Flink - Retry with exponential backoff when writing to sink - amazon-dynamodb

We have a consumer running on Flink to process realtime data. Our pipeline has two different sinks: Redis and Dynamodb with different window durations (one short "redis" and one longer "Dynamodb") which is mostly due to cost optimisation.
For the Dynamodb sink we can run into occasional throttling and since we don't use delays between the retries we want to improve on this to by adding some delay until the auto-scaling mechanism increases our write capacity units.
We are ideally looking to make this retry logic non-blocking, but I am a bit unsure as to what is the best way in Flink to achieve this. My concern is that we might have multiple retires in parallel which in the end can result into backpressure.
Thanks Jonas


Queue system recommendation approach

We have a bus reservation system running in GKE in which we are handling the creation of such reservations with different threads. Due to that, CRUD java methods can sometimes run simultaneously referring to the same bus, resulting in the save in our DB of the LAST simultaneous update only (so the other simultaneous updates are lost).
Even if the probabilities are low (the simultaneous updates need to be really close, 1-2 seconds), we need to avoid this. My question is about how to address the solution:
Lock the bus object and return error to the other simultaneous requests
In-memory map or Redis caché to track the bus requests
Use GCP Pub/Sub, Kafka or RabbitMQ as a queue system.
Try to focus the efforts on reducing the simultaneous time window (reduce from 1-2 seconds up to milliseconds)
Also, we are worried if in the future the GKE requests handling scalability may be an issue. If we manage a relatively higher number of buses, should we need to implement a queue system between the client and the server? Or GKE load balancer & ambassador will already manages it for us? In case we need a queue system in the future, could it be used also for the collision problem we are facing now?
Last, the reservation requests from the client often takes a while. Therefore, we are changing the requests to be handled asynchronously with a long polling approach from the client to know the task status. Could we link this solution to the current problem? For example, using the Redis caché or the queue system to know the task status? Or should we try to keep the requests synchronous and focus on reducing the processing time (it may be quite difficult).

How to evenly balance processing many simultaneous tasks?

Our PROCESSING SERVICE is serving UI, API, and internal clients and listening for commands from Kafka.
Few API clients might create a lot of generation tasks (one task is N messages) in a short time. With Kafka, we can't control commands distribution, because each command comes to the partition which is consumed by one processing instance (aka worker). Thus, UI requests could be waiting too long while API requests are processing.
In an ideal implementation, we should handle all tasks evenly, regardless of its size. The capacity of the processing service is distributed among all active tasks. And even if the cluster is heavily loaded, we always understand that the new task that has arrived will be able to start processing almost immediately, at least before the processing of all other tasks ends.
Instead, we want an architecture that looks more like the following diagram, where we have separate queues per combination of customer and endpoint. This architecture gives us much better isolation, as well as the ability to dynamically adjust throughput on a per-customer basis.
On the side of the producer
the task comes from the client
immediately create a queue for this task
send all messages to this queue
On the side of the consumer
in one process, you constantly update the list of queues
in other processes, you follow this list and consume for example 1 message from each queue
scale consumers
Is there any common solution to such a problem? Using RabbitMQ or any other tooling. Нistorically, we use Kafka on the project, so if there is any approach using - it is amazing, but we can use any technology for the solution.
Why not use spark to execute the messages within the task? What I'm thinking is that each worker creates a spark context that then parallelizes the messages. The function that is mapped can be based on which kafka topic the user is consuming. I suspect however your queues might have tasks that contained a mixture of messages, UI, API calls, etc. This will result in a more complex mapping function. If you're not using a standalone cluster and are using YARN or something similar you can change the queueing method that the spark master is using.
As I understood the problem, you want to create request isolation from the customer using dynamically allocated queues which will allow each customer tasks to be executed independently. The problem looks like similar to Head of line blocking issue in networking
The dynamically allocating queues is difficult. This can also lead to explosion of number of queues that can be a burden to the infrastructure. Also, some queues could be empty or very less load. RabbitMQ won't help here, it is a queue with different protocol than kafka.
One alternative is to use custom partitioner in kafka that can look at the partition load and based on that load balance the tasks. This works if the tasks are independent in nature and there is no state store maintains in the worker.
The other alternative would be to load balance at the customer level. In this case you select a dedicated set of predefined queues for a set of customers. Customers with certain Ids will be getting served by a set of queues. The downside of this is some queues can have less load than others. This solution is similar to Virtual Output Queuing in networking,
My understanding is that the partitioning of the messages it's not ensuring a evenly load-balance. I think that you should avoid create overengineering and so some custom stuff that will come on top of the Kafka partitioner and instead think at a good partitioning key that will allows you to use Kafka in an efficiently manner.

