How I can customize icon for directory in navpane? - devexpress

I'm starting learning devextreme and I have question.
How I can costomize icon of directory in 'navpane'? Not in area with files


I have a question about the 'resources' folder for applying css to the spring mvc project in intellij

I want to apply Bootstrap's css file when creating spring mvc project in intellij, but I have a question.
In the Project Structure, the path is set to src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\web.xml, and the resources file was created and css files were inserted, as in eclipse, but the css file was inserted under webapp/resources.
However, if you don't put the same css file under the WEB-INF/views/resources, the line will be drawn with a highlighter as shown in the picture, but I wonder if this is an error or not.
Thank you!

R shiny library icons not working

My shiny app was working well with icpns eg calendar icon displaying till I decided to update the font-awesome folder.I read online that you can download and replace rhe folder to get the latest fonts.I did this and now no icon is working or showing after including them in my dashboard code.How can I get them to work again?
Thanks Mark.
Actually I had overwritten the original fontt-awesome folder.But I got a work around.I searched for a font-awesome folder in the HTML directory of Rstudio and copy pasted this into the www folder of the shiny directory.My icons now work.

Customise QPushButton with an image

I am using Qt5 and having some problems in setting the back ground image of a QPushButton. I am using Qt Creator and Design to drag and drop the QPushButton. After that I created a source folder and placed an image in that directory and I googled and tried doing
ui->pushButton_play->setStyleSheet(QString::fromUtf8("background-image: url(:/source/play.png);"));
but no I creating the folder in a wrong place?..I created in D:\Qt5_PROJECT_NAME\source or will I make the url(:\\source\\play.png). Nothing is working...please help...
Did you add the images file into .qrc file? A URL start with : has indicated that It will be searched in .qrc file. If .qrc file didn't used, URL should not start with :. Maybe you should access the image file as
ui->pushButton_play->setStyleSheet(QString::fromUtf8("background-image: url(source/play.png);"));
This is The Qt Resource System documentation.

Updating CSS stylesheet without recompiling the JavaFX 2 project

Here link
I found that "Skinning your UI with JavaFX CSS enables you to change the UI shown in Figure 1 to the UI shown in Figure 2 just by changing the style sheet used.", but after compiling my project I cannot find any css files in dist folder.
So my question: is it possible to change style without recompiling app and how can it be done?
There are next options:
Put css files on web server and use links like:
Explain to designers how to update css files using any archive manager or jar utility from jdk:
jar uf FXApp.jar style.css

XCode4 - Change the icon of the program

I have written a program on XCode4, how can I change the icon of the program?
Refer to the screen capture below:
Also, what is the size for the icon?
You put icon file into Resources folder, and then open .plist file (also in resouces folder). Set icon file name in properties list.
