Sometimes my wordpress website loads without style - wordpress

Sometimes my website loads without CSS,
So when it loads without CSS It Looks like this
but, it must look like this
but it only happens sometimes, not always, also when I log in as admin It is corrected immediately.
also, the website is
what could be the issue?


Broken CSS on all pages except Homepage & if via Customize.php
Here's how it looks via customize.php
I was not doing any major changes. Cleared cache and changed stuff in customize.php but thats it.
I've been working for 2 straight days to get a decent gtmetrix score and overall design. Help would be greatly appreciated.
Just a quick note: GTmetrix score/ Pingdom or google page speed test
are just recommended approach and the speed they show does not
necessarily mean real world differences. Those scores do not cover the
complexity of code of the server side (which also delays the page load
time). So there are scenarios where you have to ignore few of the
recommendations to make sure everything works fine.
Although in your case i can see that there are no css on you page applied externally nor internally. Kindly tweak the css rendering settings to see if it works. The theme is working fine on customize.php because the changes do not affect the back end of the website it's only the front end which gets affected. So CSS are rendering on back end but not of the frontend. It maybe of theme issue if css are not enqueued properly. there can be serveral reasons. Switch to one of the default themes and see if the plugin is working properly. This will help you find out where exactly the problem exists.

Concrete5: Why does my block fail to save the first time?

I am using and using Designer Content to create blocks. I have customised the blocks by adding tabs. Other than that, it's pretty straightforward and everything is functioning well.
My problem is when I try to add and save a new block the first time, it keeps showing me the 'loading' icon but does not save the block. If I refresh the page and try adding the block again, it works. Sometimes it happens randomly and when I refresh the page and save, it works. Is there anything that's causing this and how can I fix this?
I have all cache turned off and am trying this on my localhost. The site does not have any other add-ons installed other than Designer Content. The site is using Bootstrap.
Had same issue, which was caused by tracking pixel code(javascript error).
Changed script to display code only when page is not in edit mode

Wordpress youtube embed not clickable bootstrap

After I moved a Wordpress website to production server I noticed youtube embeds were no longer clickable. The image and play button show up but nothing more.
Tried to renew the embed code, using the build in embed function, embed via media browser,... Nothing is working and it's making me crazy.
After some trial and error things I noticed that the video does work when the main bootstrap.css file is removed. Can't seem to find a clue to the solution though.
Yes, I tried to disable all the plugins, with no result.
Changing back to the default twenty fifteen theme results in a working video embed. But since that one isn't build on bootstrap it's just a logic fact.
Anyone seen this before?
Web page with video embedded: click here
The website is sending lots of error messages in he consolu use F12 in Chrome, apparently your www-embed-player-new.js is causing the problem. Not even Edge is running the site correctly. I think you need a Chrome extension to make it work.
I would recommend you changing the plugin that imports the videos. Check this enter link description here
The chrome plugin Google Cast stops the error messages but still doesn't work.
The problem was with the wordpress loop on the single.php page.
A wrong code snippet caused the issue.

CSS gets messed up after Ajax page load

I have a website in wordpress. I recently download a plugin called Advanced Ajax Page Loader. It refreshes you content when clicked on other page without refreshing the whole site(header, footer). I tried to get my answer from plugins developer and wordpress support forum, but none responded.
I read that if ajax jquery call is used then all scripts should be reloaded again, for that the plugin have a place where I should put those codes. Until that everything works correctly, except one thin. When I go from a category to category, everything works fine, but when I open a single Post it completely screws up all my css for that page, when I refresh it, everything looks fine but then again, if I open one of the big categories with many posts, then that pages css is messed up.
I though that I could somehow refresh whole css by putting some code in the "Reload code" box, but I have no idea how to do that using scripts. English isn't my native language, therefore I'm having difficulty finding my answer on google, I tried, but my vocabulary is limited. How can I do it?
are you adding CSS classes to your elements via Javascript? If so, then the styles you add will only affect those elements which are part of the DOM at that point in time, so you might be experiencing a race condition, that actually happens to work in Chrome and Safari, but not Firefox.
second try to validate your markup and CSS and see if you have any error in your css syntax ?

Mobile website in HTML5 not pulling CSS file until refreshed

I'm building a contact form for a mobile website in HTML5 and CSS. It is the same form I use on all mobile website and after not working for 5 hours I pulled the code straight from a working site I built and it still doesn't work properly.
The issue is when you go to the contact page it shows the contact form, but with the labels centered and the submit button image isn't showing up. I must refresh for it to bring up the correct CSS file to align the text left and show the submit button. Initially I thought it was from a CSS/JS conflict with my menu at the top so I pulled that and it still causes the same problem. I have cleared the cashe on my phone and web browsers and they all work the same.
Here is the link: after going to this page hit refresh and you will see the difference.
My question is, is this a caching issue, is it server side issue, or is it a conflict in my coding. I'm not good with posting the code on this site but if you go to the mobile site from your web browser you can just right click and view source to see my code. I have a boiler plate html core file with boiler plate CSS and custom CSS.
Is there some sort of script I could use to make this page auto refresh one time on page load then not again after the reload? I don't want to use an improper fix like this but I have been working on this issue for a day.
The left side is before refresh. I have pulled the code from the site now but I think it was a js conflict because it was auto loading the css from the menu when the link for any page was clicked.
I'm seeing it fine on my end. Seems to work flawlessly, but if you are still having a problem, you could either use cookie or session variables. If the variable does not exist, you can use the php function header( 'Location:' ) ; to "refresh" the page. It's actually just a redirect command, but if you are sending them back to the page they are on, it is pretty much the same thing as a refresh.
It was a conflicting issue with my menu JS/CSS. I pulled it and now everything works fine.