Design to support a fast and slow client

I have a situation where I host a high RPS highly available service that receives requests aka commands. These commands have to be sent to N downstream clients, who actually execute them. Each downstream client is separate microsevice and has different constraints like mode (sync,async), execution cadence etc.
Should a slow downstream client build the logic to receive all requests and execute them in batches as they want ? Or my service should build logic to talk to slow and fast clients by maintaining state for commands across downstream clients. Share your opinions
Not enough info to give any prescriptive advice, but I'd start with dividing the tasks into async and sync first. Those are 2 completely different workloads that, most likely, would require different implementation stacks. I'll give you an idea of what you can start with in the world of AWS...
Not knowing what you mean by async, I'd default to a message-bus setup. In that case you can use something like Amazon Kinesis or Kafka for ingestion purposes, and kicking off Lambda or EC2 instance. If the clients need to be notified of a finished job they can either long-poll an SQS queue, subscribe to an SNS topic, or use MQTT with websockets for a long-running connection.
The sync tasks are easier, since it's all about processing power. Just make sure you have your EC2 instances in an auto-scaling group behind an ALB or API Gateway to scale out, and in, appropriately.
This is a very simple answer since I don't have any details needed to be more precise, but this should give you an idea of where to get started.

DynamoDB: High SuccessfulRequestLatency

We had a period of latency in our application that was directly correlated with latency in DynamoDB and we are trying to figure out what caused that latency.
During that time, the consumed reads and consumed writes for the table were normal (much below the provisioned capacity) and the number of throttled requests was also 0 or 1. The only thing that increased was the SuccessfulRequestLatency.
The high latency occurred during a period where we were doing a lot of automatic writes. In our use case, writing to dynamo also includes some reading (to get any existing records). However, we often write the same quantity of data in the same period of time without causing any increased latency.
Is there any way to understand what contributes to an increase in SuccessfulRequest latency where it seems that we have provisioned enough read capacity? Is there any way to diagnose the latency caused by this set of writes to dynamodb?
You can dig deeper by checking the Get Latency and Put Latency in CloudWatch.
As you have already mentioned, there was no throttling, and your writes involve some reading as well, and your writes at other period of time don't cause any latency, you should check for what exactly in read operation is causing this.
Check SuccessfulRequestLatency metric while including the Operation dimension as well. Start with GetItem and BatchGetItem. If that doesn't
help include Scan and Query as well.
High request latency can sometimes happen when DynamoDB is doing an internal failover of one of its storage nodes.
Internally within Dynamo each storage partition has to be replicated across multiple nodes to provide a high level of fault tolerance. Occasionally one of those nodes will fail and a replacement node has to be introduced, and this can result in elevated latency for a subset of affected requests.
The advice I've had from AWS is to use a short timeout and a fast retry (e.g. 100ms) if your use-case is latency-sensitive. It's my understanding that only requests that hit the affected node experience increased latency, so within one or two retries you'll hit a different node and get a successful response, with minimal impact on your overall latency. Obviously it's hard to verify this, because it's not a scenario you can reproduce!
If you've got a support contract with AWS, it's well worth submitting a support ticket from the AWS console when events like this happen. They are usually able to provide an insight into what actually happened.
Note: If you're doing retries, remember to use exponential backoff to reduce the risk of throttling.

async await advantages when we have enough threads

I understood that .net know to use multiple threads for multiple requests.
So, if probably our service wont get more request than the number of threads our server can produce (it look like huge number), the only reason I can see to use async is on single request that do multiple blocking operations which can done in parallel.
Am I right?
Another advantage may be that serve multiple requests with same thread is cheaper than use multiple threads. How significant is this difference?
(note: no UI exists in our service (I saw that there is single thread for this, but it isn't relevant))
Am I right?
No, doing multiple independent blocking operations, is the job of Concurrent APIs anyway (though sometimes they need Synchronization (like lock, mutex) to maintain the object state and avoid Race condition), but the usage of Async-Await is to schedule the IO Operations, like File Read / Write, call a remote service or Database Read / Write, which doesn't need a thread, as they are queued on a queue in hardware called IO Completion ports.
Benefits of Async-Await:
Doesn't start a IO operation on a separate Thread, since Thread is a costly resource, in terms memory and resource allocation and would do little precious than wait for IO call to come back. Separate thread shall be used for the compute bound operations, no IO bound.
Free up the UI / caller thread to make it completely responsive to carry out other tasks / operations
This is the evolution of Asynchronous programming model (BeginXX, EndXX), which was fairly complex to understand and implement
Another advantage may be that serve multiple requests with same thread is cheaper than use multiple threads. How significant is this difference?
Its a good strategy depending on the kind of request from caller, if they are compute bound better invoke a Parallel API and finish them fast, IO bound there's Async-Await, only issue with multiple threads is Resource allocation and Context switching, which needs to be factored in, but on other end it efficiently utilize the processor cores, which are fairly under utilized in the current day systems, as you would see most of the time processor is lying idle
