how to run the test using the right browser and device? - automated-tests

I need to assign specific browsers and devices to multiple tests. How to indicate this in the test?
Chromium Android, Pixel 5 device
WebKit Desktop for Mac
And won't there be a conflict with the fact that I already have settings in the configuration file, but they are much wider than what is needed for these tests?
import { test, expect, Page } from '#playwright/test';
import { regisClientChatWeb } from '../baseStep/registration/regisClientChat';
import { stepToPaymentSelectHideAnswer } from '../baseStep/pay/paySettingsUserChat';
import { billingMobTenkoffPageUserChat } from '../baseStep/pay/billingUserChat';
test('Mob Simple answer with a guarantee of an answer for payment', async ({ page }) => {
await regisClientChatWeb(page);
const selectGarantConsultation = page.locator('text=***');
await selectGarantConsultation.waitFor();
await page.locator('text=****').click();
await stepToPaymentSelectHideAnswer(page);
await billingMobTenkoffPageUserChat(page);
const leadCart = page.locator('text=***');
await leadCart.waitFor();
await page.locator('text=****').click();
await page.screenshot({ path: + 'newAnswer1.png', fullPage: true});
// await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot();
Thank you for your help

If I’m understanding correctly from your question and comment, you just need certain tests to only run for a subset of 3 mobile browsers out of the 6 total you configured.
If that’s accurate, I actually just listed some different ways to conditionally skip tests in an answer to another similar question, so linked that for more details. You mentioned you were looking for a skip within a file approach, so here’s a possible solution for a whole file or describe block:
test.skip(({ isMobile }) => !isMobile);
Or you could always skip within a single test/beforeEach.
Hope that helps!


Reload page says that the page does not exist netlify

I have a website which contains kind of blog pages where people can post issues and other people can comment on them.
But when i go to an issue route it gets the data from firebase when the route is the same as the saved slug in the database (not a really good way to do it like this). The data is displayed to the browser but there is one major issue if you reload the page netlify says the page could not be found.
I am loading the data from mounted() lifecycle it might be better to do this on asyncdata()
Here is my code:
mounted() {
self = this;
const issues = firebase.database().ref('Issues/')
issues.once('value', function(snapshot){
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
const data = childSnapshot.exportVal()
if(self.$nuxt.$route.path == "/Issues/"+data.Slug || self.$nuxt.$route.path == "/issues/"+data.Slug ) {
self.user = data.User
self.profielfoto = data.Profielfoto
self.Slug = data.Slug
const reacties = firebase.database().ref('/Reacties')
reacties.once('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
const data = childSnapshot.exportVal()
if(self.$nuxt.$route.path == '/Issues/'+data.Slug || self.$nuxt.$route.path == '/issues/'+data.Slug) {
When i test it local it doesn't give me the page not found error. Is there any way of fixing this issue?
Here is where it does not work:
For something like this where you are enabling users to create new pages and to have lots of user-generated content that is frequently update, you'd be well-served to look into server-side rendering.
I'd suggest, if you want to do that, you should migrate over to Nuxt as it makes things like this much easier.
However, there are quite a few caveats with going SSR - notably you'll need to run and manage a server.
If you don't want to look into SSR, you could use dynamic routes as shown here
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
// dynamic segments start with a colon
{ path: '/issue/:id', component: Issue }
You could then have the Issue component display a skeleton loader or another loading indicator while the content is fetching.

How do I use cordova firebase.dynamiclinks plugin in Ionic 4?

