How to run symfony cli command with --webapp using local composer.phar? - symfony

I run different versions of Symfony and PHP on my Mac for various apps I have to work on (sorry that our clients are so slow to get to upgrade), and I'm trying to install the LTS version of Symfony through the CLI documentation recommendations, but I'm trying to get it to use a composer.phar in the folder I run the command in... it keeps defaulting to the globally-installed one.
Sure I could just go change composer's execution path or upgrade/downgrade it temporarily whenever I want to run the cli for x version of PHP, but that's gonna drive me crazy and I'd rather see how to tell it to run a certain composer.phar file. I'm not seeing in the documentation how to do this to get the benefits of the --webapp option.
The documentation is weird on it anyway; I can't tell if running composer directly (as composer.phar) will give me the benefits of the --webapp option using the symfony command (because the composer commands are identical for 'traditional web application' and 'console application or API'):
# run this if you are building a traditional web application
$ symfony new my_project_directory --version=5.4 --webapp
# run this if you are building a microservice, console application or API
$ symfony new my_project_directory --version=5.4
# run this if you are building a traditional web application
$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton:"^5.4" my_project_directory
$ cd my_project_directory
$ composer require webapp
# run this if you are building a microservice, console application or API
$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton:"^5.4" my_project_directory
When I run the install through composer directly, I can't tell if I'm getting the benefits of the symfony command --webapp option... and I'm not seeing an option for the symfony command to specify to use the folder's composer.phar.

I had to cheat a little bit: I installed the latest composer using the instructions here to a composer.phar file:
I then created a console alias like php composer.phar, ran the Symfony create composer command with that alias, which created the symfony-5 folder no problem, then I copied the composer.phar file to the new folder and run the alias for any other composer commands, like with require webapp, which is working! Kind of nice to freeze a version of composer for any similar repos.
Maybe not the best answer, but it's working.
Also I discovered that I could just run composer self-update to get the latest version, which worked, then composer self-update [whatever version number] to get back to one I need that works with other repos (since certain version ranges just do not work with certain version ranges of PHP). Annoying, but functional.
Ultimately I think moving forward, it's best to make a copy of composer.phar at a compatible version range for your older PHP apps, depending on their versions, and use those in an alias, rather than totally rely on a global composer version, which has proven not completely workable for my work.


WP-CLI installation over composer

I'm working on a wordpress skeleton for practice. I've got a Composer project and installed the wp-cli/wp-cli dependency.
I want to create and run custom tasks with this wp-cli, for example to download the core of WordPress into this project. This because I'm not putting the core of wordpress into my git repository.
Because I have installed the wp-cli/wp-cli dependency only in my project and not globally over my local machine, I can't run the wp ... commands a normal terminal.
For my own research, I found out that I can use the Command Line Tool Support plugin in my IntelliJ IDE. With this plugin I can use the composer dependency to run commands with the wp-cli. I don't think this is the right solution, because everyone might have a different IDE and/or operating system.
How can I run wp-cli commands over the installation over Composer?
Instead of running commands with /vendor/bin/wp ..... I found out I have to replace the / with a \.
To run commands from this binary, this syntax should be used like:
vendor\bin\wp ...

symfony plugin install namespace error

I created a new symfony 2 project using 2.7. When I try to install a plugin using command line "symfony plugin:install sfFormExtraPlugin", I got an error:
There are no commands defined in the "plugin" namespace.".
When I type "symfony list", I got "
Available commands:
about Symfony Installer Help.
demo Creates a demo Symfony project.
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
new Creates a new Symfony project.
self-update Update the installer to the latest version.
selfupdate Update the installer to the latest version.
". no plugin or other command like "cache" etc. What should I do? Thanks!
sfFormExtraPlugin is a plugin for Symfony 1 and won’t work with Symfony 2.*
Also, the symfony command line tool in Symfony 2 is not meant for application commands anymore but for creating new projects/installing Symfony. The new command line tool for application commands is app/console (which you use like php app/console something:something.)
But even then, this command isn’t used for managing dependencies (like plugins) anymore. We use composer for that instead. That’s a powerful package manager for PHP that can install and update the packages you require and also make sure that they are compatible. And it is not limited to the Symfony world.

