changing permalink causes 404 on visiting blog in wordpress - wordpress

I am changing permalink structure from
by going in settings>permalinks>change URL structure.
And on visiting to blog then it redirects me to 404 error page.
Please suggest how to achieve this

You can use SEO Redirection for the url's you have changed. You can use the plugin


How to fix these 404 errors in WordPress?

So, I've been looking for a way to sort out these 404 errors on a WordPress site. This log is compiled using the Redirection plugin for WP. Anyway, how would you go about sorting out these 404 errors? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
So, these mostly appear to be bots scraping the site (atleast it appears that way from the User Agent Info.) Where are they getting these URL's?
What you can do you can redirect these links to the home page best way to make it SEO friendly there are so many ways you can archive this by adding code in htaccess or this plugin can be most useful in this issue:
All 404 Redirect to Homepage
Redirect 404 Error Page to Homepage or Custom Page with Logs

Redirect /123/POST to just /POST in wordpress using .htaccess Rewrite Rules

I have a website running wordpress with some good amount of posts.
For a specific reason, i setup my wordpress permalinks structure to /%post_id%/%postname%/
Now i want change my permalink structure to /%postname%/ for supporting a plugin Category Subdomain Pro
When i change the change the permalink structure, new links are working but i am getting a 404 error for old urls.
So, i am thinking about redirecting old urls to new urls.
If you know anything about this, please share something and help me resolve this issue.
Sorry for delay, Check this out... Before # BEGIN WordPress in .htaccess file put this code...
Redirect 301 /post_id/postname/
just replace post_id,postname to your website posts id and post name. Replace with your website name and postname with your postname.
replace for every single post
or you can use plugin Redirection

My 404 page in wordpress not show

my 404 page in my site in Wordpress not show when user type a incorrect address and show a page with widget and other thing.
i use a custom permalink %postname% before this change 404 work correctly but after change my permalink not work.
can any one help me wordpress doc cant help me.
sorry for my bad english
I change my permalink to %postname%.html and 404 page work correct

Permalink Redirect from /%postname%/ to /%postname%.html in Wordpress Hosted Blog

I've just changed my permalinks from /%postname%/ to /%postname%.html
So, links which are in /%postname%/ are showing 404 error.
I want to redirect those links to /%postname%.html in order to avoid 404 error page.
Changing the permalink settings with extension will effect only in posts, not in pages. In many instances like this I always use this plugin, it is a short plugin and editable, you can change the extension (.html) to many other like: .asp, .shtml, etc.
But please note: if you do an edit to your permalink setting please deactivate the plugin and activated it again when your done. Because if you change the permalink setting and didn't deactivate and activate this plugin all the page will appear as not found.
You can see the plugin stats to see how many people used the plugin.

Changing WordPress URL structure - Redirects

I'm changing my URL structure from to
What's the best way to redirect? I tried using the Redirection plugin, but it seems that I need to redirect each URL manually. Is there any way to redirect all the posts at once?
Go to the wp-admin's dashboard using Then look for the Settings-->Permalinks option. From this page you can change the URL settings for all of your posts.
Here are some instructions on how to redirect your sites url.
Changing the site url
Back up your site first if you still can? When I changed to pretty permalinks I had to include a forward slash to custom field images.
from: wp-content/uploads/2012/08/tulip-813-01.jpg
to: /wp-content/uploads/2012/08/tulip-813-01.jpg
