How do i resolve ip address changes error on Cpanel - ip

I've issues connecting to my cpanel as it keeps bringing ip address change. i have tried using other browsers and even vpn but to no avail. I've been battling this issue over a week now. i will be delighted if anyone can help me out

This issue is caused when a user logs in, and then the IP address that they are accessing cPanel from changes.
This change is detected by a setting named 'Cookie IP Validation'.
WHM: Home -> Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings
Option: Cookie IP validation
Check This Link
Scroll down for 'Cookie IP Validation' for more information.
In Tweak Settings, by default, this setting is set to 'strict'.
Changing the value to 'loose' should allow you to be connected.
If you still continue to get disconnected from cPanel or WHM, change the value to 'disable' to stop it entirely.


Restart VM Instance in Google Cloud After Clicking "Stop"

I am having a mild panic attack and could use some help.
I was emailed by Google telling me I need to change my machine type in my VM Instance. So I logged in, it told me I needed to stop the instance to make that change. I stopped the instance and then realized I'm not using the deprecated F1-Micro, so I just hit Play to restart the instance.
It restarts, has the reassuring green symbol, but my wordpress site can't be accessed.
I tried connecting via SSH and it seems like the data is there, I can navigate to the wordpress folder.
Can someone please advise on what I need to do to get the site running?
EDIT: More Info
Checking status of NGINX server shows it is "active (running)"
When visiting the web address, it loads for a very long time and then goes to an error page that just says "This site can't be reached the site took too long to respond. try checking connection and the proxy and the firewall. ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT"
I found the issue.
The Google documentation suggests your IP address will remain. Whether that is standard or not, my IP address changed, so once I updated my DNS records I was back online.

SSL WordPress on AWS - Domain does not resolve ... fix DNS entries

Just trying to set up SSL https for my site, using the Bitnami Tool bncert-tool. It shall automate the SSL setup by naming the domain. Unfortunately, I get the message
Warning: The domain 'mypage' does not resolve, please fix its DNS entries or remove it.
Press [Enter] to continue:
Thing is, I can get to the page via domain name and the IP. So no Problem on that side.
I have no clue! I have set up an elastic IP in EC2 and connected the domain in Route53 by adding the dataset. Has some faced the problem before and cases.
From the warning message, 'mypage' is not a domain. Actually have to enter in the full domain path such as
Good luck.

Configuring WL to listen for my IP address

I know how to configure WL to listen for a my IP address instead of localhost. I had done it in past and it worked as well. Today suddenly things are broken, as usual I started my server configured for listening to my IP address and I was not even able to open the WL console.
I thought it could be some proxy issue so I removed all my proxies and then tried but no help. Then just to be double sure I used curl and tried to GET the admin page but still no help.
Then I thought that it could related to some recent firewall blocking rules my company might have pushed so this link and added my port to unblock list for both inbound and unbound rules, but still not help.
Does anyone has any idea whether there is something I can do to debug or rectify this issue. Please note that I have already tried changing my WL listen address to "no address", specific address etc. but it doesn't help, and I have tried netstat -a -n command and I can see there is a connection listening for my IP:port, but in the end I cannot access that connection/socket or in other words I cannot access my WL admin console or my application
I am assuming that your servers and applications are running. But you are not able to access them.
In this case, You can start from here.
1. Verify whether you are able to ping the admin host. If so, see whether telnet is allowed on admin port.
2. Try accessing the console with both FQDN and ip address.
3. If vnc server is configured on your server which is hosting weblogic, try launching chrome from VNC to access weblogic admin console.

subdomain URL not accessible through browser

I am facing a strange issue.
My ISP has hosted a webservice inside a virtual directory which is placed under a subdomain. now from my system (or network) I cannot access that webservice. Every time I run fiddler, I see a DNS Lookup for "" failed. No such host is known.
But If I run it through, it is returning as Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
I do not understand what is wrong, Have anyone faced something like this? Is there any problem with my network settings? Can you tell me how to fix this?
If you need any more information please let me know.
This sounds like a DNS issue. Your DNS server doesn't seem to have had the A record for the subdomain propagated to it yet, whereas the DNS server used by has had it propagated to it, and thus, can see that it's returning a valid record and IP address.
While waiting for it to propagate to your DNS provider, you could add an entry to your machine's host file with the correct IP address to allow you to continue work.

I cannot access my IIS7 site on the network

I have an IIS7 site that works fine while on the server, however refuses to work from anywhere on the network.
When logged onto the IIS Server itself (with remote desktop) then the website shows fine, as per this link (I used port 801 for this site):
However when attempting to access this site from the network, it refuses to work, giving the generic 'cannot display the webpage' message, while using the following link:
http://<<my IIS server>>:801/
Another thing I have noticed however is that on the network the default page (port 80) of the IIS server DOES work. I.E this following link shows the standard IIS7 page:
http://<<my IIS server>>:80/
Most of the help topics I've read point to it being a firewall issue, however as a test I disabled all firewall settings on the IIS Server, yet it still refused to show.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Many thanks
Did you tried with computer name and / or IP Address
Run the following tests:
Check connectivity from both computers.
Firewall settings, temporary disable the firewall from all profiles (private, domain, public) if this works, try adding a Port Rule to your firewall allowing incoming connections to port 80.
Also, it'd be important to check the bindings configuration of your website, bindings specify the address the server should listen to for incoming connections, make sure you have 'All Unassigned'.
Reference : Click Here !!
