How do I find out what groups can edit a Foswiki page? - foswiki

I have a Foswiki installation with a page and a user Hank who would like to edit it. I would like to let Hank do this, but I can't figure out how.
I assume Hank needs to be a member of a certain group in order to edit the page. These groups exist on the Main/WikiGroups page:
I now need to figure out what group Hank needs to be in to edit the Project/DevelopmentNotes page.
If I try to edit the Project/DevelopmentNotes page, I see a tab with "Permissions". It has these selections:
Users who may view: Default
Users who may edit: Default
I don't know what "Default" entails, so this is a dead end. There is no indication that any particular group is associated with the page, and there are no "Set" commands similar to those in the "Controlling access to a topic" section of the System/AccessControl page.
I've read the rest of the System/AccessControl page, but I can't find anything that tells me how to figure out what group can edit what pages.
How do I find out what to do to let Hank edit the page?


Add a column to Woocommerce order table as "Assigned" and hook it with a list of Editors from a drop down menu

Sorry I am not a hardcore coder. Need to solve Three problems and need your help please.
I need to be able to assign an user (i.e Editor) to a job from Edit Order Page (from a list of Editors dropdown menu)
I would like to see which orders are assigned to whom from Oder Table view next to status column (Admin view)
Each editor should only see their assigned order when they login to wordpress using their login credential
If anyone can provide the code or point me to a solution, I would really appreciate it.

Umbraco temporary page

I was building an Umbraco 7.4.3 site, and I was ended up to this situation.
I have a node structure inside Umbraco like this.
So, I have a Student and Teacher node under Home.
The Student node will show a detail about student.
Now I want to have a page where I can edit a Student, "I want a separate page (not popup) linking to a page where I can edit a student", something like a /edit-student/?id=2.
But in order do that I will end up in a structure like this, see screenshot
See? I have an extra node EditStudent just to have a page where I can edit student, I can call this page by /Student/EditStudent/?id=2
But I don't want to have this node "EditStudent", I feel it was making my node structure dirty.
I want a solution that I can still have a url like this /Student/EditStudent/?id=2 but I don't want to see a node "EditStudent" under Student or somewhere else inside my Umbraco.
Is this possible to happen? something like a virtual url (but not aspx) pages.
Found the answer I posted at forum.
Just create a template and Ill name it as "Edit", then you can access like this url: /Student/Edit/, and of course you can add parameters.
If there is no other node name "Edit" found under Student then it will use "Edit" template as alternative.

How to display all topics under a group's forum in buddypress?

I have building buddypress site where user able to discuss under a group. I have installed bbpress with buddypress. So, when user go to detail view of a group, they can see the all topics of forum if they click on the forum section. But I want to do something like that when user go to detail view of a group, all topics of group's forum will be displayed underneath of the description of group. I do not understand which template should I edit or which loop or query should I add into buddypress/groups/single/home file.
If you want all the topics to appear right below the description you'll have to edit the groups/single/group-header.php file. That way the topics appear on every group page.
You probably could copy a lot of code from /plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/groups/single/forum.php

Umbraco Member Tab - How to list the members

Requirement: I have a requirement such that, when a new user is registered in my application, his details should be stored in Umbraco Membership. I am Currently able to add the member to the umbraco site and i can see the added members under the Member Folder in the Member Tab. But the problem is if I added a person named "Vineeth", his details can only be viewed when I follow the path below
Member Tab - Member Folder - Letter "v" Folder.
Similarly for each alphabets. Is there any way that I could see them all together. The reason I wanted to get the added members together is because my workflow is "The admin has to give approval for the registered users". So its not a good process for Admin to search under each alphabetic folder for the newly added members and approve them. So is there any way to list them together. I think one option there is adding the user control and populating the details in Grid View in that user-control and then display. Is there some other way that I could use for my requirement.
I checked with the way the search functionality is implemented in the Member section. But I am not sure how does this work. I identified the aspx page. but it has the code like below. So I am not sure what logic is written in the Search button functionality. Could you please advise me how can I do this. The path I found this is
Also I would like to know how is the list populated in the Search page.

wordpress user management, how to assign specific page to each user?

I want to create pages in WordPress, which should show to a specific user only not for specific role.
if a page is created for a specific user like "john". it should be viewed by only john, no other users could not see that page.
My Questions are:
How to create a page for a specific user? (from admin).
Note: while creating page we should assign that page to specific user like "john".
Is there any plugins for this?
Is there any way to do this.
I know that it is a bit late but still want to answer in case you need. Try to use plugin. You can customize your pages.
Just an idea:
Why not make a page template for that page? get current user id in the template then show the details depends on the user id? You can check is_user_logged_in() and pull all contents under the if statement and under the else statement you can redirect the user to the login page or just show the message to logged in.
Let me know if everything is clear. Thanks!
This can be done with ease using nav menu plugin and roles creator can create roles with names of your clients and show menu items of user pages to specific roles/person
