Integrating gedit or kate in a Qt Application - qt

I am trying to develop an a simple IDE for programming languages using Qt for my project.This IDE should contain a text editor and should have pretty printing feature in it.So developing a text editor with qt is out of question.
So my question is: Can I integrate gedit or kate text editor in a Qt application.? I am working on a Gnome environment.If this is possible please explain or point to appropriate tutorials.
Programming language:Cuda,Opencl,C,C++
Your help will be greatly appreciated
Thank you

You'll probably want to take a look at QScintilla:

Try: Code::Blocks
It is incredibly powerful IDE, yet lightweight, only 20MB. I use to program in C++ with opencv. And if you want to increase even more, you can add several plugins, like: Eclipse IDE, but without its 200MB.
Good luck.


Should I use Qt Widgets or Qt Quick to develop a rich text editor?

I am new to Qt in general, and I have been playing with it to get to learn about it since I have to develop a very specific text editor.
I want to know if anyone could help me understand which one is better (or the most indicated) for the development of a rich text editor. I have worked before with C and C++ but Qt Widgets seems like a very step hill for the time being and I am completely new to javascript in general.
Some of the settings that I would need to implement on the text editor for better context are:
Look for the user to be always connected to internet.
Transfer and receive data from another program.
Grant read only to the opened files and then permission to write on them when a button is clicked.
Has to work on linux and windows.
Needs to look great.
My context:
So far I have done a few little applications and even a little rich text editor on Qt Widgets, but since I was having problems with the GUI implementation that I wanted, I started looking for a way to solve it and found that Qt Quick might be the solution.
I have been trying Qt Quick, and for now on looks great, but I do not know if it has the capabilities to do what I have explained before. Or if it is better to use one or another.
I decided to create a new post since the one that I found looking for something similar is from 2014.
Also, the text editor for now only needs to work on desktop, but in a future might be on other devices and embedded systems.

HighLighter Library Qt5/C++ for web languages

Hi everybody,
I would like to create an code editor on Qt to highlight and complete web languages.
It's my first steps on Qt and this project is a school project.
I looked for some tutorials on Qscintilla or GNU Scource-Highlight but I don't know how add it to my project. Of course I seen examples on Qt documentation but I don't like the way to highlight code.
So if someone know how work these libraries or if you have something more new, please answer me ;)
PS : Sorry for my bad English, I'm still learning =D
I would recommend looking into Kate Highlighting, which is also used for example by QtCreator.
I vaguely remember hearing that the Kate and QtCreator developers were actually working on a Qt syntax highlighting library using this syntax definition files.
Might be worth contacting the Kate developers

Qt Automotive Embedded Cluster (ICP)

I am new to Qt and was curious if we can develop HMI for a Cluster(Instrument Cluster Panel) using Qt.
Can someone share a demo?
I might be in a wrong place to post this question, please don't flag.
I am looking for Examples/Demo in QT 5. (5.3.1)
Look at this widgets on Qt Apps website:
As you can see there are many beautiful widgets. For example:
There is also Qwt: well documented tool with a lot of different technical widgets.
From here
A good example is a dial-type control which combines Image elements with Rotation transforms and SpringAnimation behaviors to produce an interactive speedometer-type dial. You can find the example in the installed Qt directory in Examples/Qt-5.3/quick/customitems/dialcontrol.

New to QT help needed

i am new to QT, i don't have any knowledge about it.
from scratch i need to learn, if you people have some tutorials or some technical blogs please
feel free to share with me..
i have seen some stuffs in troltech, tell me any thing else apart from it.
Trolltech documentation is great.
I can also suggest having a look at the independant tutorial.
There are also some great books about Qt. My favourite is C++ Gui programming with Qt.
Check out also these websites : Qt Forum and Qt Center.
This book is nice to start with Qt (Assuming you know c++)
You could also look at these

What is the best (most productive) FLEX IDE?

Some requirements:
Step-by-step debugging & Break Points
View variable values while debugging
IntelliSense (auto-completion). Ideally done with "smarts" so it only shows you the syntactically valid options to complete something. E.g., Textbox. would trigger members of that class (.Text, .BackColor), etc. And then Textbox.BackColor= would trigger a list of valid colors.
Drag'n Drop style GUI design.
I'm not concerned about cost (Ok, over $1K gets a little pricey looking :-)
Step by step debugging with variable view (and often with additional views like stack or global variables etc) is working in some IDEs. FlexBuilder, FDT3 Enterprise (only the enterprise version allows debugging), FlashDevelop (with extra plug-in). You can also try the (free!) Visual Studio plug-in Tofino (Ensemble), so you can debug inside Visual Studio.
But the best implementation for debugging I found in the Eclipse based IDEs. I'm not much impressed with FDT3 at all, so I recommend FlexBuilder for debugging (+profiling) and of course coding of AS and eventually (visual) design for MXML.
You can try FlashDevelop with the FDB plug-in. Many people prefer this free IDE for coding because of the nice code assist (IMHO the best of all known IDEs). Debugging is working with this plug-in but I wouldn't say that is the "most productive". But give it a try, its free!
There are only 2 I know:
Flex Builder
IntelliJ Idea
I was interested in the comments on debugging above. I am one of the developers of the Amethyst Flex/AIR IDE for Visual Studio. We are very keen to have the best Flex debugging available so I would appreciate any feedback to help us achieve this.
The current beta of Amethyst has breakpoints, watch variables, locals, call-stack, step-into/step-out/step-over plus drilldown expansion in the debugging windows or in hovering debug tips in the code editor. There's a small movie showing a few debugging features of Amethyst here:
Shortly we will add more features (e.g. tracepoints and conditional breakpoints). But if there are any features we've missed, now would be a good time to tell us ;-)
best wishes
Huw Collingbourne
SapphireSteel Software
I've used them all and I can say without a doubt IntelliJ is the most powerful of them all.
It also is the best JS IDE, and unless you are using .NET on the back end it is probably the best IDE for your back end language. These guys really have it going on.
FlashDevelop from is another free editor that appears to be gaining momentum. It's windows-only but seems to be pretty feature rich.
Netbeans also has a plugin called FlexBean. But by now isn't powerful.
How about SapphireSteel Amethyst Personal Edition? It's based on VS.
Quite a few prominent Flex+Flash developers swear by FDT
It's an Eclipse plugin, and it's probably the most expensive Flex development tool out there, but it's very good.
Flex Builder. And BONUS you can get it for FREE if you are a teacher or student.
From the discussion above, below is the list of IDEs for Flex with debugging support
Powerflasher FDT
Adobe Flash Builder
IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate Edition)
Flash Develop
