Noisy Peak detection algorithm in Google Earth Engine - google-earth-engine

I'm creating a NDVI time-series and want to detect the peaks within the data - the data is noisy and therefore there are small insignificant peaks so I need a noisy peak detecting algorithm but can't find one for Google Earth Engine.


Defining temporal resolution in Comsol post-processing

I have a time dependent heat conduction simulation and need to plot the average temperature of some area over time. However, the exported table data apparently uses only a few data points and interpolates in between.
More specifically, I have some block of material (aluminum) that is heated periodically at some surface. I am now interested in temperature peaks at exactly this surface over time. I have defined the heating function, the surface, and have calculated the average temperature of the surface under observation over time. However, when I plot the exported data
the temperature data is really, REALLY coarse. The heating data however is very fine. Comsol seems to interpolate between very few points. Calculating with a finer temporal resolution won't fix it.
How can I tell Comsol to evaluate the temperature at every step?
OK, I found the answer:
Turns out the timesteps the solver chooses are completely separate from the ones the user can define for the simulation. This honestly makes me question the usefulness of the initial definition of the timesteps. It really seems to be just an additional hoop for people to be dependent on support....
Turn the maximum timestep in Solution/Time Dependent Solver to an acceptable minimal value.

Generating a travel time to health facilities raster surface using R

I am trying to generate a Travel time to health facilities in r using the
gdistancepackage in R. I have already implemented this in ArcGIS 10.1 using the path Distance algorithm that is able to account for differences in land cover and elevation (while including Tobler's hiking function). Does anyone know if it can be implemented and how?

R intersection of Shapefiles

I have a shape file of the road network of the UK. I also have the lat-longs of a GPS tracking device connected to a vehicle. I can convert the GPS lat-longs to a SpatialLine for each trip. There are however some erroneous data points in the GPS tracking device. Each consecutive lat-long pair is about 2 minutes apart from each other. When plotting the lat-longs on a map, it is quite easy to notice the "erroneous" points visually. Is there a way to do this programmatically by assessing the intersection of created spatial line vs the road network shape-file? I.e. is there a function within any of the R packages that will be able to assess this given that we know that the points should roughly follow the shape of the road?
I know of gInterserct, but I am not just looking for a true or false... result...i am trying to work out which points from a series of points are "erroneous"...

Clustering GPS data using DBSCAN but clusters are not meaningful (in terms of size)

I am working with GPS data (latitude, longitude). For density based clustering I have used DBSCAN in R.
Advantages of DBSCAN in my case:
I don't have to predefine numbers of clusters
I can calculate a distance matrix (using Haversine Distance
Formula) and use that as input in dbscan
dist<- earth.dist(df, dist=T) #df is dataset containing lat long values
Now, when I look at the clusters, they are not meaningful. Some clusters have points which are more than 1km apart. I want dense clusters but not that big in size.
Different values of MinPts and eps are taken care of and I have also used k nearest neighbor distance graph to get an optimum value of eps for MinPts=25
What dbscan is doing is going to every point in my dataset and if point p has MinPts in its eps neighborhood it will make a cluster but at the same time it is also joining the clusters which are density reachable (which I guess are creating a problem for me).
It really is a big question, particularly "how to reduce size of a cluster without affecting its information too much", but I will write it down as the following points:
How to remove border points in a cluster? I know which points are in
which cluster using dens$cluster, but how would I know if a
particular point is core or border?
Is cluster 0 always noise?
I was under the impression that the size of a cluster would be
comparable to eps. But that's not the case because density reachable
clusters are combined together.
Is there any other clustering method which has the advantage of dbscan
but can give me more meaningful clusters?
OPTICS is another alternative but will it solve my issue?
Note: By meaningful I want to say closer points should be in a cluster. But points which are 1km or more apart should not be in the same cluster.
DBSCAN doesn't claim the radius is the maximum cluster size.
Have you read the article? It's looking for arbitrarily shaped clusters; eps is just the core size of a point; roughly the size used for density estimation; any point within this radius of a core point will be part of a cluster.
This makes it essentially the maximum step size to connect dense points. But they may still form a chain of density connected points, of arbitary shape or size.
I don't know what cluster 0 is in your R implementation. I've experimented with the R implementation, but it was waaaay slower than all the others. I don't recommend using R, there are much better tools for cluster analysis available, such as ELKI. Try running DBSCAN with your settings on ELKI, with LatLngDistanceFunction and and sort-tile-recursive loaded R-tree index. You'll be surprised how fast it can be, compared to R.
OPTICS is looking for the same density connected type of clusters. Are you sure this arbitrarily-shaped type of clusters is what you are looking for?
IMHO, you are using the wrong method for your goals (and you aren't really explaining what you are trying to achieve)
If you want a hard limit on the cluster diameter, use complete-linkage hierarchical clustering.

