Button does not react on user actions in Chrome - css

I am playing with CSS and found one bug which appears in Chrome(Version 104.0.5112.81). In Firefox(103.0) code works well. I have prepared test application https://codesandbox.io/s/card-click-ru5gbu. In the test app you may see, that "FRONT btn" does not react on user actions. The card behaves like there is no a button. I am interesting, is there possible solution for such bug?

Disclaimer, I am not entirely sure why they behave differently in different browser, but I did get down to what I think is the problem, and here are my findings.
The issue is the way you position your doms, I can see you are using position absolute, although you are transforming the position, and hiding the backface (I am guessing different browsers deal with this property in a different ways, which is why the behavior is different), but that doesn't mean the dom doesn't exist, basically every click you think you are clicking on the front button is actually a click on face back div, hence the flip. If I was to fix this, I would add pointer-events none to the back div when it is flipped, just to ensure that events are behaving as you would expect.
so here
the html
<div class="face back" [class.flipped]="flippedState === 'flipped'"(click)="cardClicked(); $event.stopPropagation();">
the css
pointer-events: none;


Chrome Android instantaneous button feedback

I am creating a simple mobile app with Cordova. For good user experience I would like there to be instant feedback whenever a user presses a button. This should be accomplished with the :active pseudoclass. It mostly works, but it's not quite 'instant'.
See the jsbin here.
With desktop Chrome, clicking the button produces absolutely instant feedback, no question.
With Chrome for Android, tapping the button quickly feels pretty quick, but a slow tap or holding on the button causes a delay (it might be hard to notice, but it is there and it's bugging me).
I think this is something to do with scrolling. If you go to the Android settings, there is a scrolling list of options. These options seem to highlight with a similar delay. However, any native Android buttons which are not within a scrolling list are absolutely instant (for example, the back button in the top right, or save/cancel on a popup dialog).
Is there some way I can convince Chrome that these buttons are not on any kind of scrolling pane and should just be highlighted instantly?
This is probably unrelated, but I have also noticed that holding on an html button highlights it, but then moving your finger (still within the button) causes the highlight to disappear. This does not match the behaviour of native Android buttons, which would stay highlighted so long as you stay within the button.
Edit: I should add that -webkit-tap-highlight-color (which only works with cursor: pointer) is a bit faster than :active, but it's not an acceptable solution, for a few reasons:
The highlight disappears if you hold on the button for more than one second
It clashes with :active - to get sensible results with -webkit-tap-highlight-color you would have to remove :active, which makes no sense
There is no way to control the size/shape of the highlight, which might not match the actual button (sometimes it bleeds around the edge, or has mismatching rounded corners)
The correct HTML way of solving this is :active, and I would like to use that if at all possible.
It seems the best way to solve this is to listen for touch events and set a class:
$('button').on('touchstart', function(e){
$('button').on('touchend', function(e){
To keep this as closely related to the :active pseudoclass, I opted to use a class of active and add styles for both like this:
button:active, button.active {
// active style
For more information, see: http://samcroft.co.uk/2012/alternative-to-webkit-tap-highlight-color-in-phonegap-apps/

hover state disappears in ie8

I have a bit of a IE8 problem (sound familiar?)
I have a button. when you hover over the button the hover state produces a larger box that has html inside. in this particular case, it's a small music player.
so it goes like this, when you hover over the button it produces a small music player with clickable links and some text. you can move your mouse anywhere inside this box, but as soon as you leave the box/music player, the hover state goes away again.
sorry but I don't know how else to explain it.
this all works a treat except for IE8.
in IE8, the hover state disappears as soon as the mouse leaves the original small button. so navigating around the music player becomes impossible.
now I have noticed that when there is no html in the hover box, it works fine, but when there is html (in this case an iframe) it loses the hover as soon as I touch any html inside the hovering box. so it looks like the problem is not the hover box, but the code inside the box that makes it lose focus
what I would like to know is, is this a known issue in IE8, or could it just be bad coding from my side. in which case i can post the css.
I've had problems with :HOVER states in IE8 too and I noticed that the same CSS (even pointing to the same external CSS file) worked on some pages but not others. The solution for me was to consistently add a DOCTYPE to the top of all pages (above the starting HTML tag).
It seems obvious now, but sometimes (especially when editing old sites) the DOCTYPE is not always specified.
I hope this helps!
Your problem doesn't seem to lie in hover itself. Firstly you assume some window height and your project just look weird if the height is different. Assuming you did some very exact calculations on such assumptions your problem is probably the box model problem. box-sizing:border-box might help, but you would have to recalculate everything.
Also you can use timeout before the elements gets hidden/drop down so that micro mouse movements don't shake elements and maybe allow to "catch" them.
Having both things in mind all hovering problems should be fixable.
EDIT: For iframe hover have a look at: Iframe hover not working in IE (all versions).

