Text wrap in atom editor - atom-editor

How to wrap text in atom editor on a windows laptop? I have tried installing the packages like slick wrap and still no luck so if anyone has some words of wisdom that is much appreciated


Atom folding HTML like Sublime Text?

Tried to switch from Sublime to Atom like two years ago, but after days of searching couldn't find a reasonable way to make the text fold like in Sublime text (showing the closing tag as well).
Two years later, today, I really want to give it one more try and I still can't find a way to make the folding work with atom settings or any plugins.
If there is a way to give Atom the folding properties of Sublime Text, can anyone give a me link or instruction or whatever how do make it happen ?
P.s: Is it really impossible to do or I just plainly suck at searching online?
Alt+Cmd+[ and Alt+Cmd+] folds the code. Alternately you can toggle the arrow button just like you can in Sublime.
Replace Cmd with Ctrl if you are on Windows or Linux.

Enabling Autocomplete on Atom Editor

First off, I don't know what this is called. So I am going to explain it.
While using Sublime Text Editor and editing HTML it would autocomplete certain parts of the text. Stuff it knew without a doubt that I would be typing.
For example:
<div> </
By the time I've typed that, it would auto-complete to
<div> </div>
Now, I'm wondering what this is called and how I can enable this when using Atom.
I know this is probably a silly question, but I have looked through the answers myself and I just don't know what this is called in actuality, so I can't seem to find anything related to it and it would probably be faster to get a quick answer here.
Thank you.
U can type the command without braces it will automatically complete the tags... I tried it and works well...
ex: write p instead of
Hope you understand.....
cheers :)
Try this from inside the Atom Editor. See my Atom Cheatsheet at https://github.com/pd-gmit/atom-cheatsheet/blob/master/atom_cheatsheet.md for more tips.
Ctrl Space L

html word processer buttons

I was wondering how to create word processor buttons in html such as:A Bold Button,An Italic button and text size increase button.(THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE PRETTY) any ideas would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! THANKS!
You won't be able to achieve this with HTML alone. This sounds like a job for javascript. What you are looking for is called a rich text box, and there are a few decent open-source options around. You should consider using these before building one from scratch. For instance, WordPress uses TinyMCE: http://www.tinymce.com/ . It is definitely worth a look.

Integrating gedit or kate in a Qt Application

I am trying to develop an a simple IDE for programming languages using Qt for my project.This IDE should contain a text editor and should have pretty printing feature in it.So developing a text editor with qt is out of question.
So my question is: Can I integrate gedit or kate text editor in a Qt application.? I am working on a Gnome environment.If this is possible please explain or point to appropriate tutorials.
Programming language:Cuda,Opencl,C,C++
Your help will be greatly appreciated
Thank you
You'll probably want to take a look at QScintilla: http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/qscintilla/intro
Try: Code::Blocks
It is incredibly powerful IDE, yet lightweight, only 20MB. I use to program in C++ with opencv. And if you want to increase even more, you can add several plugins, like: Eclipse IDE, but without its 200MB.
Good luck.

Can you change where the text editors file tab positions are in Aptana?

Im running Aptana IDE for developing on a lamp setup. I have looked all over the place in the options to try and find if I can move the text editors file tabs to the side instead of lined up along the top. Any googling I attempt for this just gives me results for changing tab widths and stuff like that, so im having to ask the question here instead.
It doesn't look possible. That would be a limitation of the underlying Eclipse platform on top of which Aptana is built. You could file a feature request here: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/.
This was possible in Aptana 3.4.2. (at least to have them on the bottom) - however I can't find it in 3.6.0. so it looks like it's no longer possible.
