Emmet Package not showing in atom's Package section - atom-editor

i have watched a lot of Youtube tutorials and went through a lot of sites as well but I cant find Emmet Package in Atoms' Package section

The Atom packages website and API have become extremely unreliable since GitHub announced its sunsetting Atom. Requests often fail with a status code of 500.
Your best option right now is to install Emmet manually, as described in the README:
cd ~/.atom/packages
git clone https://github.com/emmetio/emmet-atom
cd emmet-atom
npm install
The situation might improve once one of the two community forks, Pulsar or Atom Community, is ready to take over.


Installing ada libraries from github -- to keep getting file not found error

This is such a noddy question, but I'm struggling to particularly install libadalang which (to avoid X-Y problem) came from me having a working Gnatstudio, installing ada webserver, then I couldn't start Gnatstudio as it required libadalang.so. So I tried to install libadalang and
am currently getting failures of the form
libadalang-iterators-extensions.ads:29:29: file "langkit_support-symbols-precomputed.ads" not found
So I've spammed my /opt/GNAT/2020 with installing langkit everywhere that looks likely.
And still the installer for libadalang doesn't work.
Clearly something going on with paths here that I'm not getting. Can anyone provide any information on how paths are supposed to work as I need to install a number of other ada and SPARK-ada libraries from github and I want to do it correctly.
I think, the simplest way to restore GNAT Studio is to delete everything and reinstall. The GNAT Studio has its-own copy of libadalang/langkit. Look for
When you install a developer version of libadalang you will get another copy of these files. They could have a different version.
I would suggest you to install GNAT Studio into a dedicated directory and make sure you launch it with a shell script from the bin (bin/gnatstudio). This way it shouldn't be affected by any other installed libraries.
Installing AWS shouldn't break GNAT Studio installation. If you know how to reproduce, please report to AdaCore.

Qt Creator: No documentation available

I have installed Qt Creator 4.10.2 on Fedora 31 (KDE), using the standard 'dnf install'. Everything seems to work fine, except one thing: the documentation. When I highlight a Qt class (e.g. QApplication) and then press F1, I get the message "No documentation available". However, when I go to Tools > Options > Help > Documentation, I see six entries:
org.qt-project.qtcmake.5132 (auto-detected)
org.qt-project.qtcreator.4102 (auto-detected)
org.qt-project.qtdoc.5132 (auto-detected)
I have looked at the other StackOverflow questions relating to this issue, and they don't seem to answer my question. Does anyone know what I have to do to get the documentation in Qt Creator?
You are not alone!
You probably need to install a couple of additional rpms. The QApplication class belongs to the 'Qt Widgets' module, which would appear in your help configuration as:
org.qt-project.qtwidgets.5132 (auto-detected)
Linux vendors like Fedora usually divide library documentation in several RPM packages. You need to guess which ones you are interested and install them as needed. QtWidgets is probably packaged together with other modules in a qtbase package like this one (which is for Qt 5.12.3, but you seem to be developing with 5.13.2). Sorry, I don't have a Fedora installation at hand right now. Please try to search the available RPM packages yourself. Good luck!
I tend to not use the Qt packages provided by the Linux vendors. For me, it is much more convenient to use the qt online installers. You may install several releases side-by-side on your $HOME and you will get the full documentation and examples for each one. There are newer versions than the ones available on Fedora repositories. You may install v5.14.1 right now and try it on your software.
I ran into the issue (9/2022) as well and was able to do the following on Redhat 8 to install all documentation for qtcreator:
% sudo yum install qt5-doc

How to install npm packages in Atom?

