What do these characters mean?(ANSI Code) - ansi

It's the code I'm printing with node:
const m = `[38;5;1;48;5;16m TEST`
It changes the text color.
As you can see `` is a special char I don't understand(It's not being shown by the browser). How does it work?
Is there any alternative for ESC?

As #puucee already mentions they are terminal control characters. I find it surprising that it says ESC[ in the code as that won't be escaped in normal node. I suspect that maybe your IDE is converting the "true" escape character to ESC. Node does not support octal escapes (such as \033), but hexadecimal escapes. That is, you string should usually be like this:
console.log('\x1b[38;5;1;48;5;16m TEST \x1b[0m')

These are terminal control characters. They are often used e.g. for coloring the output. Some are non-printable. Backticks ` in your javascript example are called template literals.


Julia: docstrings and LaTeX

Julia has docstrings capabilities, which are documented here https://docs.julialang.org/en/stable/manual/documentation/. I'm under the impression that it has support for LaTeX code, but I'm not sure if the intention is that the LaTeX code should look like code or like an interpretation. In the following, the LaTeX code is garbled somewhat (see rho, for instance) and not interpreted (rho does not look like ρ). Am I doing something wrong?
Is there a way to get LaTeX code look interpreted?
What I mean by interpreted is something like what they do at https://math.stackexchange.com/.
The documentation says that LaTeX code should be wrapped around double back-quotes and that Greek letters should be typed as ρ rather than \rho. But that rather defeats the point of being able to include LaTeX code, doesn't it?
Note: Version 0.5.2 run in Juno/Atom console.
Module blabla
The objective function is:
``\max \mathbb{E}_0 \int_0^{\infty} e^{-\rho t} F(x_t) dt``
module blabla
If I then execute the module and query I get this:
With triple quotes, the dollar signs disappear, but the formula is printed on a dark background:
EDIT Follow-up to David P. Sanders' suggestion to use the Documenter.jl package.
using Documenter
Module blabla
The objective function is:
$\max \mathbb{E}_0 \int_0^{\infty} e^{-\rho t} F(x_t) dt$
module blabla
Gives the following: the LaTeX code appears to print correctly, but it's not interpreted (ρ is displayed as \rho. I followed suggestions in: https://juliadocs.github.io/Documenter.jl/stable/man/latex.html to
Rendering LaTeX code as actual equations has to be supported by whichever software renders your docstrings. So, the short answer to why you're not seeing any rendered equations in Juno is that LaTeX rendering is currently not supported in Juno (as Matt B. pointed out, there's an open issue for that).
The doc"" string literal / string macro is there to get around another issue. Backslashes and dollar signs normally have a special meaning in string literals -- escape sequences and variable interpolation, respectively (e.g. \n gets replaced by a newline character, $(variable) inserts the value of variable into the string). This, of course, clashes with the ordinary LaTeX commands and delimiters (e.g. \frac, $...$). So, to actually have backslashes and dollar signs in a string you need to escape them all with backslashes, e.g.:
julia> "\$\\frac{x}{y}\$" |> print
Not doing that will either give an error:
julia> "$\frac{x}{y}$" |> print
ERROR: syntax: invalid interpolation syntax: "$\"
or invalid characters in the resulting strings:
julia> "``\e^x``" |> print
Having to escape everything all the time would, of course, be annoying when writing docstrings. So, to get around this, as David pointed out out, you can use the doc string macro / non-standard string literal. In a doc literal all standard escape sequences are ignored, so an unescaped LaTeX string doesn't cause any issues:
julia> doc"$\frac{x}{y}$" |> print
Note: doc also parses the Markdown in the string and actually returns a Base.Markdown.MD object, not a string, which is why the printed string is a bit different from the input.
Finally, you can then use these doc-literals as normal docstrings, but you can then freely use LaTeX syntax without having to worry about escaping everything:
function foo end
This is also documented in Documenter's manual, although it is not actually specific to Documenter.
Double backticks vs dollar signs. The preferred way to mark LaTeX in Julia docstrings or documentation is by using double backticks or ```math blocks, as documented in the manual. Dollar signs are supported for backwards compatibility.
Note: Documenter's manual and the show methods for Markdown objects in Julia should be updated to reflect this.
You can use
This is a "non-standard string literal" used by the Documenter.jl package; see https://docs.julialang.org/en/stable/manual/strings/#non-standard-string-literals.

