Why are my source code generators being flagged as ignored - .net-core

I've tried to figure this out for a few days now but my SG generators in VS2022 have started showing a red circle next to them, only I'm getting this but having uninstalled VS, .Net, Caches and even reset my user profile it still shows as "ignored"
VS tooltip says "ignored"


Incorrect Ikonli icons displayed

I am having problems using the Ikonli icon packs. I am creating FontIcon objects and then using those to set the graphics on buttons. Icons taken from the FontAwesome5 pack work great. Icons taken from the Material2 pack seem to shift somehow - for example, I try to get mdal-6_ft_apart but what actually gets displayed is mdal-loyalty. And no matter which Icon I load from MaterialDesign2, all I see is an empty box.
I'm running this through Eclipse, and everything looks fine when stepping through with the debugger. This is the value of the button graphic:
ObjectProperty [bean: mdal-6_ft_apart:15:0xffffffff, name: iconCode, value: MDAL_6_FT_APART]
and yet, on the screen, it's something completely different.
This is a Maven project using OpenJDK 16 and JavaFX 16. I've tried loading just a single icon pack instead of all 3, but no difference. Also, there are never any errors retrieving the icons. The ServiceProviders are all found, and the icons are available.
I made a small Hello World program and everything runs fine, so it's definitely an issue with my program and not the library. But I have no idea what the problem is, and I've been staring at this for almost 2 hours. Has anyone come across this before? I'd appreciate any help, because I'm out of ideas.
Answering this myself in case it saves someone else some time. I was installing the Ikonli library in order to replace the FontAwesomeFX library that is no longer available. I had gotten partway through replacing the icons when I ran the app in order to check the progress, and that's when I saw the errors.
The problem turned out to be an interference between the two libraries - FontAwesomeFX was throwing of Ikonli. The icon shift didn't actually occur until the code displayed a FontAwesomeFX icon, which made it seem a little random depending on the order I would open the dialogs when testing. I'm assuming an issue with the Service Handlers, though I'm not positive because I stopped troubleshooting once I realized the problem and just finished the replacement.
Once I stopped displaying FontAwesomeFX icons and the dependency was removed, Ikonli worked fine.

Bug with fIrebase database web viewer [duplicate]

When I try to delete or edit a node in my realtime database, I always get the info that I have to select a key with lesser elements to change something, else it is in read-only modus.
But when I click a low level node, nothing happens. So I actually can change nothing in my DB from console :(
A week ago I didn't see this warning and everything works great!
Any idea how I can get back to working version?
I also think the german translation is not very good, because it tells me that I should activate another mode. In English it says, that the mode got activated.
You're mixing three things here:
Your database console switched to read-only mode, which happens when you have a certain amount of data under it.
The warning is badly translated. Please file a bug report for that.
The database console doesn't handle clicks correctly anymore. I already reported that internally last week, and added your report to it. This bug has been fixed internally and will go into production by May 23.
Update 5/24/17:
Problem resolved. Works now.
It seems the ability to click on a child node and promote it to be the top element of the tree is broken. Doesn't work for me either, even on a small database that is not in Read-only & non-realtime mode. I'm almost sure it was working a day or two ago.
I'm seeing the failure when using Chrome. Just tried Internet Explorer. Its works there.

Section Lines Disappearing Graphical Issue

I am having a display issue with Infopath. My section lines and section text disappear in the form designer. The lines are initially there but then disappear after I click a few times and scroll. They still exist and can be clicked but I cannot seem them. I am not sure right now what exactly is causing them to disappear.
I am able to get them back again by switching views. This problem occurs both with infopath 2010, and 2007. It also happens to different forms. So it appears to be some sort of display issue. I have not noticed display issue's in any other programs.
I think the likely cause is because I recently formatted my computer, swapped graphics cards for the same model number but what looks like a newer revision because the fan failed on the last card. My specs may be relevant: I am using an AMD FirePro V4900, latest driver 13.352.1009 as of posting. 3 Monitor setup. Windows 7 x64.
Has anyone else run into this and found a fix?

