Send File metadata with FileTransfer API with Mesibo - mesibo

I'm sending a file to another person with Mesibo File Transfer API (using MesiboFileInfo) with the iOS and Android.
I would like to also send some metadata with this file. For example a JSON with some custom properties or something else that I need for my data flow.
From what I see from the docs, I can't find any property in MesiboFileInfo specifically built for this purpose or am I missing something? How should I proceed?


Autosuggest: Inconsistency in REST and native SDKs

We are using autosuggest feature on iOS and Android, and we want to show full address for places found during request.
It is not very good solution to make additional request for every found place to get an address.
When using REST API I can add property show=details to get address in response. For example,0.1278&limit=5&q=Wind&show=details
But I haven't found such possibility on native SDKs.
Is it possible to add address to autosuggest query results with native SDKs? Or should I use other API?
In the iOS and Android SDKs the place details must be fetched in an additional request.
Represents an AutoSuggestPlace which contains information about a suggested Place.
Note: detailed Place information is retrieved by way of the PlaceRequest returned from a call to the AutoSuggestPlace.getPlaceDetailsRequest() method.

How to create multiple devices automatically in Thingsboard and post telemetry data using HTTP Api

I'm using ThingsBoard to publish some data and I want to create multiple devices automatically using thingsBoard Rest client API and send JSON data (stored in a JSON file) to each one of them, I’m also writing a JAVA program to so but I was using only one device to send the data by copying the Access Token of the device so it can receive the data, however I don’t know how to do that if I have many devices to get the Access token automatically from each device.
I’ve been trying for a while to look for a simple method to do so but I’m a bit lost here.
Does anyone have an idea how can I do that.
Have a look at the ThingsBoard administration API described in this swagger
A few end-points will help you achieve what you need:
for devices already created manually, you can retrieve their credentials using
GET /api/device/{deviceId}/credentials
for devices without credentials, you can create some using
POST /api/device/credentials
Since you're working in the context of a Java application, I assume you already have a REST client with authentication to perform these calls.
What you can do is use GET /api/tenant/assets?type=telemetry&pageSize=10000&page=0
This will get all the devices of type telemetry, and then you can fetch the part where the token is. That request will return a list.

Where are Firebase CustomClaims stored

I've searched around and have come up blank. I can't figure out where OAuth2 claims are actually stored in Firebase. I refer here to the claims that I can set via SetCustomUserClaimsAsync and get (through the returned user) via GetUserAsync. I guess I was imagining being able to manage that data via some browser page, as well as via code, but perhaps by design this is not possible?
Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Custom claims currently don't have a UI in the Firebase console. Feel free to file a feature request for that. Right now, you will have to write code to find the contents using the APIs you already mentioned.

DotNetOpenAuth OAuth2 Linked-In Example

I am using DotNetOpenAuth and upgrading from OAuth to OAuth2 accessing's API.
Linked-In has changed where you pass parameters like scope - it moved it to the first call when requesting the access token. Does anyone have any sample calling and setup code? Specifically, what values do you set for AccessTokenEndpoint, RequestTokenEndpoint, UserAuthorizationEndpoint, TamperProtectionElements and ProtocolVersion? Also where to set the Linked-In API Key and Secret Key? Thanks for your help.
This isn't exactly an answer but you'll find a FaceBook sample using OAuth2.
Download the DotNetOpenAuth Binaries zip file.
Open \DotNetOpenAuth-\Samples\Samples.sln.
Open the OAuth2\OAuthClient project and look at Facebook.aspx.cs
Open the DotNetOpenAuth.ApplicationBlock project and look at \Facebook\FacebookClient.cs.

Export firebase

I was wondering if it is possible to export firebase data (perhaps as a JSON object) in frequent "cycles". The main reason I'm asking this is because I would like to capture the data at specific points of time in order to perform a range of analytics upon them / identify specific patterns. I'm interested in any operations / methods that are part of the Firebase API - maybe some kind of web hook, or other workarounds that would enable me to do this!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I could not find anything on the web / docs (maybe I've over read it?).
Firebase has a full-featured REST API, so the simplest thing to do is just poll the REST API on a regular basis. REST API docs are here:
You can also get full access to your Firebase data using the Node.js client. This allows you to attach callbacks to your data and act on changes immediately when they occur from your own server:
Firebase now provides private backup option. For more information checkout private backup for Firebase data.
You can export firebase data in Json object, just make a curl request like below:
curl ''
in linux terminal and you get all your child structure
