The best way to calculate total money from multiple orders - firebase

Let's say i have an multi-restaurant food order app.
I'm storing orders in Firestore as documents.
Each order object/document contains:
total: double
deliveredByUid: str
restaurantId: str
I wanna see anytime during the day, the totals of every Driver to each Restaurant like so:
robert: mcdonalds: 10
kfc: 20
alex: mcdonalds: 35
kfc: 10
What is the best way of calculating the totals of all the orders?
I currently thinking of the following:
The safest and easiest method but expensive: Each time i need to know the totals i just query all the documents in that day and calculate them 1 by 1
Cloud Functions method: Each time an order has been added/removed modify a value in a Realtime database specific child: /totals/driverId/placeId
Manual totals: Each time a driver complete an order and write its id to the order object, make another write to the Realtime database specific child.
Edit: added the whole order object because i was asked to.

What I would most likely do is make sure orders are completely atomic (or as atomic as they can be). Most likely, I'd perform the order on the client within a transaction or batch write (both are atomic) that would not only create this document in question but also update the delivery driver's document by incrementing their running total. Depending on how extensible I wanted to get, I may even create subcollections within the user's document that represented chunks of time if I wanted to be able to record totals by month or year, or whatever. You really want to think this one through now.
The reason I'd advise against your suggested pattern is because it's not atomic. If the operation succeeds on the client, there is no guarantee it will succeed in the cloud. If you make both writes part of the same transaction then they could never be out of sync and you could guarantee that the total will always be accurate.


How to avoid Firestore document write limit when implementing an Aggregate Query?

I need to keep track of the number of photos I have in a Photos collection. So I want to implement an Aggregate Query as detailed in the linked article.
My plan is to have a Cloud Function that runs whenever a Photo document is created or deleted, and then increment or decrement the aggregate counter as needed.
This will work, but I worry about running into the 1 write/document/second limit. Say that a user adds 10 images in a single import action. That is 10 executions of the Cloud Function in more-or-less the same time, and thus 10 writes to the Aggregate Query document more-or-less at the same time.
Looking around I have seen several mentions (like here) that the 1 write/doc/sec limit is for sustained periods of constant load, not short bursts. That sounds reassuring, but it isn't really reassuring enough to convince an employer that your choice of DB is a safe and secure option if all you have to go on is that 'some guy said it was OK on Google Groups'. Is there any official sources stating that short write bursts are OK, and if so, what definitions are there for a 'short burst'?
Or are there other ways to maintain an Aggregate Query result document without also subjecting all the aggregated documents to a very restrictive 1 write / second limitation across all the aggregated documents?
If you think that you'll see a sustained write rate of more than once per second, consider dividing the aggregation up in shards. In this scenario you have N aggregation docs, and each client/function picks one at random to write to. Then when a client needs the aggregate, it reads all these subdocuments and adds them up client-side. This approach is quite well explained in the Firebase documentation on distributed counters, and is also the approach used in the distributed counter Firebase Extension.

How to optimize Firestore Caching and Querymodeling

I am making a Moneymanagement-App where the user can create Transfers for each day.
I am currently listing all the data on the mainscreen. At the moment that doesn't matter because there isn't much data but imagine a user who uses the app several years and tracking all his spendings.
My first thought was to cache all the available Data for that user but that would cause too many unnecessary reads because the user most likely won't need the data from lets say 5 years ago.
So I thought the solution would be to just implement pagination for that screen.
But :
The user can get statistics about his spendinghistory on another screen by selecting a category and a timeperiod.
Currently i am running a query on those parameters each time they change but this will obviously also lead to a lot of unnecessary reads.
So the problem is, if the user chooses to get statistics from 5 years ago, that Data wouldn't exist in the cache so i would still have to run a query for this time period and then end up with a incomplete cache of that period because i only got some of the Data based on the Query.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this. How would you handle it ?
In general: don't run aggregation queries from the client on demand. Instead store aggregated data in the database, and update it as data is written.
So say that you keep some annual totals, such as their balance at the start and end of the year, their total income and spend for that year, probably broken down by categories. That is all information that you could put in a document for each year.
You'd have a structure /users/$uid/totals/$year and you then have the totals in fields in that document. Every time you write a new transaction, you update the totals document for that user for the current year.
If you do this, you'll only need to read the totals document to show totals, and you'll only need to read individual transactions if you want to show individual transactions.
Also see: Is it possible to run aggregation queries in Firestore?

