Looker Filter that can evaluate to more than one condition - looker

I'm trying to create a filter for my dashboard.
I need the filter to be able to evaluate to more than one condition.
For example, my logic can look like the following:
when account_age < 1 then 'populate new accounts'
when account_health < red then 'populate unhealthy accounts'
So in the case where an account is new and unhealthy...I'm running into problems. The filter will only evaluate to the first match.
Meaning if the account is new, it will just populate when someone selects populate new account and will not appear when someone selects populate unhealthy accounts.
How can I create a filter that can evaluate to more than one criterion when selected?

If you create the Looker parameter in LookML, you will be limited to single filter values
parameter: healthy_selector {
type: string
default_value: "Very Healthy"
allowed_value: {
label: "Very Healthy"
value: "Very"
allowed_value: {
label: "Average Healthy"
value: "Average"
allowed_value: {
label: "Unhealthy"
value: "Unhealthy"
However if you base the filter on a dimension in Looker, you will be able to change the parameter type to a Multiple Selection control such as a Tag List
Which will allow you to select more than one option at once


MikroORM Create filter query based on a value in the database

Simply put, is it possible to create a filter query where I reference a value stored in the row?
For example:
orm.em.findOne(Job, {
status: 'active',
startDate: {
$gt: '$anotherDateField'
My goal is to have a user-input defined filter (the status), but also only bring back certain rows where the start date is greater than another column's value.
You can use custom SQL fragment
orm.em.findOne(Job, {
status: 'active',
// expr helper allows to escape strict typing of the method, so we can use `em.raw()`
[expr('startDate')]: {
$gt: orm.em.raw('another_date_field') // this will have to be column name, not property name
Note that your em needs to be typed to the one exported from driver package to have access to the em.raw() method (if you work with orm instance, you need to type that to MikroORM<YourDriver> so orm.em can be properly typed).

How to pass parameter to PowerBI Embedded Report

I have a IFrame which shows a PowerBI embedded Report having Accounts Data and I am taking two inputs from user as Start Date and End Date through UI and according to those inputs my Database table is being populated with a unique ID for that selection. Can I pass a parameter to PowerBI Embedded via embedded URL to filter my report based on that input and unique ID for current selection in UI.
No, you can't filter the data using embeddedUrl. You should use filters to achieve that. Let's say you have a table named AccountsData in your model, and a column named DatesId in it. When you embed the report in your application, define a filter for this column, e.g. like this:
const basicFilter = {
$schema: "http://powerbi.com/product/schema#basic",
target: {
table: "AccountsData",
column: "DatesId"
operator: "In",
values: [1],
filterType: models.FilterType.BasicFilter
And then pass this filter in embed configuration details:
var config = {
type: embedType,
accessToken: accessToken,
tokenType: tokenType,
embedUrl: embedUrl,
id: embedId,
dashboardId: dashboardId,
permissions: permissions,
filters: [basicFilter],
settings: {
filterPaneEnabled: true,
navContentPaneEnabled: true
where 1 is the unique ID for that selection. Change it every time, when the report is shown in your application (i.e. 2, 3, 4, etc.).
More information on how to filter data with Power BI Embedded can be found in Filters documentation.

How to bind Dropdown widget to query filter?

I have a Calculated Model, MonthlyTotalsByResource, displayed in a table that I am trying to query with a filter. First, I am retrieving the initial data from a regular Data Model called Allocations. I only wish to retrieve records from Allocations where the "Approved" field =true.
I also want to allow the user to filter MonthlyTotalsByResource by the "ManagerName" field. I have created a Dropdown widget with the Options as the full list of managers, and the Value is a query on the Calculated Model datasource:
Here is the beginning of my code for getting the data for the Calculated Model MonthlyTotalsByResource from the regular data model Allocations, and where I filter for only "true" values in the Approved field. I am unclear what I should make the ManagerName filter set to in order for it to be binded to my Dropdown widget, or if I should add another query on the Calculated Model itself, instead of here on the regular Data Model.
function getMonthlyTotalsByResource_() {
var allRecordsQuery = app.models.Allocations.newQuery();
allRecordsQuery.filters.Approved._equals = true;
allRecordsQuery.filters.Resource.Manager.ManagerName._equals = ;
First things first, you need to introduce ManagerName parameter in your calculated datasource:
Once you add the parameter, you'll be able to set its value on client and read on server.
// dropdown widget's 'value' property binding
// server side code to get parameter value
var query = app.models.Allocations.newQuery();
query.filters.Resource.Manager.ManagerName._equals = query.parameters.ManagerName;

