I am using WordPress 6.0.1 and WooCommerce 6.7.0
I need to install Arabic (RTL) Language pack manually.
I searched every possible post online and can't make it to work.
I tried to set default WordPress language to Arabic but this didn't solve the problem.
My theme is U-Design and it fully support Arabic and RTL.
Many strings need to be translated by PolyLang.
I tried to upload the language pack to wp-content/languages/plugins/ & to wp-content/languages/woocommerce & to wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/i18n/languages
But no luck!
Can any one please direct me to a way to install Arabic Language pack manually?
I tried exactly what is suggested in this document.
And downloaded language pack from here.
But still no luck!
Thank you
let me know if anyone else, also having the same issue. it is working fine with older version but I just installed the latest version and now it's not working.
I have faced the same problem today in morning when I have updated WordPress to latest version 5.
But I have fixed the Problem by updating the Visual-composer back end-editor to latest version.
Check this link. You can see Release Notes there that says VER 5.6 - Update: Compatibility with WordPress 5.0.
So just update your plugin & sure that will fix your problem.
Try it & let me know if you have any issues.
Use the plugin call classic editor. It uses the old editor. Do not use classic editor addon. Just the standard classic editor plugin.
You can use Wordpress Version 4.9.9
It is working for me.
Download link
I can’t find Backend Editor, where is it?
The WordPress admin panel is a very unpredictable environment for such a complex product like Visual Composer. Because of that, we decided to remove Backend Editor in 2.0 version and focus our development on Frontend Editor. As a result, you as a user are getting a more stable and faster editor. Release cycles will become shorter and new features will be delivered to you faster.
To justify the “loss” we will introduce new “structured view” mode in Frontend Editor (similar how it was in the Backend Editor) and there is always Tree View mode available (a layer style representer and editor of your layout).
official website
I want create once module multi languages in drupal 7.x with i18n installed already.
Please help me step by step create that,
Thanks advance,
The home for all Drupal localization is now http://localize.drupal.org/. This is a good place to start reading about internationalization and translation.
As a developer, you should also look at the Drupal 7 i18n articles by kristen: http://www.kristen.org/drupal7-i18n-articles,
Also read this about .po files: http://drupal.org/node/1814954
The very short version of what you need to know as a developer :-) is that you should wrap the strings you want to translatable in the translate (t()) function, as shown here: http://hojtsy.hu/blog/2011-jan-25/drupal-7039s-new-multilingual-systems-part-3-localization-and-language-apis, and then translate the strings into the languages you're interested in by one of the means described below:
If you're translatable strings are part of an official Drupal project, translations contributed to http://localize.drupal.org/ will show up on your site next time translations are updated (there seems to be some delay of max 24 hours from a translation is accepted at http://localize.drupal.org/ to when updating has an effect). Updating can be configured to happen automatically with localization update: http://drupal.org/project/l10n_update
For custom modules, you can upload your own translations through the administrative interface of the same module (localization update).
I've been trying, through many different ways to install zen coding for aptana.
First i gone to Zen Coding project hosting, on google and found a weird zip, different from what every walkthrough describe. And following multiple walkthroughs, all of them told me to look for the aptana plugin, on zen coding githubs page. After searching for a long time, i found it, dev version. Then added as default project and stuff, but it just doesn't works and it doesn't have the LIB folder, describe in many tutorials.
Then, finally, i tried adding the official Eclipse/Aptana plugin, the weird one. As i didn't know how to install, just tried extracting to aptana plugins folder. Then, it appears on the menu scripts but when i do ctrl+e, it just crashes(the zen coding). It throws an error without many description.
I'm using Aptana studio standalone 2
Go to:
Help -> Install new software
In the "work with" field, type this repo address: http://zen-coding.ru/eclipse/updates/ http://emmet.io/eclipse/updates/
Press "Add...", give it a name and press OK.
Zen coding should appear on the software list, under "uncategorised". You can install it as you'd install any other plugin.
Hope this helps.
Tested & confirmed to be working with:
Aptana 2.0.5
Aptana 3
Zend Studio 8 (under Windows 7 and Ubuntu)
Zend Studio 9 (thanks to #Patrioticcow for the info)
Eclipse Indigo
Fails with Zend Studio 7.2, but I don't know whether it's a rule or just my bad luck.
Over the last year or so I tried using WP-CodeBox for a syntax highlighting tool. I downloaded a couple of versions and tried them with a few versions of WordPress. I have never been able to get CodeBox to work. Anyone suggestions? Anyone using this combination or have a similiar story? What did you do?
I like the features it offers like links to download files, line numbering, copy to clipboard, and expand/collapse of the code box. If there is another tool that offers these features, let me know.
WP-CodeBox - http://www.ericbess.com/ericblog/2008/03/03/wp-codebox/
I'd prefer to use CodeBox but if I can't make it work, I need to use something else. I cannot change the version of WordPress.
I've been using it successfully on my blog. I just upgraded to 1.4 which appears to have broken a few things so I downgraded back to 1.3.3. I'm currently using 1.3.3 with WP 2.8.6 & just upgraded to 2.9. Haven't had any problems with the 1.3.3 version. Just noticed on Eric's site that he recently released 1.4.1. Haven't tried it yet though.
lamolabs blog is my blog. I use the WP-Codebox all over the site without any issues.
I use it with WP 2.8.4 in production site and 2.8.6 at home, both working fine.
I've just installed on the same version and it's not working properly. It displays the code, but the collpase bar, images and line numbers don't appear. I'm going to have to hunt around for something else.
IIS7 provides custom error pages under;
However I'd like some other European languages too as by default only English is provided.
Has anyone seen an error page "language pack" for download anywhere. Do I have to install the full windows language pack, I'd rather not.
I don't think that exists anywhere. My advice would be to download the language packs to a computer you don't care about and copy them over manually. I assume you're just trying to not pollute your server with unnecessary software.