RStudio project and git repository in subdirectory - r

When developing packages in RStudio.
By default RStudio assume your package directory is the project directory and it looks like that:
But you are allowed to point the package location to a subdirectory of the project directory and it looks like that:
This way you can have some part of your project files, kept in the root project directory, not included in the package. You don't need to set git ignore etc.
But if you want to add RStudio git repo features, you are not allowed to point your git repo in subdirectory, even if you have already created git repo in your package dir (not project dir) you cannot set it in RStudio. I'm stuck at:
Is there any way to enable git repo features in RStudio having git repository in the subdirectory of the RStudio project? Maybe some .Rproj config tweaks?

Very good question. I've experienced the same trouble and it also does not go away with the latest pre-test release. So there's likely no super quick solution to this inside rstudio. Though it might be worth a feature request.
Personally I use the console / git bash with git and rstudio. That is I create a project inside R studio and manually run git init outside rstudio. Also I add, commit, merge, push and pull outside rstudio. If you don't like to manage git via console there's and also the folks at Atlassian provide some GUI tool called source tree:
Plus there are many others, like Tortoise Git which I haven't tested, but I think R Studio's current git support is fine for simple things, but a git tool (console or gui) is definitely the way to go if you want to be more flexible.
That being said, sublime text edit is a powerful and easy to hack and customizable text editor which also has quite some packages to extend it. It's not entirely free but sometimes it's a nice supplement to rstudio. And it has a cool resolve conflict package etc.


Trouble Installing Certain Modules

I'm having issues getting some modules to install. I've been able to get mod-1v1-arena and mod-npc-free-professions working, but I haven't been able to get these other modules to work:
Can someone please confirm I have the correct workflow, or advise on what steps I'm missing.
Clone module folder from git to .\azerothcore-wotlk\modules
Run Git CLI: ./ docker build
Copy mod_learnspells.conf to .\azerothcore-wotlk\env\docker\etc\modules
I see instructions about rebuilding with CMake, is that necessary if I'm using docker build...? I tried CMake too and I got an error immediately with the software setup, so haven't pursued it further.
I'm also a bit confused by the .conf files, which folder does the server read them from?
.\azerothcore-wotlk\env\docker\etc\modules or .\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-learn-spells\conf
I would try to install without any modules to check for the core stability and then work up from there one by one.
This way, if there's a module that's currently not working due to recent PR's like the Autobalance and possibly mod-learn-spells you can report an issue and work without it until It's back up.
AzerothCore Continuous Integration build with modules is currently failing aswell if you check the Readme notes where it says

Meteor packages -- how does it work?

I downloaded a Meteor Starter project called MeteorAdmin.
In the root of its directory tree, you find a packages directory that contains few packages (boostrap, comments, few others) and also, in the .meteor directory there's a file called packages that defines the dependencies of this project.
What is the difference between them? What I found interesting is that .meteor/packages contains bootstrap as well. In theory shouldn't that be enough so that bootstrap would get downloaded to the project?
The meteor packages file simply lists all of the apps dependencies as well as the load order of each (top to bottom). You can edit this file if you know what you are doing, but it's probably better to leave it alone until you are more familiar with Meteor.
The way you add packages is by typing meteor add <package-name> in your terminal and then it will be added to your project. Additionally, the name of the package will be added to the bottom of your packages file.
A meteor app can have local packages that are defined in the packages folder of the root directory. This project likely is implementing it's own bootstrap package and then added it with the meteor command I listed above. Once a local package is added to your project with the meteor add command it's package name will appear in the packages file just like packages from Atmosphere. I hope that answers your question... Let me know if you were looking for something more specific.