DynamoDB how to Update a Map if an attribute exists, else silently ignore

I have a table called Products, whose Key is a Range : orgzviceid + productid. It has a map attribute called "checkout" and a quantity storing attribute called "prod_stk_qty_i_i".
Say initially, for a product with Product ID 34, total available quantity is 10. As soon as a Cart checkout happens, assuming the Checkout ID is 5, and it has checked 2 quantities out a product id 34, then the product's (for productid 34) "checkout" map entry and "prod_stk_qty_i_i" in DynamoDB would be something like this:
"checkout" : { "5" : 2 },
"prod_stk_qty_i_i" : 8
If another checkout happens for the same product (say 1 quantity), and if that checkout ID is 7, then the checkout ooks like this:
"checkout" : { "5" : 2, "7" : 1 },
"prod_stk_qty_i_i" : 7
If payment is made, the checkout entry is removed, and quantity is increased.
Now, my requirement is to periodically after some timeout (30 minutes), release the Product Quantities which have been checked out, but not released. I do this by
Increasing the Quantity by "checkout."'s value
Removing the checkout. map entry
It is important that this operation not fail even if this operation is attempted multiple times, (idempotent), so its necessary that it only update if the checkout.checkoutID field exists. If not, it should simply ignore.
I tried the following:
"TableName": "Products",
"Key": {
"orgzviceid": {
"N": "3000161710"
"productid": {
"N": "11"
"UpdateExpression": "REMOVE #checkout.#checkoutID SET #prod_stk_qty_i_i = #prod_stk_qty_i_i + #checkout.#checkoutID",
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {
"#checkout": "checkout",
"#checkoutID": "235",
"#prod_stk_qty_i_i": "prod_stk_qty_i_i"
"ConditionExpression": "attribute_exists(#checkout.#checkoutID)",
"ReturnValues": "ALL_NEW"
However, it gives me an error in case the checkout entry is not found for checkout id 235. Note that I've written ConditionExpression to do the update only if attribute "condition.235" exists.
Error Logs:
conditional request failed ..."
So, how do I write a query such that if the map entry exist, then do the above operation, other wise not fail?
Obviously, one bad hack is to first check in a GetItem query if the checkout entry exists for the provided CheckoutID, and then only do this, however, it just does not seem right
I believe your using conditional expressions incorrectly. The point of the conditional is to fail if certain criteria is not met. WHy do you have the conditional at all? Without the conditional it would just execute the update expression and if the item does not exist I would not expect you to get an error. Like querying for an item that does not exist. You should simply get an empty set back. Not an error.
Your approach will not work because you are mixing "Attribute" and "AttributeValue" together in your conditional expression. Let me explain:
"ConditionExpression": "attribute_exists(#checkout.#checkoutID)"
In your table, checkout is an attribute in dynamo db, whereas checkoutID is in no way related to the table schema. So for dynamo DB, checkoutID is part of the attribute's value and not the attribute itself.
Therefore, to having the condition that you do will not work.
A conditional expression for your use case would be something which says attribute checkout exists and it's value is . However, in order to do that, you'd need to pass the expected map which boils down to reading the record before updating.
I do think that reading the record, updating the value and persisting it should be the way to go ahead in this case (and is not necessarily a bad idea)
Do consider using some kind of optimistic locking in this case to prevent against dirty reads and writes.

Grabbing Keys with Firebase

I'm currently creating an app using ionic2 and firebase for a class and I've run into an issue.
I"m not posting code because I don't have anything relevant enough to the question.
In my database I have a 'group' that people can create. I need the 'group' to be able to store a list of users. The way I'm currently doing it is that users will click an addGroup button, and the currentUser will be added to the list of users in that group simply by typing in the name of the group. (yeah i know that's going to need a password or something similar later, people obviously shouldn't just be able to join by group name)
*Names of groups will all be different so I should be able to query the database with that and get a single reference point.
The problem is that I don't know how to properly query the database and get the key value of the group object I want.
I keep looking things up and cant find a simple way to get the key of an object. I feel like this is a dumb question but, I'm unfamiliar with typescript, firebase, and ionic2 so I'm pretty lost in everything.
Answer for the question in comment.
you can query the database like this
let group=db.list('/groups', {
query: {
orderByChild: GroupName, //here specify the name of field in groups
equalTo: this.group_val //here specify the value u want to search
group.subscribe(grp=> {
//you can use the grup object here
First, define your database structure. The below is probably best:
<first group> (Firebase-generated ID)
name: "Cat lovers"
user1ID: true
user2ID: true
<second group>
I assume that when the user clicks on the group he wants to join, you know the group ID. For instance, it could be the value of an option in a select.
Get the list of groups:
groups$ = this.angularFireDatabase.list('groups');
To populate a list of groups into a select:
<option *ngFor="let group of groups$ | async" [value]="group.$key">
To create a new group:
groups$.push({name: "Dog lovers"})
The select (drop-down) will update itself.
To add a user to a group:
addUserToGroup(groupId, userId) {
this.angularFireDatabase.list(`groups/${groupID}/users`).update(userID, true);
To find a group based on its name:
// Define the shape of a group for better type checking.
interface Group { name: string; users: {[userId: string]: boolean;}; }
// Keep local list of groups.
groups$: FirebaseListObservable<Group>;
groups: Group[];
// Keep an updated local copy of groups.
ngOnInit() {
this.angularFireDatabase.list('groups').subscribe(groups => this.groups = groups);
function findGroupByName(name) {
return this.groups.find(group => group.name === name);