I'm trying to add WordPress Coding Standards to ESLint in Atom. Unfortunately there are no package I could add via Atom's installer. I've found one (I think) suitable package here but whenever I try to install it using Windows CMD or XAMPP shell I get "npm is ot recognized as internal or external command". I installed ESLint for Atom, so I've got the prerequisite met. Is it possible to add it to Atom on Windows at all?
Cheers, best regards.
I digged into the topic and pparently I didn't have Node.js installed so I couldn't manage any npm packages. After installing Node.js I was able to install WordPress-Coding-Standards. Unfortunately I installed the wrong package at first, which was eslint-plugin-wordpress. After trying to set it up eslint started giving me plenty of errors. Then I found out (with a little help from guys on Github) that there are other WordPress Coding Standards plugin for eslint - eslint-config-wordpress which I installed as well. Now everything works like a charm. It's good to learn something new everyday.
Thanks, Dan.
Now above packages are deprecated, use #wordpress/eslint-plugin

How to compile LESS to CSS with Sublime without npm and node.js?

Our team is starting to use LESS to write CSS. I am using atom.io and there is a plugin to auto-compile LESS to CSS on save. (Link to plugin) However, some team member prefer to use sublime. While there are also similar plugin for sublime, it requires npm for installation. Our team mainly use PHP with composer for package management, so installing npm just for a plugin seems a bit overkill. Is there any other way to do LESS auto-compile on save with sublime?
Not that I know... :(
There is a python library that compiles less to css. (sublime plugin are written in python) though
So, all you've got to do is: write this plugin using lesspy
If you are a bit patient, I am trying to make this plugin, it shouldn't be to hard, I'll keep you in touch.
EDIT: Here's the plugin: st-py-less. Follow the (simple) instructions to install it. Only working with Sublime Text 3.
They could probably use SublimeOnSaveBuild
But npm and Composer aren't really comparable here. Composer manages a project's dependencies, npm provides easy access to hundreds of thousands of community-maintained packages. Using Composer isn't a reason to not install npm.
And the package you install when you "install npm" is under 14MB. It also comes included with Node.js. The "Installation Requirements" for sublime-less2css, by listing "install node" and "install npm" as two separate steps are misleading, and the provided links aren't that helpful. Here's the official documentation for Installing Node.js and updating npm
This is getting beyond the scope of your question, but to have a single team-wide editor-agnostic setup for automatically compiling LESS to CSS you could use Gulp. If you aren't familiar with Gulp, follow CSS-Tricks' Gulp for Beginners from the start up through the "Watching Sass files for changes" step. (Note that the guide teaches you how to use gulp-sass to compile Sass to CSS; in your case you'd just use gulp-less instead.)

RStudio project and git repository in subdirectory

When developing packages in RStudio.
By default RStudio assume your package directory is the project directory and it looks like that:
But you are allowed to point the package location to a subdirectory of the project directory and it looks like that:
This way you can have some part of your project files, kept in the root project directory, not included in the package. You don't need to set git ignore etc.
But if you want to add RStudio git repo features, you are not allowed to point your git repo in subdirectory, even if you have already created git repo in your package dir (not project dir) you cannot set it in RStudio. I'm stuck at:
Is there any way to enable git repo features in RStudio having git repository in the subdirectory of the RStudio project? Maybe some .Rproj config tweaks?
Very good question. I've experienced the same trouble and it also does not go away with the latest pre-test release. So there's likely no super quick solution to this inside rstudio. Though it might be worth a feature request.
Personally I use the console / git bash with git and rstudio. That is I create a project inside R studio and manually run git init outside rstudio. Also I add, commit, merge, push and pull outside rstudio. If you don't like to manage git via console there's https://windows.github.com/ and https://mac.github.com/ also the folks at Atlassian provide some GUI tool called source tree: https://www.atlassian.com/software/sourcetree/overview
Plus there are many others, like Tortoise Git which I haven't tested, but I think R Studio's current git support is fine for simple things, but a git tool (console or gui) is definitely the way to go if you want to be more flexible.
That being said, sublime text edit is a powerful and easy to hack and customizable text editor which also has quite some packages to extend it. It's not entirely free but sometimes it's a nice supplement to rstudio. And it has a cool resolve conflict package etc.