I want to use Cordova Firebase Dynamiclinks plugin : in my Ionic 4 App.
There is an Ionic-native-plugin usage for this too : npm install #ionic-native/firebase-dynamic-links and usage :
import { FirebaseDynamicLinks } from '#ionic-native/firebase-dynamic-links/ngx';
constructor(private firebaseDynamicLinks: FirebaseDynamicLinks) { }
.subscribe((res: any) => console.log(res), (error:any) => console.log(error));
Issue is : I want to use createDynamicLink(parameters) method available in Cordova Firebase Dynamiclinks plugin but Ionic-native-plugin says
Property 'createDynamicLink' does not exist on type 'FirebaseDynamicLinks'.
Therefore, I need to use Cordova Firebase Dynamiclinks directly and I tried doing using it like
import { cordova } from '#ionic-native/core';
link: ""
}).then(function(url) {
console.log("Dynamic link was created:", url);
But got error
Property 'plugins' does not exist on type '(pluginObj: any, methodName: string, config: CordovaOptions, args: IArguments | any[]) => any'.
Also tried removing import
link: ""
}).then(function(url) {
console.log("Dynamic link was created:", url);
And got this
Property 'firebase' does not exist on type 'CordovaPlugins'.
What is the correct usage of cordova plugins?
Ionic-native-plugin now contains all the methods available in Cordova Firebase Dynamiclinks plugin.
I believe this is more fitting of a comment, but I don't quite have the reputation for it yet.
Currently, there is a PR open in the #ionic-team/ionic-native repo (here). This exposes the extra methods, but until then you can use the original repo here to get your desired effect. In order to install the repo you will have to follow the directions in the Developer guide here. Cheers!
I have developed an ionic 5 app that uses Firebase Dynamic Links and it works great but it took some effort. I watched videos to understand how Firebase Dynamic Links work but there is certainly much that is not shown.
To answer the original question you can always manually create a dynamic link which is what I do in our solution. We created a dynamic link that would help users onboard (register an account). Our dynamic link has custom onboardingId which originates from the backend process and the link is presented to the user via SMS text message.
This is in app.component.ts constructor
Here is some code that happens when the user clicks the dynamic link:
// Handle the logic here after opening the app (app is already installed) with the Dynamic link
this.firebaseDynamicLinks.onDynamicLink().subscribe((res: any) => {
console.log('app was opened with dynamic link');
/* This only fires on subsequent calls and not on app start 20220208 STR
console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); //"{"deepLink":"https://localhost/onboard?onboardingId=8ed634b0-53b7-4a0f-b67e-12c06019982a","clickTimestamp":1643908387670,"minimumAppVersion":0}"
var dynamicLink = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res));
var deepLink = dynamicLink.deepLink;
if (deepLink.indexOf("onboard")>=0){
this.isOnboarding = true;
alert("deepLink ="+ deepLink);
}, (error:any) => {
I originally thought that Firebase handles all of the magic if the user doesn't have the app installed. I was wrong! You MUST also handle the code to pickup the dynamic link after the app is installed.
The code below will read the dynamic link from the clipboard and survives the app install process. Placed in app.component.ts ngOnInit().
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
this.firebaseDynamicLinks.getDynamicLink().then((data) => {
//added 20220208 STR try to help open the deep link if app is just installed
if (data != null) {
var dynamicLink = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
var deepLink = dynamicLink.deepLink;
if (deepLink != "") {
if (deepLink.indexOf("onboard")>=0){
this.isOnboarding = true;
So to handle dynamic links after you have the Firebase plugin installed, you must have two sections of code; one for handling if the app is already installed and another for handling the dynamic link if the app is not installed.

Cypress - How can I run test files in order

When I press the "run all specs" button or use the run command that runs all files in Cypress it runs all test files alphabetically, so I don't want that.
I want to sort all of them with my own rules.
Let's say I have 3 steps in a chat app test.
Can connect the chat app
Can connect the chat
Can the user send a message
I want to test every step without being tied to each other.
What I mean, Testing one of their own function.
What I do is as follows
describe('Server Connecting Test', () => {
it('Visit Server page', () => {
it('Check welcome messages', () => {
cy.contains('Live Support');
cy.contains('Hello, Stranger');
it('Check URL and status of circle', () => {
// URL
.should('include', '/hello');
// Status Circle
.should('have.class', 'positive');
import './chat_app_connect.spec.js';
describe('Chat Connecting Test', () => {
it('Type customer name', () => {
.type('E2E Test');
it('Click to the submit button', () => {
it('Check URL and status of circle', () => {
// URL
.should('equal', '');
// Status Circle
cy.get('circle', { timeout: 5000 })
.should('have.class', 'positive');
import './chat_connect.spec.js';
describe('Chatting Tests', () => {
it('Type a test message then press Enter and check the message if it sent', () => {
// Type
.type('Hey I\'m a test message{enter}');
// Check the message
.should('contain', 'Hey I\'m a test message');
as you see every test is tied to each other, and that is mean when I tried to test just catting functionality its call every test and the whole tests will be tested.
I don't know if it is the right way or not.
what should I do in this case or can it be an acceptable way
I have a particular case where I launch multiple instances of an app, rather than using fixtures or test data, I simply integrate user feedback as Cypress tests from login on forwards.
In any case, I used the specPattern config in cypress.json to set the spec file run order:
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:5000",
"specPattern": [
No file numbering needed :D
The easiest solution is most likely to add a prefix to all your test files, such as:
Cypress is going to take those files in alphabetical order, which you can "trick" into your wanted behavior by using a number as a prefix.
Jean Lescure's answer was a lifesaver. We needed to run tests based on priority without having a bunch of duplicated tests or symlinks. The following worked for us in our default cypress config file:
"testFiles": [
To change the level of priority we used 3 configs files that were loaded using the cypress --configFile argument. To run the higher priority tests (smoke tests only) we used the following:
"testFiles": [
Cypress does not intentionally let you do this, and for good reasons:
It's generally indicative of poor test design. Tests should not depend on the state of one another. Any test should be able to be run successfully in isolation from the rest of the test suite.
You'll never be able to take advantage of cypress' built in ability to run tests in parallel since you can't guarantee one spec will be ran after another
Here is a relevant discussion about this that gets into more detail:
However, if you decide to do this anyway, you can do it by prefixing the name of the specs with a number:
In addition to #Brendan answer, if you have a nested folder structure, this approach will work as well.
- 01-some-spec.js

