TOSCA - How to verify tooltip text in desktop application? - tosca

I am automating desktop application using TOSCA. I want to verify the tooltip text which I get after hovering on tooltip.
I used properties tooltiptext and ToolTip, but both are not worked for me.


How to set the style of the message in an SWT Text field?

I would like to change the style of the message in an SWT Text field.
Text text = new Text(parent, SWT.NONE);
text.setMessage("Enter your name");
The default styling is to simply make the message grey instead of black. I would like to make it cursive and a lighter shade of grey.
I am using CSS to style the controls but I don't know how to style the suggestion message.
SWT uses the native widgets of the platform it runs on. Their appearance is controlled by the platform and cannot be changed by application code.
The CSS styling is also limited to the properties that the SWT API exposes.

How to change QIcon color?

I am working on a custom control box (that min,max/restore/close button in the top right of your Windows titlebar) for my new application. I use closeIcon = style.standardIcon(QStyle.SP_TitleBarCloseButton) to get the correct icon for them. See the full code here in my other SO question. What I got is a black icon. In which I need the white version when it's in hover state.
Can we .. I don't know, inverse it? Or should I get another icon from QStyle?
This question (and several others) are from the intention of creating a chrome like tab in PyQt application, by hiding the titlebar and reimplementing control box. But it didn't gives the best result. Right now this is my solution to create a chrome like tab in PyQt application. Therefore, I close this question.

How to enhance User Experience of Qt list item widget as of MS office tools?

I'm making a widget for some reordering purpose. I want to make it much like this Outlook Dialog Box :
For the menu list items, I'm using Qt List Widget and adding an icon with a text.
The UI doesn't look very pleasing.
Is there any way in Qt to make the icon panel different in color as shown in this Outlook dialog box?
Also how can I add icons on right side also, as in case of multi level menus have right arrow.

PhoneGap Build apps - text sizes for different screen sizes?

This isn't an Android app question, as such, because it pertains to anything that one could build for PhoneGap Build for Android, iOS, Windows mobile, etc.
I've built an app that has text in boxes that are a % of the screen width. I'm happy with this and it seems to work fine on my GNexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Xoom.
But one of my users on a Galaxy S3 has reported a text overflow issue on his phone.
I'm using % widths for the text boxes. Should I be doing the same for my text sizes or should I use em (which I don't really get anyway)?
If you are using
<input type='text'/>
to display information to a user and do not intend for the user to edit/modify the text box, then you should consider using a label instead.
This will prevent overflow issues and allow the user to scroll to see info as long as other factors aren't preventing scrolling.
If you do need to use a 'textarea' tag then using jQuery you can do:
$("#yourTextAreaId").height( $("#yourTextAreaId").scrollHeight );
Or, if you aren't using jQuery, here is some plain JS for you:
var myTextArea = document.getElementByID('yourTextAreaId');
myTextArea.height = myText.scrollHeight + "px";;
Run either one of those samples after you have set the value of the textarea and/or any time the value of the textarea changes.

How can I change style of PushButton in Installshield?

I created custom Dialog in my Basic MSI project and placed 3-4 pushbuttons on it. Now I want to change pushbutton style - for example I want to have oval buttons instead of rectangular, I want to have possibility of changing their color, I want to add small image on it etc... Set of push button properties is limited as I can see - there are Height, Width, Visible, TabStop TextStyle and some other simple properties.
How can I do it in InstallShield Professional Edition?
The UI available to Windows Installer is not capable of that. We're moving that direction in our Advanced UI project's UI, but currently offer only relatively standard buttons at this point.