CSS <button> Reset: Vertical Label Position?

I want to completely reset a button's inherited CSS so it behaves exactly like any other inline-block element. However, I've run into a problem where the text of a button is forever stuck vertically-centered.
In the fiddle (and screenshot) below, the button and div have the exact same styles according to the Chrome Developer Console, yet the button's text is vertically-centered, while the div's is not:
Anyone know of the property or selector that will completely reset a button, specifically including its label position?
There's no way in any browser other than Chrome ~25. I reached out to the Chromium project about the it not working in Chrome 27 (see the #winterblood answer & comments). They said this:
The issue is that we now use margin:auto on the anonymous block inside the button to do the centering inside the button in order to get safe-centering. So, unfortunately, there's no way to style it from CSS. That you were able to control this behavior before was really implementation detail leaking out.
So, the true answer is that you cannot style this in any browser, except for Chrome ~25 where -webkit-box-align was inadvertently exposed to, as #winterblood answered.
For webkit you need to override -webkit-box-align with a value of baseline or start.
I have had no luck implementing this in Firefox yet (from a very brief look at it).

Safari - styles applied only on refresh (or some parts on hover)

I don't even know where to start.
On one page of my project, when you enter the page for the first time, some parts of the site disappear and some don't get styled (e.g. border-radius doesn't work).
First off, some parts of the header shows up again when you hover over links, or select some text (that is actually invisible before selecting). Everything looks as it should when you refresh the page.
Before I found out that hovering or selecting fixes some parts, I thought that styles don't get applied or something like that. I've even tried to remove all the #imports and check if that works.
This happens only in Safari, styles get applied to proper elements but those are not rendered properly and are not visible.
I don't even know which parts of my code should I post here since it's just basic CSS and it works perfectly everywhere except Safari.
Any ideas?
Here's an example of an issue (link your profile is shown, cause I hovered over it)
And when you select some parts of the invisible text and than deselect, it shows up:
This is Bootstrap based site, and here's the code for this alert:
<div class="alert">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
<strong>You are not connected to Stripe yet.</strong>
<p>Other people will not be able to find or participate in your experiences until you connect to Stripe. Go to your profile to connect to Stripe now.</p>
Regarding the styles, it's basically just some padding and, obviously orange gradient. On the screenshot, you can see the border radius but sometimes it's not there.
An advice by a friend of mine: put empty style tag in your document worked! Just placed line <style></style> in the header and everything works.
Check out safari developer tools : https://developer.apple.com/technologies/safari/developer-tools.html
Posting screenshots of individual problems along with html snippets would help us narrow down the issues.

Changing transparency of Facebook share box

What CSS property should I change at this page to disable transparency of a share iframe which appears when Like button is clicked?
When you hover on that Facebook box after clicking Like button, it becomes partially transparent and if you move your cursor away from it, it becomes solid white. I want it to be completely opaque all the time.
Well, I see no transparency on that box, only for the fade-in effect when it opens, but once it's fully opened it's not transparent.
To answer your question, you can see for yourself using firebug (firefox) or the development tools (chrome/safari) which css rules apply to what element.
From what I've seen now, you can use the use these: fb_edge_comment_widget fb_iframe_widget which are the classes of the span containing the iframe, or you can use the iframe itself.
The thing is though, is that you should not hack that. Why? Since then you'll have to always check for updates facebook are making, changes that they do not update you about (API changes they update on the blog), if you fail to be aware of these changes it can "break" your code/style.
I was also having the exact same problem.
I am using an AddThis widget set, and I don't know if this was the case for you or not (it looks like you may have chosen a different solution as I can't see the Like button on your site).
I ended up using
.addthis_button_facebook_like {
opacity:1 !important;
but you would use whatever selector that wrapped your like button. if using the standard embed from Facebook, it would probably be
.fb-like {
opacity:1 !important;
Someone else was having a similar problem with a Send button, which got me on the right track.
See it working like it ought to here. I'm sure it had something to do with some conflict from other styles, or possibly AddThis, but it's working now!