How can one get count, with a where condition in DynamoDB

Let us say, We have a situation where instead of getting the total count in a table, get the count of records with a particular status.
We know DynamoDb is schemaless and still has to count each record one by one to get the total count.
And yet, How can we leverage the above need using dynamoDb queries?
While normally "Query" or "Scan" requests return all the matching items, you can pass the Select=COUNT parameter and ask to retrieve only the number of matching items, instead of the actual items. But before you go doing that, there are a few things you should know:
DynamoDB will still be reading - and you will still be paying for - all the data, even if just for being counted. Doing a "Scan" with a filter is in almost all cases out of the question, because it will read the entire data set every time. With a "Query" you can ask to read just one partition, or a contiguous range of sort-keys in one partition, which in some cases may be reasonable enough (but please think if it is, in your use case).
Even if you're not actually reading the data, and just counting, DynamoDB still does Scan and Query with "paging", i.e., your reads request will read just 1MB of data from disk, return you the partial count, and ask you to submit another request to resume the scan. Your DynamoDB library probably has a way to automate this resumption, so for example it can run thousands or whatever number of queries needed until finally finishing the scan and calculating the total sum.
In some cases, it may make sense for to maintain a counter in addition to the data. Writes will be more expensive (e.g., each write adds data and increments the counter), but reads that need this counter will be hugely cheaper - so it all depends on how much of each your workload needs.

Many tiny documents in CosmosDB

I have many (order of 100s) pieces of data that I want to associate with a document in CosmosDB. Each piece of data is small (order of 100s of bytes).
My first solution was to store the data as an array inside the document. This works okay, but in order to append a new item to the array I need to read the document from CosmosDB, add the element, then replace the document back into CosmosDB.
Instead of doing this I would like to store each piece of data as its own document in the same partition. What are the drawbacks of having many tiny documents vs the one aggregated document?
What are the drawbacks of having many tiny documents vs the one
aggregated document?
I would like to say that i suggest you storing each piece of data,instead of one aggregated document.
Reason1:As you mentioned in your question,if you want to add the element into the document,you need to read the document from CosmosDB, then replace the document because the partial update is not supported by cosmos db so far.(Please refer to this feedback and follow it if you need: That's a huge and tedious work.
Reason2:If you store pieces of data,you can query them flat. (select * from c)
For one single array document,you need to use join to access the nested properties.(select a.array from c join array in c.array)
Reason3:If you store pieces of data,you could manage them into different partitions.Even though you don't need it now,why not keep the feature for the future.
Reason4:As to cost,it all depends the RUs and storage and requests to cosmos db will consume RUs. If you store pieces of data,you just need to access the specific document as you want which is more economical i think.
Depends on your use case.
For frequent add operations, you are first reading and updating the document back (2 operations) which will incur you more cost than creating a new document (1 operation).
However, if the documents are having some sort of relationships (like foreign keys in traditional SQL), getting data would require multiple queries if you go with approach #1 above (have more cost) otherwise, you'll get the complete data in a single query (low cost).
I'd recommend to go through this and this posts which will give you better insights on which approach you can choose.
I'm facing this question right now and I want to let my contribution here. I'm having to store some statuses, this status is a metric that I get once per hour, then i have two options:
Create a register per status -> 24 registers per day
Create a register per day and add status inside it -> 1 register per day with 24 status inside an array
I chose the second one because:
Both options will have the same amount of operations on database
I'm using this data on Power BI and after doing some tests the data from second option had a small size after importation

Efficient DynamoDB schema for time series data

We are building a conversation system that will support messages between 2 users (and eventually between 3+ users). Each conversation will have a collection of users who can participate/view the conversation as well as a collection of messages. The UI will display the most recent 10 messages in a specific conversation with the ability to "page" (progressive scrolling?) the messages to view messages further back in time.
The plan is to store conversations and the participants in MSSQL and then only store the messages (which represents the data that has the potential to grow very large) in DynamoDB. The message table would use the conversation ID as the hash key and the message CreateDate as the range key. The conversation ID could be anything at this point (integer, GUID, etc) to ensure an even message distribution across the partitions.
In order to avoid hot partitions one suggestion is to create separate tables for time series data because typically only the most recent data will be accessed. Would this lead to issues when we need to pull back previous messages for a user as they scroll/page because we have to query across multiple tables to piece together a batch of messages?
Is there a different/better approach for storing time series data that may be infrequently accessed, but available quickly?
I guess we can assume that there are many "active" conversations in parallel, right? Meaning - we're not dealing with the case where all the traffic is regarding a single conversation (or a few).
If that's the case, and you're using a random number/GUID as your HASH key, your objects will be evenly spread throughout the nodes and as far as I know, you shouldn't be afraid of skewness. Since the CreateDate is only the RANGE key, all messages for the same conversation will be stored on the same node (based on their ConversationID), so it actually doesn't matter if you query for the latest 5 records or the earliest 5. In both cases it's query using the index on CreateDate.
I wouldn't break the data into multiple tables. I don't see what benefit it gives you (considering the previous section) and it will make your administrative life a nightmare (just imagine changing throughput for all tables, or backing them up, or creating a CloudFormation template to create your whole environment).
I would be concerned with the number of messages that will be returned when you pull the history. I guess you'll implement that by a query command with the ConversationID as the HASH key and order results by CreationDate descending. In that case, I'd return only the first page of results (I think it returns up to 1MB of data, so depends on an average message length, it might be enough or not) and only if the user keeps scrolling, fetch the next page. Otherwise, you might use a lot of your throughput on really long conversations and anyway, the client doesn't really want to get stuck for a long time waiting for megabytes of data to appear on screen..
Hope this helps