Why do I see the ASCII symbols in Notepad++?

(I am new with this) I see these weird black text-boxes and, as far as I know, they are ascii symbols, but I don't know how to see it in a "normal" view, if possible. Thanks in advance!
It was a bit hard to follow your link, I included the screenshot in your question. The ESC indicates a non-printable character. In this case it is the Escape character (ASCII 27), which from the screen shot appears to be part of escape sequences to change text color.
Unfortunately, Notepad++ does not have the means to render them as intended. One option is that you select one and find/replace with nothing. If you want to get rid of not only the ESC but also its associated "parameters" you can use this regular expression to find and replace them

convert comment string to an ASCII character list in sicstus-prolog

currently I am working on comparison between SICStus3 and SICStus4 but I got one issue that is SICStus4 will not consult any cases where the comment string has carriage controls or tab characters etc as given below.
Example case as given below.It has 3 arguments with comma delimiter.
answer(amount(2370.09,usd),[[01AUG06SFO UA CHI Q9.30 1085.58FUA2SFS UA SFO Q9.30 1085.58FUA2SFS NUC2189.76END ROE1.0 XT USD 180.33 ZPSFOCHI 164.23US6.60ZP5.00AY XF4.50SFO4.5]],amount(2189.76,usd),amount(2189.76,usd),amount(180.33,usd),[[fua2sfs,fua2sfs]],amount(6.6,usd),amount(4.5,usd),amount(0.0,usd),amount(18.6,usd),lasttktdate([20061002]),lastdateafterres(200712282]),[[fic_ticketinfo(fare(fua2sfs),fic([]),nvb([]),nva([]),tktiss([]),penalty([]),tktendorsement([]),tourinfo([]),infomsgs([])),fic_ticketinfo(fare(fua2sfs),fic([]),nvb([]),nva([]),tktiss([]),penalty([]),tktendorsement([]),tourinfo([]),infomsgs([]))]],<>,<>,cat35(cat35info([])))
02/20/2006 17:05:10 Transaction 35 served by static.static.server1 (usclsefat002:7551) running E*Fare version $Name: build-2006-02-19-1900 $
The below predicate will remove comment section in above case.
flatten-cases :-
M1 = case(Case,_Comment,Entry),!,
M2 = case(Case,Entry),
getmessage(M) :-
M \== end_of_file.
:- flatten-cases.
Now my requirement is to convert the comment string to an ASCII character list.
Layout characters other than a regular space cannot occur literally in a quoted atom or a double quoted list. This is a requirement of the ISO standard and is fully implemented in SICStus since 3.9.0 invoking SICStus 3 with the option --iso. Since SICStus 4 only ISO syntax is supported.
You need to insert \n and \t accordingly. So instead of
yes'). % BAD!
Now write
Or, to make it better readable use a continuation escape sequence:
Note that using literal tabs and literal newlines is highly problematic. On a printout you do not see them! Think of 'A \nB' which would not show the trailing spaces nor trailing tabs.
But there are also many other situations like: Making a screenshot of program text, making a photo of program text, using a 3270 terminal emulator and copying the output. In the past, punched cards. The text-mode when reading files (which was originally motivated by punched cards). Similar arguments hold for the tabulator which comes from typewriters with their manually settable tab stops.
And then on SO it is quite difficult to type in a TAB. The browser refuses to type it (very wisely), and if you copy it in, you get it rendered as spaces.
If I am at it, there is also another problem. The name flatten-case should rather be written flatten_case.

