unable to find the value there,then you must correlate manually using web_reg_save_param by giving the left and right boundaries.
This is going to sound belligerent, condescending and downright offensive. It is not to be meant as a reflection on you, but upon your management who has placed you in this position.
The topic of Correlation is one covered extensively in the class for LoadRunner web script development. It is the topic of a full 1/3 of the class and an additional appendix. All told some four different techniques for collecting dynamic data are covered, presented or documented as a part of the class materials. This capability, the handling of dynamic data, is a foundation tool skill.
Vardges, your management has placed you in a tough spot. Personally I would bolt for greener fields, for any management which is willing to do this to a line-of-business employee is also willing to toss that same person under the bus to salvage their own hide or a client relationship. Blaming you for something that management is unwilling to address is not a question of "if?" when training and mentoring does not occur, but only "when?" will the blame be placed on you.
James Pulley
Moderator: YahooGroups Advanced-LoadRunner, YahooGroups LoadRunner, SQAForums LoadRunner, LinkedIn LoadRunner, GoogleGroups lr-loadrunner

What is the most useful information to display at the front of the office?

The company I work for has just purchased 4 32" LCD screens to be mounted at the front of the office for demonstration purposes. Whilst we are not demonstrating (most of the time), the screens are to be used as development information screens for the whole team.
What information would people recommend displaying to be most useful to the team? Our focus is on hosted business web-apps but I am interested in what other teams doing other types of development find useful too. Pointers on how to gather the displayed information would be useful also.
Information about your continuous integration status.
Major Development Milestones that have been hit in the last week
Releases within the last month (including a short description why this release is awesome)
Use it as motivational board. The achievements of software development are seldom communicated well enough.
Since you're hosting apps for your customers, server and network status information would probably be useful.
Heck, why not create a "chat room" for the dev team to discuss issues and post a streaming version of that as well?
Schedule information, Scrum notes from that morning, a gantt chart...the possibilities abound.
Outstanding bugcount, sorted by priority and severity. You can likely get this from your bugtracking tool programmatically.
Depending on your process management
system, possibly a list of feature
requests and the percentage complete
on each of them. Again, you can probably get this programmatically from your process management / time tracking tool.
Time spent in the current development
cycle, and time remaining. Again, this should be available from your process / management / time tracking tool. You may want to use this data with your bugcounts as well to give a bugs / day fix rate.
If you're a public company with a
profit-sharing plan (i.e. stock or
options), the current price of the
stock (this can be surprisingly
strongly motivating). You can get stock data from several sources online programmatically (although a small delay may be injected unless you're paying for the service).
The movie 'Office Space'
Weather radar from
Latest Checkin.
Number of checkins per day
Number of customers that use software
Metrics on Bugs found/fixed and the ratio.
One screen could be an aggregated RSS feed of development topics pulled from sites such as Stack Overflow (or even Coding Horror). Not sure what your goal for these screens is, but I could see it useful to me if you had a feed with topics specific to your development team headlined. If I were there, I'd glimpse them, maybe catch an interesting thread, and go learn something. Funnel a bunch of keywords and tags through a Yahoo Pipe and dump it to the screen.
That's if they are more "informal and informational."
I think most popular pages from your webapp(s) would be a fun/interesting thing to show on a big monitor up front.
Another would be a live feed of your error reporting.
We have one monitor showing all meetings for the day, with start-end, subject, and room. I find this helpful, not only for my orientation, but also to see what other people do at our company.
xkcd, bunny, dilbert and savage chickens :-)