Composer misses to install certain files (app/console, AutoLoader.php, app_dev.php, etc.)

I am developing a web application with Symfony 2. The code of my own bundle that forms the heart of my application and some configurations files for application-wide settings are controlled by Git (mostly the directories, src/MyCompany/MyBundle, app/Resources/config, etc.) The rest is under control of Composer (the framework, 3rd party bundles, etc.)
Up to now, I ran a ./composer self-update && ./composer.phar update once in a while, pushed or fetched source code from the origin of my repository and everything has been working well.
Today, I started a new fresh working directory and experienced some odd problems.
I performed
git clone <my git repo url> www
cd www
composer.phar install
The composer.json is part of my repository, hence it normally suffices to excute Composer in order to install the framework and all required bundles to get a fully working copy of my web application.
But today, composer.phar install stopped prematurely complainig about missing files. Luckily, I still had my old working directory, so I could copy over the missing files manually, and restart composer.phar. I had to repeat these steps several times until I ended with a fully working application.
The files that were missing are
I thought that these files are part of the Symfony framework and expected them to be installed by Composer. Fot this reason they are not under control of my revision control system.
I found this related question. The answer is very generic und not particularly helpful. All it says is that for example app/console should be included into revision control, because it is not installed by Composer (any longer) and that there is a change in the directory structure due to the transition from Symfony 2 to 3. But I know for sure that app/console was installed by Composer in the past. Hence, something changed.
This leads me to the following questions
Is there any complete, up-to-date and official documentation
what should be included in the repository
what should be in .gitignore
what is managed by Composer?
Is there any documentation how to do the transistion from the old directory structure to the new one in preperation of Symfony 3?
I thought I read all, all release information and everything in "Living on the Edge" of the Symfony site, but somehow I missed this.
The clean way to install Symfony2 from scratch with composer, is to use the following command:
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition my_project_name
This will ensure that all basic structures are created. After that, you can still insert your customisations from the previous project.
Then you can add everything – except app/config/parameters.yml as well as the contents of vendor/, app/cache and app/logs – to your repository.
About transitioning to SF3, I guess there’ll be an upgrade path as soon as SF3 is stable enough to create such a document.
1.1. that depends how you want people to be able to fetch your bundle
1.2. I share with you my own .gitignore: beware I use git for my own use to have a security for my files, not to allow people to get my bundle:
# Cache and logs (Symfony2)
# Cache and logs (Symfony3)
# Parameters
# Managed by Composer
# Assets and user uploads
# PHPUnit
# Build data
# Composer PHAR
1.3. everything that is in composer.json

Where to run `$ php vendors install` from?

I am new to Symfony, and there are many command lines need to be run, but I did not know where to run those commands.
In the directory where you installed Symfony. There shold be some subdirectories: app, src, bin, vendors... And the command you should run is php bin/vendors install.
Notice that this command is for Symfony 2.0.x. If you installed the latest symfony version (2.1.x) you should not use this command and use Composer instead.

Symfony 2.0 bundle installation

So I am a new to doctrine, but I am not able to install a bundle at all. I am following the guide, but the "error" which I am getting is very unusual.
Anyhow, I add this lines into deps file:
Then I do:
./bin/vendors install
And I get:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
Your project seems to be based on a Standard Edition that includes vendors.
Try to run ./bin/vendors install --reinstall
So on this standard way I am not able to install it at all. Can somebody explain me what is the problem, because to me it looks like, the symfony vendors script doesnt recognize changes in deps file at all.
This happens when you've downloaded the Symfony2 Standard Edition from the website. The vendor install script checks to see if the vendor directories are git repositories, and if not, will throw this error. You can fix the situation in one of two ways:
you can either run the command that it suggests: php bin/vendors install --reinstall
or, you can remove the vendors directory, then run php bin/vendors install, which amounts to about the same thing
No need to install that. Just follow the steps in the url :
