Julia and Bessel functions - julia

I am interested in Julia and would like to understand a couple of things before I dive into it. I would like to have a look at a working code which calculates this expression.
In that expression everything is a constant but for the Bessel functions, of course. The number n is an integer and "e" is an eccentricity (ranging from 0. to, say, 0.999).
For a given value of n I would like to derive hc,n. E.g. if n=2, then hc,2.
No, I am not tricking you into coding for me.
I am used to working with shell scripts, bc, and plot with gnuplot. I would like to have something more flexible than all of this and this one would be a good example to start looking at julia. Thanks!

For the best tutorial on doing equations/mathematics in Julia have a look at https://github.com/mossr/BeautifulAlgorithms.jl
This will give you an excellent overview along with the initial feelling of the language.


compute the tableau's nonbasic term in SCIP separator

In traditional Simplex Algorithm notation, we have x at the current basis selection B as so:
xB = AB-1b - AB-1ANxN. How can I compute the AB-1AN term inside a separator in SCIP, or at least iterate over its columns?
I see three helpful methods: getLPColsData, getLPRowsData, getLPBasisInd. I'm just not sure exactly what data those methods represent, particularly the last one, with its negative row indexes. How do I use those to get the value I want?
Do those methods return the same data no matter what LP algorithm is used? Or do I need to account for dual vs primal? How does the use of the "revised" algorithm play into my calculation?
Update: I discovered the getLPBInvARow and getLPBInvRow. That seems to be much closer to what I'm after. I don't yet understand their results; they seem to include more/less dimensions than expected. I'm still looking for understanding at how to use them to get the rays away from the corner.
you are correct that getLPBInvRow or getLPBInvARow are the methods you want. getLPBInvARow directly returns you a of the simplex tableau, but it is not more efficient to use than getLPBInvRow and doing the multiplication yourself since the LP solver needs to also compute the actual tableau first.
I suggest you look into either sepa_gomory.c or sepa_gmi.c for examples of how to use these methods. How do they include less dimensions than expected? They both return sparse vectors.

Taking advantage of Julia's integration abilities

One of the main reasons I wanted to use Julia for my project is because of its speed, especially for calculating integrals.
I would like to integrate a 1-d function f(x) over some interval [a,b]. In general Julia's quadgk function would be a fast and accurate solution. However, I do not have the function f(x), but only its values f(xi) for a discrete set of points xi in [a,b], stored in an array. The xi's are regularly spaced, and I can get the spacing to be however small I like.
Naively, I could simply define a function f which interpolates using the values f(xi) and feed this to quadgk, (and make the spacing as small as possible), however then I won't know what my error is, which is a shame because QuadGK tells you the error in its estimation.
Another solution is to write a function myself to integrate the array (with trapezoid rule for example), but that would defeat the purpose of using Julia...
What is the easiest way to accurately integrate a function only given discrete values using Julia?
Since you only have values, not the function itself, trapezoid will be your best bet probably. The package Trapz provides this (https://github.com/francescoalemanno/Trapz.jl). However, I think it is worth seeing how easy writing a pretty good implementation yourself would be.
function trap(A)
return sum(A) - (A[begin] + A[end])/2
This takes 2.9ms for an array of 10 million floats. If they're Int, then 2.9ms. If they were complex numbers, it would still work (and take 8.9 ms)
A method like this is a good example to show how simple it can be to write pretty fast code in Julia that is still fully generic

Struggling with building an intuition for recursion

Though I have studied and able am able to understand some programs in recursion, I am still not able to intuitively obtain a solution using recursion as I do easily using Iteration. Is there any course or track available in order to build an intuition for recursion? How can one master the concept of recursion?
if you want to gain a thorough understanding of how recursion works, I highly recommend that you start with understanding mathematical induction, as the two are very closely related, if not arguably identical.
Recursion is a way of breaking down seemingly complicated problems into smaller bits. Consider the trivial example of the factorial function.
def factorial(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return n * factorial(n - 1)
To calculate factorial(100), for example, all you need is to calculate factorial(99) and multiply 100. This follows from the familiar definition of the factorial.
Here are some tips for coming up with a recursive solution:
Assume you know the result returned by the immediately preceding recursive call (e.g. in calculating factorial(100), assume you already know the value of factorial(99). How do you go from there?)
Consider the base case (i.e. when should the recursion come to a halt?)
The first bullet point might seem rather abstract, but all it means is this: a large portion of the work has already been done. How do you go from there to complete the task? In the case of the factorial, factorial(99) constituted this large portion of work. In many cases, you will find that identifying this portion of work simply amounts to examining the argument to the function (e.g. n in factorial), and assuming that you already have the answer to func(n - 1).
Here's another example for concreteness. Let's say we want to reverse a string without using in-built functions. In using recursion, we might assume that string[:-1], or the substring until the very last character, has already been reversed. Then, all that is needed is to put the last remaining character in the front. Using this inspiration, we might come up with the following recursive solution:
def my_reverse(string):
if not string: # base case: empty string
return string # return empty string, nothing to reverse
return string[-1] + my_reverse(string[:-1])
With all of this said, recursion is built on mathematical induction, and these two are inseparable ideas. In fact, one can easily prove that recursive algorithms work using induction. I highly recommend that you checkout this lecture.

In how many functions maxterm/minterm of n binary variables can be expressed

I have confusion. Semantically we can construct 2^(2^n) boolean functions, but I read in Digital Electronics Morris Mano that we can construct 2^2n combinations of minterm/maxterm. How?
Samsamp, could you point to a specific place in the book or even better provide an exact quote? In the copy I found over the Internet I was not able to find such a claim after a fast glance over. The closest thing I found is:
Since the function can be either I or 0 for each minterm, and since there
are 2^n min terms, one can calculate the possible functions that can be formed with n variables to be 2^2^n.
which looks OK to me.

Function point to kloc ratio as a software metric... the "Name That Tune" metric?

What do you think of using a metric of function point to lines of code as a metric?
It makes me think of the old game show "Name That Tune". "I can name that tune in three notes!" I can write that functionality in 0.1 klocs! Is this useful?
It would certainly seem to promote library usage, but is that what you want?
I think it's a terrible idea. Just as bad as paying programmers by lines of code that they write.
In general, I prefer concise code over verbose code, but only as long as it still expresses the programmers' intention clearly. Maximizing function points per kloc is going to encourage everyone to write their code as briefly as they possibly can, which goes beyond concise and into cryptic. It will also encourage people to join adjacent lines of code into one line, even if said joining would not otherwise be desirable, just to reduce the number of lines of code. The maximum allowed line length would also become an issue.
KLOC is tolerable if you strictly enforce code standards, kind of like using page requirements for a report: no putting five statements on a single line or removing most of the whitespace from your code.
I guess one way you could decide how effective it is for your environment is to look at several different applications and modules, get a rough estimate of the quality of the code, and compare that to the size of the code. If you can demonstrate that code quality is consistent within your organization, then KLOC isn't a bad metric.
In some ways, you'll face the same battle with any similar metric. If you count feature or function points, or simply features or modules, you'll still want to weight them in some fashion. Ultimately, you'll need some sort of subjective supplement to the objective data you'll collect.
"What do you think of using a metric of function point to lines of code as a metric?"
Don't get the question. The above ratio is -- for a given language and team -- a simple statistical fact. And it tends toward a mean value with a small standard deviation.
There are lots of degrees of freedom: how you count function points, what language you're using, how (collectively) clever the team is. If you don't change those things, the value stays steady.
After a few projects together, you have a solid expectation that 1200 function points will be 12,000 lines of code in your preferred language/framework/team organization.
KSloc / FP is a bare statistical observation. Clearly, there's something else about this that's bothering you. Could you be more specific in your question?
The metric of Function Points to Lines of Code is actually used to generate the language level charts (actually, it is Function Points to Statements) to give an approximate sense of how powerful a programming language is. Here is an example: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~timm/dm/functionpoints.html
I wouldn't recommend using that ratio for anything else, except high level approximations like the language level chart.
Promoting library usage is a good thing, but the other thing to keep in mind is you will lose in the ratio when you are building the libraries, and will only pay it off with dividends of savings over time. Bean-counters won't understand that.
I personally would like to see a Function point to ABC metric ratio -- as I am curious about how the ABC metric (which indicates size and includes complexity as part of the info) would relate - perhaps linear, perhaps exponential, etc... www.softwarerenovation.com/ABCMetric.pdf
All metrics suck. My theory has always been that if you have to have them, then use the easiest thing you can to gather them and be done with it and onto important things.
That generally means something along the lines of
grep -c ";" *.h *.cpp | awk -F: '/:/ {x += $2} END {print x}'
If you are looking for a "metric" to track code efficency, don't. If you insist, again try something stupid but easy like source file size (see grep command above, w/o the awk pipe) or McCabe (with a counter program).
