Symfony 2.0 bundle installation - symfony

So I am a new to doctrine, but I am not able to install a bundle at all. I am following the guide, but the "error" which I am getting is very unusual.
Anyhow, I add this lines into deps file:
Then I do:
./bin/vendors install
And I get:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
Your project seems to be based on a Standard Edition that includes vendors.
Try to run ./bin/vendors install --reinstall
So on this standard way I am not able to install it at all. Can somebody explain me what is the problem, because to me it looks like, the symfony vendors script doesnt recognize changes in deps file at all.

This happens when you've downloaded the Symfony2 Standard Edition from the website. The vendor install script checks to see if the vendor directories are git repositories, and if not, will throw this error. You can fix the situation in one of two ways:
you can either run the command that it suggests: php bin/vendors install --reinstall
or, you can remove the vendors directory, then run php bin/vendors install, which amounts to about the same thing

No need to install that. Just follow the steps in the url :


Drupal site is broken due to badly installed module

I tried to install Simple OAuth ( module in my drupal site running in a shared Godaddy hosting. My first mistake was not to read the installation guide instructing to install the module by using composer. Instead, I installed the module using the Extend=>install a module link within Drupal. Installing the simple_oauth and enabling the module crashed my site and there is no output from the site.
Then I realised there is something wrong with the installation and checked the error log file. The error logged was:
PHP Fatal error: Interface 'League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface' not found in /home/-----------/public_html/drupal/modules/simple_oauth/src/Repositories/AccessTokenRepository.php on line 10
At that point I realised there is something wrong with the installation and checked the module instructions which states I should use composer to install the module. I tried to solve this problem by redoing the installation from the ssh by using composer and this command:
composer config repositories.drupal composer && composer require drupal/simple_oauth:^3
Which did not work because GoDaddy shared hosting plan has only 512mb of rams and composer kills the command because of lack of memory.
I tried reading through and understand how Composer works. There were recommendations saying you should never use composer in a production site and you should run it on your computer and copy the composer.lock file which needs much less rams. I created a PHP server using XAMMP on my computer and copied the composer.json file to my computer and run composer update command in my computer. It downloaded the dependencies and stuff on my computer. And feeling I get the hang of it, I copied the composer.lock file in my drupal server, run composer update command and saw composer delete many stuff which I could not undo.
So my questions are: 1- Is there a way of rescuing this drupal site at this point? I deleted many composer dependencies as far as I can understand.
The new error log says: PHP Fatal error: Interface 'Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface' not found in /home/--------/public_html/drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DrupalKernelInterface.php on line 15
2- If not, which is fine as I was just beginning to setup the site. Is it possible for someone to explain the best way of handling this scenario? I mean installing a module using composer in a memory critical place. Or explain how composer works for layman. I read about all the dependency stuff but could not figure out how to use it for this scenario.

Failed to parse command output (Symfony)

So this is what I got when I try to add the Symfony tool (Symfony version : 3..)
The project was created from another machine and cloned into mine (Git)
I could make the necessary changes for composer.phar and php.exe when adding the Composer tool and I had no problem concerning that but when it comes to add the Symfony tool I got a " Failed to parse command output " error message and there are the details of the error
enter image description here
What should I do?
Thank you
As you can see, yours paths contain both "/" and "\". I think this happened because you create the project in a linux/unix machine and now you are working on Windows.
Path problem is in composer files. Is vendor folder committed in the repository? If yes, remove it and re run composer install.

Drupal 8 Composer Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages - commerceguys/intl

I want to install it.
But also ssh I get an error.
I installed Composer and Drush.
composer-creator of the project goalgorill / social_templat to: giant-master Dr --no-interaction
I get an error in the command enters the picture.
Composer is telling you exactly what is wrong:
the requested PHP extension bcmath is missing from your system
and how to fix it:
To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in those ini files
Install and enable the bcmath extension. The exact process will depend on your operating system and how you installed PHP.

Where to run `$ php vendors install` from?

I am new to Symfony, and there are many command lines need to be run, but I did not know where to run those commands.
In the directory where you installed Symfony. There shold be some subdirectories: app, src, bin, vendors... And the command you should run is php bin/vendors install.
Notice that this command is for Symfony 2.0.x. If you installed the latest symfony version (2.1.x) you should not use this command and use Composer instead.

Install PHP Extensions Without Rebuild

I've got a VPS setup with Nginx & PHP5-FPM.
Being fairly new to unix, VPS etc... it took me ages to get the setup I wanted.
However Now I want to be able to install some extensions onto PHP without haveing to rebuild the entire thing. For example. Is there a way to install the php_tidy extension on an existing PHP setup?
You can compile an extensions as a shared library. Then you just have to declare your module in the php.ini.
There is a description at for phpize.
Performance differences between a module and a full compilation are discussed here.
Check out the documentation at on how to install PHP extensions.
It's usually as easy as running a command such as
pecl install tidy