Finding a density peak / cluster centrum in 2D grid / point process

I have a dataset with minute by minute GPS coordinates recorded by a persons cellphone. I.e. the dataset has 1440 rows with LON/LAT values. Based on the data I would like a point estimate (lon/lat value) of where the participants home is. Let's assume that home is the single location where they spend most of their time in a given 24h interval. Furthermore, the GPS sensor most of the time has quite high accuracy, however sometimes it is completely off resulting in gigantic outliers.
I think the best way to go about this is to treat it as a point process and use 2D density estimation to find the peak. Is there a native way to do this in R? I looked into kde2d (MASS) but this didn't really seem to do the trick. Kde2d creates a 25x25 grid of the data range with density values. However, in my data, the person can easily travel 100 miles or more per day, so these blocks are generally too large of an estimate. I could narrow them down and use a much larger grid but I am sure there must be a better way to get a point estimate.
There are "time spent" functions in the trip package (I'm the author). You can create objects from the track data that understand the underlying track process over time, and simply process the points assuming straight line segments between fixes. If "home" is where the largest value pixel is, i.e. when you break up all the segments based on the time duration and sum them into cells, then it's easy to find it. A "time spent" grid from the tripGrid function is a SpatialGridDataFrame with the standard sp package classes, and a trip object can be composed of one or many tracks.
Using rgdal you can easily transform coordinates to an appropriate map projection if lon/lat is not appropriate for your extent, but it makes no difference to the grid/time-spent calculation of line segments.
There is a simple speedfilter to remove fixes that imply movement that is too fast, but that is very simplistic and can introduce new problems, in general updating or filtering tracks for unlikely movement can be very complicated. (In my experience a basic time spent gridding gets you as good an estimate as many sophisticated models that just open up new complications). The filter works with Cartesian or long/lat coordinates, using tools in sp to calculate distances (long/lat is reliable, whereas a poor map projection choice can introduce problems - over short distances like humans on land it's probably no big deal).
(The function tripGrid calculates the exact components of the straight line segments using pixellate.psp, but that detail is hidden in the implementation).
In terms of data preparation, trip is strict about a sensible sequence of times and will prevent you from creating an object if the data have duplicates, are out of order, etc. There is an example of reading data from a text file in ?trip, and a very simple example with (really) dummy data is:
d <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = rnorm(10), tms = Sys.time() + 1:10, id = gl(1, 5))
coordinates(d) <- ~x+y
tr <- trip(d, c("tms", "id"))
g <- tripGrid(tr)
pt <- coordinates(g)[which.max(g$z), ]
image(g, col = c("transparent", heat.colors(16)))
lines(tr, col = "black")
points(pt[1], pt[2], pch = "+", cex = 2)
That dummy track has no overlapping regions, but it shows that finding the max point in "time spent" is simple enough.
How about using the location that minimises the sum squared distance to all the events? This might be close to the supremum of any kernel smoothing if my brain is working right.
If your data comprises two clusters (home and work) then I think the location will be in the biggest cluster rather than between them. Its not the same as the simple mean of the x and y coordinates.
For an uncertainty on that, jitter your data by whatever your positional uncertainty is (would be great if you had that value from the GPS, otherwise guess - 50 metres?) and recompute. Do that 100 times, do a kernel smoothing of those locations and find the 95% contour.
Not rigorous, and I need to experiment with this minimum distance/kernel supremum thing...
In response to spacedman - I am pretty sure least squares won't work. Least squares is best known for bowing to the demands of outliers, without much weighting to things that are "nearby". This is the opposite of what is desired.
The bisquare estimator would probably work better, in my opinion - but I have never used it. I think it also requires some tuning.
It's more or less like a least squares estimator for a certain distance from 0, and then the weighting is constant beyond that. So once a point becomes an outlier, it's penalty is constant. We don't want outliers to weigh more and more and more as we move away from them, we would rather weigh them constant, and let the optimization focus on better fitting the things in the vicinity of the cluster.
