Oauth token is being revoked after sometime - linkedin

We are using linkedin-ads API in our integration in which the OAuth token is being used to authenticate API requests. But while doing testing, we observed that the refresh token do not work after some time. In the status, it shows like `token is revoked. But, none of us have revoked any tokens. It seems like Linkedin had revoked Oauth tokens because in the document it is mentioned that Linkedin reserves the right to revoke it. So, we just wanted to know that is there any specific reason or activity which can lead to revoking the OAuth token.
Any help would be appreciated.


If anyone take my Google Sign in token, can he or she sign in via that access token?

I am learning react-js development, from this course I learned that I can use Firebase and Google sign as a third part storage service and sign in verification service, I draw a sign in steps with drawio diagram, as diagram below if someone take my (2) Google verification token or (6) Firebase access token can he or she sign in my website on his machine by that two tokens before expired ?
clarification about google token or firebase token security level.
That's a pretty standard OAuth flow. Firebase JS SDK does the same under the hood when you call signInWithPopup():
Getting user's access token after user's approval
Signing in with the response (see sign in with OAuth credential)
Yes, if I somehow get your Google Access Token (2), I can use it to access your account's data (for the scopes it has access to). Similarly, Firebase tokens are generally used as a Bearer token that means anyone in possession of the token gets access to the resources.
But chances of someone getting these tokens are slim to none (unless they have physical access to user's computer). As long as users do not share these tokens or any malicious script tries to read them, this flow has no issues.

Can't revoke Google calendar token

We are using the Google Calendar API. When attempting to revoke the access token (we've also tried the refresh token just in case) for the account, we get the following 400 response:
b'{\n "error": "invalid_token",\n "error_description": "Token expired or revoked"\n}'
We also tried the following endpoints:
We want to invalidate the token and remove ourselves from the user's "Third-party apps with account access" list. However, it should be noted that the tokens are perfectly valid, so the response from Google is confusing. We have scoured the documentation and every forum we could find and still could not solve this issue.
revoke access is preformed using an access token and not a refresh token. Use the refresh token to request a new access token. Then use that to revoke the users consent.

What happens in case where someone steals your firebase auth refresh token?

I am starting to learn about JWT and I was wondering if some one got a hold of both my id token and refresh token, could that someone access firestore or other firebase resources pretending to be me indefinitely(until the refresh token is revoked)?
If so, how does firebase prevent this from happening?
I can't help feeling that the if someone could get my id token, it's not that hard to access the refresh token as well.
All communication with Firebase APIs are over HTTPS, which means that no one can listen in on that communication. It is secure. If someone got both a fresh ID token and a refresh token, then could impersonate you when making calls to Firebase APIs.
However, no one can get your ID token or refresh token unless you make a security mistake. For example, leaving your computer unlocked while you're signed in would be a bad idea. Or, having a password that's easy to guess. Use all the standard security precautions, and you won't have a problem.

Sign out user via REST HTTP API

I can sign in users to Firebase using this HTTP API:
How do I sign out users, so that the Firebase idToken and refreshToken can no longer be used?
Also, how long is the refreshToken valid for?
If my user does not use my app for weeks, can I still use the refreshToken or will I need to get a fresh Google Sign In idToken and exchange it for a Firebase (idToken, refreshToken) pair via the /identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyAssertion API?
I don't believe there is a sign out endpoint. You could try doing a redirect to https://accounts.google.com/Logout but I suspect that is signing out from all Google services which might not be a great idea.
The whole point of Refresh Tokens is that they can be used to access resources whether or not the user is present and signed in, so your comment "How do I sign out users, so that the Firebase idToken and refreshToken can no longer be used" is an oxymoron.
A Refresh Token is theoretically valid until a user specifically revokes it, but your app should code for the possibility that Google has expired it.
The client cannot directly revoke the ID token via the REST API, but both the Firebase Auth client SDKs (ex: Android) and the Auth Admin SDK do support it. So if your client platform isn't supported, but you are able to create a small server implementation (maybe through Firebase/Cloud Functions), you can create an HTTP endpoint that triggers ID token revocation.

Oauth Revoke access token only

I'm using OAuth 2.0 to log in users in my website. Just like any kind of website, e.g. Google, Asana, etc. .
What I would like to know is if there is a way to revoke ONLY the access token and not the refresh token when the user logs out.
This is what I do:
when a user logs in, I create a session and obtain the access token (and the refresh token if the user logs in for the first time). When the user logs out, I just invalidate the session but the access token is still valid.
Sure, the access token will invalidate after a while or when the user logs in the web app again but what I want to know is if the access token can be invalidated during the log out process.
There's no generic answer to this question as the implementation of token revocation behavior wrt. related tokens is Authorization Server specific. Google will invalidate the refresh token together with the access token that is being revoked, other implementations may choose not to do so. Yet other implementations may not even offer a way to revoke access tokens at all.
For Google you can revoke the access token upon logout as described in https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer#tokenrevoke but it will also revoke the associated refresh token. You must then go through the authorization code flow again to get a new refresh token, which you could try with prompt=none to avoid the user being prompted.