Flex - invisible text until mouse pointer moves outside textInput

We have an application running flex sdk 4.5 and have recently encountered an issue with textInput fields which we have not been able to reproduce on our end for the better part of a month now.
Here are the symptoms:
Users opens an input form which contains several input fields (combo boxes, calendars, text inputs, etc)
User clicks inside a text field
Users types (obviously!)
** Nothing appears in the text input - we have validators on some of these fields and they do kick in properly (ie. user sees red box around textInput disappearing)
User moves cursor outside of text input field and text appears
Give or take, this is the test case we've been provided. We have been unable to reproduce this and I'm reaching out to see if anybody has heard of issues like this in the past.
They are running our flex application in the following environment:
Windows XP SP3
IE 7.0.5730.13 (locale = en-gb)
Flash Player
Upgrading either of these components is not an option. Installing the flash player debugger is not an option either.
Now we've setup a pc exactly the same way as they have on their end and still haven't reproduced. So we're really stuck at this point :)
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. I'll provide any additional info needed.
Feb. 2nd 2012 - Update
As I noted in my comment reply to shaun, it seems our customer was more or less precise in their description of the issue. We ran a webex session with them this morning and actually saw the issues first hand.
Here's what happens:
- User loads our application via its url
- User is able to input data and pretty much do any function for a 'random' time period
- All of a sudden, the issues start (there are more symptoms than just the one I originally mentioned):
1. Users type in text input fields and they won't see the text appear until they move the cursor out of / into any other component (could be entering an hbox, exiting a text input field, etc)
2. Combo boxes behave more or less the same. They can drop them down, but then the mouse wheel no longer refreshes the list. It actually scrolls in the background, but until the user moves the mouse, the list does not refresh
3. We also communicate between the server and client via an amf channel. The events make it to the client, but again, they won't see the screen refresh until they move their cursor.
So basically, the application still seems to work, but the screen is no longer refreshing. Could it be something to do with an invalidate / update of the display list that doesn't kick in? We'd like to get them to install the debugger version of FP, but that doesn't seem to be an option.
Another thing to keep in mind: they have a VERY bad internet connection. They average around 1-1.5mbps (megabits) which is enough for our app, but I just thought I'd let you know.
We learned that they also use a Citrix presentation layer to deploy IE 7 to the end users. We've received confirmation from the end user that even if they launch IE on their workstation (not through citrix), they get the issue also.
Another note is that we've seen no errors in our web server, jboss or application logs...
So that's the update I've got... anyone have more thoughts on this? We've more or less discarded the fonts being an issue at this point since the issue affects more than just 'fonts'. Is everything on the screen not updating anymore.

Strange Error in Xcode 4 that persisted across different versions of the same file

I want to preface this question by admitting that I'm still very much a novice, to Xcode 4 and to development in general. But I find I learn the most when I've made mistakes and been able to discover ways to correct my errors.
So I was mucking about in Xcode, following an example in the book I've been studying, in this case trying to determine why the keyboard wouldn't hide when I touched outside a text field. In the process of experimentation, I tried adding an Outlet to the top level View of a View Controller, dragging into the Header file to automagically create it. I knew almost at once this wasn't what I wanted, and I deleted the reference in Interface Builder, and the code it had added to the other files.
And when I did run the program, it threw an exception. Being new to this, I didn't think to check the log files, and when I couldn't work out what the error was, I restored an earlier version of the project from Time Machine, and tried again -- same result. I restored an even earlier version and tried again -- and got the same error!
When I finally did have the good sense to look at the log file, I noticed the reference to the name of the Outlet I had added, but removed! But these were older versions of the code, before I'd even made that change.
I made a thorough search of the code, and my NIB file, looking for any reference to the deleted Outlet. I couldn't find anything.
I eventually replaced the NIB file with a version from the tutorial from the book I was following (it was identical, and easier than rebuilding it from the bottom up), and all was well, everything ran just fine. But now I'm left wondering -- what could I have done to make this error so persistent, across different versions of the file? I'm already kinda uncertain about the way Xcode 4 will automagically add code under certain circumstances (that's probably more dangerous than useful for the novice), and I wonder if this is a bug in Xcode 4, or if I inadvertently tripped over a useful feature.
Xcode loves to play tricks on you. I've several times gotten an XIB mysteriously hosed up to the point where I had to delete it and start over. No matter what I'd do to the XIB some elements wouldn't display correctly (or at all).
In a recent case I had an XIB with a label with the text "Start date:". I changed that label text to "Treatment date:", but it still kept coming out "Start date:". I opened the XIB as text and scanned for "Start date:" and it wasn't there. So I tried dragging the label off to one side. Then it displayed the correct words. Dragged the label back to the correct place -- back to "Start date:". I finally deleted the label and recreated it and then the text came out correctly.