ZSH prompt substitution issues

I've searched through several answers here and through Google, but I'm still not sure what's going wrong with my prompt.
According to the documentation I've read, this should work
setopt prompt_subst
autoload -U colors && colors
PROMPT="%{[00m[38;5;245m%}test %D%{[00m%}"
My prompt is the following, however:
[00m[38;5;245mtest 15-07-01[00m
Note that the date expansion actually worked, so prompt substitution is working. The ZSH man pages for prompt expansion states that %{...%} should be treated as a raw escape code, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Passing that string to print -P also results in the output above. I've found example prompts on the Internet for ZSH that also seem to indicate that the above syntax should work. See this for one example - the $FG and $FX arrays are populated with escape codes and are defined here. I've tried this example directly by merging both the files above, adding setopt prompt_subst to the beginning just to make sure it's set, then sourcing it and the prompt is a mess of escape codes.
The following works
setopt prompt_subst
autoload -U colors && colors
PROMPT=$'%{\e[00m\e[38;5;245m%}test %D%{\e[00m%}'
I get the expected result of test 15-07-01 in the proper color.
I've tested this on ZSH 5.0.5 in OSX Yosimite, 5.0.7 from MacPorts, and 4.3.17 on Debian, with the same results. I know I have provided a valid solution to my own problem here with the working example, but I'm wondering why the first syntax isn't working as it seems it should.
I think this all has to do with the timeless and perennial problem of escaping. It's worth reminding ourselves what escaping means, briefly: an escape character is an indicator to the computer that what follows should not be output literally.
So there are 2 escaping issues with:
PROMPT="%{[00m[38;5;245m%}test %D%{[00m%}"
Firstly, the colour escape sequences (eg; [00m) should all start with the control character like so \e[00m. You may have also seen it written as ^[00m and \003[00m. What I suspect has happened is one of the variations has suffered the common fate of being inadvertently escaped by either the copy/paste of the author or the website's framework stack, whether that be somewhere in a database, HTTP rendering or JS parsing. The control character (ie, ^, \e or \003), as you probably know, does not have a literal representation, say if you press it on the keyboard. That's why a web stack might decide to not display anything if it sees it in a string. So let's correct that now:
PROMPT="%{\e[00m\e[38;5;245m%}test %D%{\e[00m%}"
This actually nicely segues into the next escaping issue. Somewhat comically \e[ is actually a representation of ESC, it is therefore in itself an escape sequence marker that, yes, is in turn escaped by \. It's a riff on the old \\\\\\\\\\ sort of joke. Now, significantly, we must be clear on the difference between the escape expressions for the terminal and the string substitutions of the prompt, in pseudo code:
PROMPT="%{terminal colour stuff%}test %D%{terminal colour stuff%}"
Now what I suspect is happening, though I can't find any documentation to prove it, is that once ZSH has done its substitutions, or indeed during the substitution process, all literal characters, regardless of escape significations, are promoted to real characters¹. To yet further the farce, this promotion is likely done by escaping all the escape characters. For example if you actually want to print '\e' on the command line, you have to do echo "\\\e". So to overcome this issue, we just need to make sure the 'terminal colour stuff' escape sequences get evaluated before being assigned to PROMPT and that can be done simply with the $'' pattern, like so:
PROMPT=$'%{\e[00m\e[38;5;245m%}test %D%{\e[00m%}'
Note that $'' is of the same ilk as $() and ${}, except that its only function is to interpret escape sequences.
[1] My suspicion for this is based on the fact that you can actually do something like the following:
where $(date) serves the same purpose as %D, by printing a live version of the date for every new prompt output to the screen. What this specific examples serves to demonstrate is that the PROMPT variable should really be thought of as storage for a mini script, not a string (though admittedly there is overlap between the 2 concepts and thus stems confusion). Therefore, as a script, the string is first evaluated and then printed. I haven't looked at ZSH's prompt rendering code, but I assume such evaluation would benefit from native use of escape sequences. For example what if you wanted to pass an escape sequence as an argument to a command (a command that gets run for every prompt render) in the prompt? For example the following is functionally identical to the prompt discussed above:
PROMPT='%{$(print "\e[00m\e[38;5;245m")%}test $(date)%{$(print "\e[00m")%}'
The escape sequences are stored literally and only interpreted at the moment of each prompt rendering.

Exclude dash (-) from word separators in vi

vi uses dash and space as word separators.
is there any way to exclude dash from word separators ?
This is required to work with the symbols generated by ctags exe.
when symbol contain a "-" ,vi tags fails to locate that even though symbol is generated properly.
For example
Symbol - EX01-VAR-LOCAL
when using the ctrl+] to search tag for this, vi looks only for EX01 not the complete symbol EX01-VAR-LOCAL
although if used with vi -t EX01-VAR-LOCAL or in command mode :tag EX01-VAR-LOCAL
works fine.
Thanks in advance :)
To unset dash as a word separator you have to set this as a normal character using 'iskeyword' setting.
If you look the default iskeyword content (using ":set all") you may have this:
The dash symbol is 45 in ASCII characters, so you have to set as normal character.
Try this:
set iskeyword=#,45,48-57,_,192-255
FZapp's answer is correct. The only thing I'd like to add is that looking at the content of iskeyword would be easier using :set iskeyword instead of :set all.
