Unknown URLs are redirecting to homepage (from www.example.com/page/2345343 to www.example.com) - wordpress

I'm using a WordPress website and I got this issue, I'm not sure it's an issue or feature in WordPress.
When I enter my website name like www.example.com/page/1234234 (random number) or www.example.com/page, it is redirecting to the home page (www.example.com).
And also when I enter pagination in URLs like www.example.com/blog/page2 and it is redirecting to www.example.com/blog/page/2.
Can anyone explain this?

Its a default wordpress functionality, if you want to change it, you can use filters to change default wp urls


How to fix wp-admin not coming in the url issue in wordpress?

I am working on wordpress website https://www.iskconujjain.com suddenly some issues are coming although I have not done any major change in the website.
wp-admin are not coming in any admin url.
I am trying to change the Permalinks setting but it is not saving.
All pages are redirecting to home page although in the url having another page path.
for solve this problem you must regenerate permalink-
For solve it go to Settings > Permalink and save it.
Let me know.

My Website (Wordpress) Loads Bad when (www.) and it's normal when acessed without (www.)

https://www.excelintercambio.com/ (With www. loads all wrong)
https://excelintercambio.com/ (Without www. looks fine)
The website it's not mine, I've been doing some SEO work for a client and his website turned into this out of nowhere. Of course, the heat is on me and the client is asking like crazy to me to resolve. I'm not at all expert with wordpress and was just editing texts for his website, so I'm pretty sure that I didn't messed up anything.
However I need to fix this.
Can you guys help me with? It's suposed to look be acessable as www.
Please change WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) from wordpress admin settings. Go to Settings > General Settings and set www in WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).
I think this is happening due to WP Rocket plugin.
https://www.excelintercambio.com/ In this url JS and CSS files are not loading its showing 404 error.
Can you once deactivate WP Rocket plugin and then check

Moved wordpress directs to old URL

I just moved my wordpress site to a new sub domain. However the homepage still directs to the old url: wordpress.bysuonpera.com.
It should direct to photographer.bysuonpera.com
Anyone know where I can change this?
I already change the URL's in the wordpress settings menu. But this did not change the issue. Also, accessing wordpress through cpanel also directs to the old url.
Hope someone has an answer.
Moving Wordpress is pretty straightforward. However there are some things that could be messed up, if you dont follow the guide. Ideally, you should change the URL setting in dashboard before transfer. However you can do it later on too, use this section of the above manual.
As soon as you manage to login to dashboard on a new WP instance, download, activate and use two following plugins to replace old URL with new URL on your WP instance:
Velvet Blues Update URLs
Better Search Replace

Wordpress redirect

I have a wordpress installation on a wp folder.
I need my clients write
in the browser, and the page
to be displayed, preserving the www.example.com address, not showing the www.example.com/wp/about/ address.
Which are the proper way to do this?.
You can assign it by go to setting -> Reading and choose the page you want to display at Front page displays. You can choose either page or posts.
Just update WordPress.
This bug is not present in current versions...

Changing WordPress URL structure - Redirects

I'm changing my URL structure from domain.com/postname to domain.com/type/postname
What's the best way to redirect? I tried using the Redirection plugin, but it seems that I need to redirect each URL manually. Is there any way to redirect all the posts at once?
Go to the wp-admin's dashboard using domain.com/wp-admin. Then look for the Settings-->Permalinks option. From this page you can change the URL settings for all of your posts.
Here are some instructions on how to redirect your sites url.
Changing the site url
Back up your site first if you still can? When I changed to pretty permalinks I had to include a forward slash to custom field images.
from: wp-content/uploads/2012/08/tulip-813-01.jpg
to: /wp-content/uploads/2012/08/tulip-813-01.jpg