Disable web security in Cypress just for one test

After reading the Cypress documentation on web security and when to disable it, I've decided I indeed need to do it. Is there a way to disable this just for one particular test/test suite? I'm using version 3.4.1 and this config is being set in cypress.json - therefore it's global for all tests.
Is there a way to disable web security just for one test? Thanks!
Original answer:
Does this work for you?
describe("test the config json", function () {
it("use web security false here", function () {
it("use web security true here", function () {
The config is changed as you can see from the console log.
See document here
After I saw DurkoMatKo's comment I managed to find an URL to test this 'chromeWebSecurity' option. It did not work as expected.
I think changing this config might not work during running the same browser as this is more like a browser feature which will determine when start.
In this case what I can think of is only to run Cypress with different configurations.
The cypress doc here shows clear steps to do this.
hope this helps.
In my case it worked as follows.
the first thing was to set chromeWebSecurity to false
"chromeWebSecurity": false
Then what I do is with a before assign it to true with Cypress.config
context('DEMO-01', () => {
beforeEach(function () {
Cypress.config('chromeWebSecurity', true);
describe('CP001 - start dasboard', () => {
it('P01: open dashboard', () => {

How to get access to native Firebase object when using angularfire2?

I'm using AngularFire2 (2.0.0-beta.2) incombination with angular2 (2.0.0-rc.4). I'd like to get access to the native firebase object (not the AngularFire root object) from Angularfire2.
Within my component, I want to make calls like:
where firebase is the native firebase object, like that you get from the fragment below:
<script src=""></script>
// Initialize Firebase
// TODO: Replace with your project's customized code snippet
var config = {
apiKey: "apiKey",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
storageBucket: "",
But I don't understand how to setup my angular2 component so that the firebase object is visible within it. Probably a very simple problem to solve, but I don't know how to solve -- I'm not an angular2 expert. I was hoping there would be and AngularFire api to get the object, but there is not.
Also, the reason that I'm trying to do this is that I don't think the angularfire2 api's are complete yet (thats understandable as its still in beta) and I'm trying to work around this. For example I want to update the users email address or password, or send them the forgotten password email. None of this functionality seems to exist yet in AngularFire2, so I'm trying to implement using the native Firebase object.
If you're reading this in September 2016 onwards, this approach might sound good to you.
See the code for superior understanding:
import { Component, Inject } from '#angular/core';
import { AngularFire, FirebaseApp } from 'angularfire2';
templateUrl: 'app/auth/resetpassword.component.html'
export class ResetpassComponent {
public auth: any;
constructor(private af: AngularFire, #Inject(FirebaseApp) firebaseApp: any) {
this.auth = firebaseApp.auth()
// = '';
onSubmit(formData) {
if(formData.valid) {
console.log('Sending email verification');
.then( (response) => {
console.log('Sent successfully');
.catch( (error) => {
In English:
Import Inject and FirebaseApp
Make available in your component
Start using all the native javascript SDK functions and methods, such as sendPasswordResetEmail()
Doing a auth. doesn't autocomplete with the available methods and functions, so you might need the docs close to you, such as this:
Any thanks? Give to #cartant :
I'm going to try and answer my own question. Let me first say that I'm sure my answer is not the most elegant solution, I'm not yet a javascript/typescript/angular expert. But my answer does work -- even if I don't completely understand.
I used angular-cli to setup my project which is based on angular2 and the latest firebase. Apparently when you use this to setup your project there is a global object created with the name "firebase" in existence. One way to make it visible within your angular 2 component is to put this declaration at the global level in you component (right after the import statements and before your class declaration).
declare var firebase : any;
After you do this the global firebase object is available for use in your component.
RanchoSoftware's solution did not work for me, i used
import {AngularFireModule} from "angularfire2";
import *as firebase from 'firebase';
within the imports in the app.module.ts file
found here:
