Removed Images showing Server 404 instead of website 404 wordpress - wordpress

My website had an image /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/abc.jpg.webp
I deleted the image now it's showing a blank page with text
"404 Not Found
I have installed the 404 to 301 plugin, it is supposed to redirect to the homepage. all other redirects are working fine but for images and attachments, it's not working. the white page that appears is not from my theme. please check this image

Redirecting 404 pages to homepage is an SEO anti-pattern:
Instead of redirecting 404s to homepage, try to create a 404 page with a better design. Since you're using WordPress, there should be a bunch of plugins and themes that let you do that.
(BTW, if you really want to do that, try looking up your plugin settings or simply switch to another "404 to 301" or redirect manager plugin that support file/image redirects)


How to fix these 404 errors in WordPress?

So, I've been looking for a way to sort out these 404 errors on a WordPress site. This log is compiled using the Redirection plugin for WP. Anyway, how would you go about sorting out these 404 errors? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
So, these mostly appear to be bots scraping the site (atleast it appears that way from the User Agent Info.) Where are they getting these URL's?
What you can do you can redirect these links to the home page best way to make it SEO friendly there are so many ways you can archive this by adding code in htaccess or this plugin can be most useful in this issue:
All 404 Redirect to Homepage
Redirect 404 Error Page to Homepage or Custom Page with Logs

Wordpress website get redirect error

My website is
Sometimes redirect to this link
or this link
I don't know the reason why.

How to redirect a custom link to a 404 page?

In wordpress, I have plugin links that I don't want anyone accessing, therefore I want to redirect them to a 404 template that is in my child theme template, I searched and couldn't find anything related.
Let's say the links are:
The default response for the first link works fine, however altering these links as shown above would return a disclosure error that disclose file paths or info
You could use a simple 301 redirect in your .htaccess file
Redirect 301 /oldfolder/page2.html /folder3/page7.html
or there are many plugins (paid and free) that accomplish this for you through a pleasant GUI.

changing permalink causes 404 on visiting blog in wordpress

I am changing permalink structure from
by going in settings>permalinks>change URL structure.
And on visiting to blog then it redirects me to 404 error page.
Please suggest how to achieve this
You can use SEO Redirection for the url's you have changed. You can use the plugin

click anywhere in wordpress site it redirect me to wrong url

In my wordpress site on load of site when i click on any where in the page it redirect me to wrong url
seems this script included in your code.
remove this script and try.
