Why do I see the ASCII symbols in Notepad++? - hex

(I am new with this) I see these weird black text-boxes and, as far as I know, they are ascii symbols, but I don't know how to see it in a "normal" view, if possible. Thanks in advance!

It was a bit hard to follow your link, I included the screenshot in your question. The ESC indicates a non-printable character. In this case it is the Escape character (ASCII 27), which from the screen shot appears to be part of escape sequences to change text color.
Unfortunately, Notepad++ does not have the means to render them as intended. One option is that you select one and find/replace with nothing. If you want to get rid of not only the ESC but also its associated "parameters" you can use this regular expression to find and replace them


What do these characters mean?(ANSI Code)

It's the code I'm printing with node:
const m = `[38;5;1;48;5;16m TEST`
It changes the text color.
As you can see `` is a special char I don't understand(It's not being shown by the browser). How does it work?
Is there any alternative for ESC?
As #puucee already mentions they are terminal control characters. I find it surprising that it says ESC[ in the code as that won't be escaped in normal node. I suspect that maybe your IDE is converting the "true" escape character to ESC. Node does not support octal escapes (such as \033), but hexadecimal escapes. That is, you string should usually be like this:
console.log('\x1b[38;5;1;48;5;16m TEST \x1b[0m')
These are terminal control characters. They are often used e.g. for coloring the output. Some are non-printable. Backticks ` in your javascript example are called template literals.

Replace text between brackets and carraige returns in Atom.io

I'm using Atom.io to edit a text transcription of an interview for qualitative analysis.
Here's a sample line:
[30-Aug-19 03:48 PM] Interviewer
See you in 10.
How do I edit it so that it looks like this:
Interviewer: See you in 10.
i.e. remove the text between the square brackets and the square brackets themselves, replace the carriage return with a semi-colon and space.
I have tried looking in the atom manual, tried looking at regex expressions and I can't even begin to get my head round them (not much of a programmer, and not Javascript at all).
You need to use the search & replace with the regex mode
Activate the regex mode, then search for \[.*? Interviewer and replace by Interviewer:, it should do the trick

RegEx for Client-Side Validation of FileUpload

I'm trying to create a RegEx Validator that checks the file extension in the FileUpload input against a list of allowed extensions (which are user specified). The following is as far as I have got, but I'm struggling with the syntax of the backward slash (\) that appears in the file path. Obviously the below is incorrect because it just escapes the (]) which causes an error. I would be really grateful for any help here. There seems to be a lot of examples out there, but none seem to work when I try them.
To include a backslash in a character class, you need to use a specific escape sequence (\b):
Note that this might be a bit confusing, because outside of character classes, \b represents a word boundary. I also assumed, that -s was a typo and should have represented a white space. (otherwise it shouldn't compile, I think)
EDIT: You also need to escape the dots. Otherwise they will be meta character for any character but line breaks.
another EDIT: If you actually DO want to allow hyphens in filenames, you need to put the hyphen at the end of the character class. Like this:
You probably want to use something like
which is same as
because \w = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
Be sure character - to put as very first or very last item in the [...] list, otherwise it has special meaning for range or characters, such as a-z.
Also \ character has to be escaped by another slash, even inside of [...].

Aptana: find and replace tabs (with spaces)

I am belatedly setting up Aptana to use four spaces instead of tabs. I've made the necessary changes to the preferences so every new tab inserts four spaces.
All the existing tabs remain, however, and so I get Mixed spaces and tab errors. How can you do a Replace all to fix this? I've tried ^t, <TAB> etc but it just searches for these as normal strings. What are the correct ways to specify a space and a tab?
I've found myself in similar situation and copying whole source code and repasting it helped me out. Just do as follow on your source code Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, then Del whole code and Ctrl+V it again. You will get only spaces if have set it in options like you mentioned above.
There's an option in the refactor source menu to convert between tabs and space-tabs.
This worked for me: Edit > Find/Replace... (CTRL+F), check Regular Expressions, type \t and type 4 spaces (I use 4 spaces for tab).

What is the best invisible character can I use to replace ?

I use some telerik report to print some report.
I need to use Telerik.Reporting.TextBox to print labels.
Some labels are stock in .txt files, like " Apple".
When I see a label with spaces, it means I have to indent it in the report, so in the TextBox.
The thing is when we export the report in pdf, we have the indentation, but not when we see in the browser. If I replace the spaces by "& nbsp;", we see the indentation in the browser, but when exporting to pdf, we see the "& nbsp;".
One way to do this is to use HtmlTextBox, so both the browser and the export works fine, but we have other constraints that says we must keep the TextBox.
My idea is to replace the spaces by a blank character, an invisble one, like alt+0160, but there is a lot of choice, and I want the one that will work in any browser, any export (TIFF, PDF, Excel...).
Is someone have a good clue about this choice ?
You could use Unicode code point U+00A0 (non-breaking space), which is what the entity represents. How this should be encoded in your document depends on the character set in use.
You can replace the with ""
