How to create a job post by email parsing in WordPress? - wordpress

I want to develop a job board website. I want specific feature in that is job posts will be created automatically by email parsing.
I tried Zapier, but it creates only blog posts.
And tried postie plugin to, but Gmail didn't allow it.
Willing to use job monster / work scout/ superio any one of these themes. If you have any suggestions, please let me know about it.
Is there any way to parse the email data and create a new job post. Please help me to resolve this issue.
No paid task. Need help to learn the things

There is a lot to unpack here.
The main problem you are going to encounter is that the emails you are parsing may not all be formatted the same. To pull the info out of an email you will need to be able to generate some rules to extract it.
If however, the emails are formatted the same then you can use the "split" function in Zapier to pull out the various bits of data from the email. Once you have these you can create a new post with your Zap.
I would recommend looking for a Wordpress plugin that allows you to create lists with custom post types. WP-Bakery does this from memory. You can set up a custom feed based on that post type.
Hopefully this helps narrow down the process for you. Good Luck.


Wordpress Custom Post Type Frontend Timestamps

I know that Stackoverflow is normally for coding assistance, but I have a quick question for the community - if this could be better answered in another forum, I apologise, and if you could let me know where to ask, I will do so:
Question: When creating a new post on the front end via a custom post type, does wordpress automatically create the relevant timestamps? If it does, does that mean that it would automatically modify the timestamps or create the last modified values or do I need to add hidden fields in the form(s) to do so?
Check out get_the_modified_date and get_the_modified_time functions.
You should be able to execute these either in The Loop or in a Custom Post type page itself.

How do I store related firebase data?

I'm making a firebase app where there's the concept of posts and authors.
I need to have a field called postedBy to give information about the post author. I'm currently confused on how to best implement this. Here's what I've thought about...
Store a postedBy field with the post author's ID as value. My issue with this is that I have to further send single requests for the user information, like name, profile picture etc.
I store a postedBy field with the exact clone of the author's data (name, profile URL, etc). My issue with this is what if the user changes their profile information? Do I have to loop through all the posts data to also ensure the changes?
What is the best way to solve an issue like this?
For your case, I would say that the best option would be probably to use only the ID as a value. This way, you can perform queries to return values using only the ID.
Using this approach should be the simplest and easiest way for you to create your application. Since the ID will be the point to connect your tables and to perform the queries, it should make your work easier.
In the below article, there is an example of a Blog application, that you can take a look and get some insights on how to configure your application as well - mainly about this part about author and post. :)
Learning Firebase: Creating a blog article object
Let me know if the information helped you!

WordPress plugin accessing WordPress URL remotely to send data across

I am in the process of writing a small WordPress data sync plugin that is intended to sync some records between two sites. When a new data item is entered on one site, a JSON-encoded version of that data item is posted to a URL on the other site which then digests it and saves it to a local database.
I'm finding it really hard to work out what URL I should be posting the JSON data to so that it gets into the plugin on the other end. Or whether I should be reusing admin_ajax, even though this is server-to-server not browser-to-server.
Happy to assume that both sites are running WordPress 3.3/3.4.
I've spent quite some considerable time googling without results, which may simply be that I'm looking for the wrong terminology.
For instance, I might get the sending copy of the plugin to post to a URL such as - but a shorter URL or a smarter way to do it would be great. While I could make this URL work pretty easily by including ../../../wp-load.php I'm reluctant to do that as that will break on some sites, and is considered Bad Practice in a plugin.
I'm using wp_remote_post() to do the post to URL part, the problem is which URL to post to, not how to post.
I'll edit this and correct terminology if anyone has any ideas that help! Thanks in advance!
You can post anywhere you want (in front side, and not on admin side, of course). You can even post to the home page. Just make sure that you don't post any data which conflicts with wordpress core. For example: name, post, p are all reserved.
Add a prefix to all your post variables "myplugin_name" is ok, "name" is not.
Then in your plugin code add a condition to check if something was posted:
if(isset($_POST["myplugin_remote_data"])) {
// check if data was indeed sent by your server. use some api key etc
// save the data
// echo some response telling if data was posted or not. anything you want.
die(); // no need to show the page

Import data retrieved from API into Wordpress Custom Post Type

I am hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction.
First, what I can do and am not looking for help with: I am able to create all the requisite custom post types, taxonomies etc. and I am also able to use the API calls to retrieve all required information. I am not including API details to avoid getting sidetracked.
I simply need an example of using a search box inside a 'Add New' post to get results and select a single result from that search then how to use that selection to modify the post title and attach a picture/media to the post prior to publishing.
I've seen it done on sites but have not found a plugin or code that I might reference. I know it is possible but it is a fairly specific need that I have not been able to find an answer.

How can I automatically publish my questions and their responses to my blog?

I want to publish my questions and their responses asked here (on Stack Overflow) to my blog (or Linkedin, etc.) automatically.
I host my blog on
Is that possible?
I can give you at least half an answer. If you can get the information from Stackoverflow, then you can easily write a program to write posts using the Blogger API. The structure of your program would need to be something like
Get info from Stackoverflow.
Authenticate with Blogger using one of the authentication methods.
Create the HTML for the post body based on the Stackoverflow info.
Combine that with meta data tags to create the post entry (atom format).
Create a new post using the string you created in the last step.
If you run into problems with any of those steps, other than the first one, I'm sure I could help you further. Just ask here on Stackoverflow and tag it with 'blogger' and I'll try to answer.