How To modify quantmod package with GIT

I currently have quantmod installed. I would like to modify the source code.
Do I need to uninstall the current version?
I currently was trying
(1) Installed GIT
(2) then I went to New Project>> Version Control >>create a new project form version control GIT and when I click that I get this error
"Git was not detected in the system path. to create projects from GIT repositories you should install GIT and then restart Rstudio. Not tha tif GIT is installed an not on the path then you can specify its location using the options dialog."
(3) So I went to the global options>>GIT/SVN>>Git executable and put this path
(4) then I restarted RSTUDIO and now I get further so when I go to
New Project>> Version Control >>create a new project form version control GIT>>CLONE GIT REPISITORY
Here it asks for a Repository URL, Project Directory name, and Create project as subdirectory of. Here is where I am unsure where I need to put this project so that the modification I make to the quantmod package will be picked up by my version of R
For Repository URL I was going ot put:
For Project Directory I am unsure: can you advise??
For Create project as sub directory I am unsure: can you advise??
My R libraries are here: C:\Users\me\Documents\R-3.1.2\library
Also currently I have quantmod installed here:
Do I need to uninstall that current version?
On My computer GIT is here: C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Programs\Git
On My computer R is here: C:\Users\Me\Documents\R-3.1.2
The project directory is just the name of the folder you will be putting the repo inside. Generally it is the name of package to make things clear. In your case quantmod.
The sub directory you can ignore unless you want to choose some other location (besides the current directory) for you code.
You don't need to uninstall the current version. My usual recommendation is to just increment the subversion of the package in the DESCRIPTION file. For example, increment:
Version: 1.0.1
Version: 1.0.2
Now when you rebuild and install you will have the new version. If you need the original again, you can just reinstall the old one (i.e. install.packages). Having both installed at the same time would likely result in conflicts between the packages and just causing a headache.

How to install WordPress on Heroku?

I want to build wordpress on Heroku as the following article:
WordPress on Heroku: Up and Running!
Here’s the step by step tutorial for getting a installation running on Heroku’s Cedar stack:
Create GitHub repo
Then create local repo with GitHub as the upstream for origin. Basically like it says on the new repo page:
# Create the readme file... use your favorite editor.
# Put in something informative
mate README.markdown
git add .
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
I have downloaded Cygwin, installed Git.
I have created the GitHub repo according to
mate README.markdown doesn't work.
How can I do this?
As mentioned in the article you linked, mate is simply an example text editor:
mate README.markdown # Create the readme file... use your favorite editor. Put in something informative
In this case it's the command-line interface to Textmate, which is only available on OSX.
You could use Sublime Text, Emacs, Vim, Notepad++, almost anything. Even Notepad might work, though its Windows-only line endings might muss things up.
As Cupcake mentions in the comments, the Git commands in the tutorial will need some tweaking as well. git add stages changes, which then get committed with git commit. git push pushes committed changes, so if you don't git commit you won't be pushing anything.
There may be other minor bugs in the article as well, though it looks reasonably close to what you want.
The repo on github is empty. There is nothing to clone.
The "git clone REMOTE LOCAL" makes/names the local dir. So your next command should have been "cd" had the remote existed to be cloned.
How can I do this?
It's beta, but that is better than; clone this, hit moving target x, have WP site.

Plone4 - Installing addons

I am new to Plone and I am having trouble understanding how to install addons. I have read the documentation provided on their site, but I am still a bit confused.
The addon that I am trying to install is
In the documentation, I see them using a something like cmd.exe, but I am not really sure what it is. Is it the python.exe located in the python folder?
Also, I am not clear if the addon that I wish to install is in an "egg" form.
Could someone please provide me with a detailed process for installation?
Thank you.
Find, then edit your buildout.cfg file per instructions above to add the uwosh.timeslot egg.
Re-run bin/buildout (or bin\buildout on windows) from the main plone directory on the command-line (do not run from the bin directory as your current working directory).
Answering your other questions:
Yes, packages listed on are "eggs" in the sense that you install them as eggs in buildout, not classic "Products".
cmd.exe is MS Windows command-line, assuming you are using Windows, not Unix.
This is only useful if you know where your Plone installation is located on disk -- you should.
