--allow-empty-diff stopped working after upgrading to doctrine migrations 3 - symfony

I have a deployment script that executes the migrations this way:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff --allow-empty-diff --env=prod
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --allow-no-migration --env=prod
And I am getting this error:
[ERROR] No changes detected in your mapping information.
Previously, before upgrading to migrations 3, the error was not being thrown. Once I upgraded it the error started to appear.
"doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "2.1.*",
"doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "3.1.*", // previously "2.2.*"
"doctrine/migrations": "3.2.*", // previously "2.2.*"
At first I thought that the --allow-empty-diff was removed in the new version, but when I run:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff --help
I do see
--allow-empty-diff Do not throw an exception when no changes are detected.
Any ideas?

It seems the functionality stills works the same as before. If no changes are detected, a message is printed to the console.
However, the difference between 2.2.* and 3.6.* is that it the latter uses StyleInterface to style the message as an error instead of using the regular OutputInterface.
In both cases, a exception is not thrown.
See the code for 2.2.*
See the code for 3.6.*

Just give a try updating your schema
php bin/console orm:schema-tool:update --force


remove test database when tests ends (Symfony / PHP Unit)

I am using PHPUnit (9.5) with Symfony (5.3).
For my tests, I use the default test database config from config/packages/test/doctrine.yaml :
# "TEST_TOKEN" is typically set by ParaTest
dbname_suffix: '_test%env(default::TEST_TOKEN)%'
So my tests use the same database as prod with the suffix '_test'.
I added some code to tests/bootstrap.php to automate database creation / reset before each test runs :
// delete database if exists, then create
passthru('php bin/console doctrine:database:drop --env=test --force --if-exists');
passthru('php bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test');
// run migrations
passthru('php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=test -n');
and I use dama/doctrine-test-bundle for automatic transactions for each tests.
That is working very well, but I have a question :
Is there a way to delete the database at the end of test run ? (like I did in bootstrap.php)
I understand that your bootstrap.php file is running before the test, you need a solution to launch something after your test.
First, create a command that drop the test database.
In anyway, be very careful that the code in your command stop all execution, if you aren't in an explicit test environment (because it means you are in a production environment).
Then, you can alter your composer.json file to launch the created command after your test in a chain of scripts.
Here is an exemple
"scripts": {
"test-and-remove": [
"#putenv APP_ENV=test",
"phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml",
"php bin/console app:drop-test-database"
Then you only have to launch your test via this new command:
composer test-and-remove

Symfony: Loading .env.test files

I thought this PR fixed the issue I am having - but I have this patch and it's still not working as I expected - what am I missing or mis-understanding?
I have created a .env.test with the following:
Then I dropped a doctrine.yaml inside the config/packages/test directory.
Symfony v4.2.3
However when I run this command from CLI:
APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
I am getting an error:
Environment variable not found: "DATABASE_URL_TEST".
Clearly the .env.test file is not being loaded - how do I get a specific environment configuration file to load - other than .env???
If indeed your application was a Symfony 3.x application at some point, what I would guess is that, during the upgrade process, those two lines out of the UPGRADE procedure were missed:
Then, upgrade the contents of your console script and your front
Indeed, it seems like bin/console have been changed recently to reflect the adaptation done on the DotEnv component: https://github.com/symfony/recipes/commit/3e471cbc7d359b3ab245f3b0748d698e8d29692c#diff-2af50efd729ff8e61dcbd936cf2b114b
Mind that you'll also need https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/symfony/framework-bundle/4.2/config/bootstrap.php
I had a very similar problem. My issue was that my phpunit.xml.dist was pointing to the wrong bootstrap file:
Changed to:

Previously executed migration are not registered migrations

I'm trying to update my database with those commands
php bin/console make:migration
this return success
But when I try
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
I have this error:
WARNING! You have 5 previously executed migrations in the database >>that are not registered migrations.
>> 2018-12-17 10:42:04 (20181217104204)
>> 2018-12-17 13:19:24 (20181217131924)
>> 2018-12-17 13:40:58 (20181217134058)
>> 2018-12-18 10:41:38 (20181218104138)
>> 2018-12-18 13:15:49 (20181218131549)
Thing is, the database listed here are not in my migrations table from my database and they are not in my Migrations folder either.
How can I remove those wrong migrations ? Thanks.
This is a year old, but I've had problems a few times where I delete old migration files because they aren't relevant or whatever reason and had the same issue. I think the correct way to handle this is to delete references from the table directly.
php bin/console doctrine:query:sql "delete from migration_versions where version = '2020181217104204'";
EDIT - newer versions of Symfony are now using a "doctrine_migration_versions" table.
php bin/console doctrine:query:sql "delete from doctrine_migration_versions where version = '2020181217104204'";
Encounterd the same probleme : I had previously copied already executed migration to the newly created migration table (due to doctrine update).
Renaming all version names as follow saved the day : 20190408092436 --> DoctrineMigrations\Version20190408092436

Symfony2 - Removed FOS User Bundle manually and now cannot clear cache in production mode

I installed FOS Userbundle to learn from it, but decided I didn't need it anymore. I then did the following to remove it. After removing, I ran composer update.
removed the bundle from the vendor folder
removed from the appKernel
removed from the composer.json file
removed the entity User.php file
removed the settings from config.yml, security.yml, routing.yml
Now when I attempt to clear cache for production mode I get the following error below. Clearing cache in dev mode works fine.
Can show me what I am doing wrong or what I am missing to remove FOS User Bundle and be able to clear cache in production mode?
PHP Fatal error: Class 'FOS\UserBundle\EventListener\LastLoginListener' not found in /var/www/html/HealthFitness/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/ContainerAwareEventDispatcher.php on line 142
PHP Stack trace:
PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/html/HealthFitness/app/console:0
PHP 2. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() /var/www/html/HealthFitness/app/console:27
PHP 3. Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->doRun() /var/www/html/HealthFitness/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Console/Application.php:121
PHP 4. Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get() /var/www/html/HealthFitness/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Console/Application.php:86
PHP 5. appProdProjectContainer->getEventDispatcherService() /var/www/html/HealthFitness/app/bootstrap.php.cache:2037
PHP 6. Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->addSubscriberService() /var/www/html/HealthFitness/app/cache/prod/appProdProjectContainer.php:343
Your error indeed probably come from a cache error.
Have you this error executing php app/console cache:clear --env=prod ?
You can else delete app/cache/prod/* manually.
In case you can't remove the files manually this should work as well.
You could also use a --no-warmup and --no-optional-warmers switches:
cache:clear --no-warmup --no-optional-warmers --env=prod
that way it should not try to recreate the cache of non existing classes and then do a
cache:warmup --env=prod
Manually removing cache is faster though, but you still warm it up.

Command "make:resource" is not defined

I am trying to make resource for my API in Laravel But when I run php artisan make:resource resourceName
I get 'error' message
Command "make:resource" is not defined.
Did you mean one of these?
I've tried to update my composer but it didn't help.
I also checked on my "php artisan list" if make:resource command exists, it doesn't.
How do I 'import' that command into my list or is there any way to make resource without that command?
