How to use Rocksdb merge in Java? - rocksdb

The documentation is not clear about how to use the merge operation while using rocksdb-jni, and I am not familiar with C++ API, how could I define an merge operator?

You can't define new merge operators in java. They need to be implemented in C++ and then compiled and brought in Java
Eg how to use the built in uint64add operator val options = Options().setMergeOperator(UInt64AddOperator())
and then you can use rocksDB.merge(keyByteArray, longValueByteArray)


Kotlin parse Hex String to Long

I am starting to work in Kotlin and I need to parse a hex String to a long, which in java can be done with
Long.parseLong("ED05265A", 16);
I can not find anything this in Kotlin, although I can find
val i = "2".toLong()
This is not what I am looking for!
before I write anything from scratch is there a built in function for this?
Since Kotlin v1.1 you can use:
"ED05265A".toLong(radix = 16)
Until then use the Java's Long.parseLong.
You can simply use
java.lang.Long.parseLong("ED05265A", 16)
import java.lang.Long.parseLong
parseLong("ED05265A", 16)
Kotlin is compatible with Java, and you can, and should, use Java's built-in classes and methods.

Elixir - Changing Behavior

This is mostly a Functional Programming question rather than an Elixir one, but since I'm learning Elixir it would be nice if someone can answer it using that language. Even so, if someone wants to give a more general answer it'll be appreciated.
I'm an OO programmer myself and I can't wrap my head around how to change the behavior of a component based on a configuration file (for example).
I have an application that loads/saves users from a database. In a production environment, I want my users to be saved and retrieved from a MongoDB database, while in development and testing I want to use an in-memory map. If I was programming given system in an OO language (Lets say Java), I would simply make an Interface named "UserRepository" with 2 implementations: "MemoryUserRepository" and "MongoDBUserRepository". I would then instantiate the corresponding Repository based on a configuration file (or hardcoding it, it doesn't matter) at startup and right after it, all the objects that interact with the Repository will never know its implementation (they will use a repository, but will never care if it's in memory or in mongo).
That gives me the ability to create as many implementations as I want and the only thing I need to do to change the behavior of the system is instantiate the implementation that I want to use.
I want the same behavior but in Elixir (let's use the same example). Since it's not an Object Oriented language I can't use the above approach. Obviously I want it to be extensible (I could easily pass a String with the type of repository I want to use in each call and use pattern matching to determine what behavior to use, but that doesn't scale well because every time I'll want to add an implementation I will have to look in every piece of code I'm pattern matching the type and add the new implementation). What would be the best approach to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
Suppose you have these two (or more) repository implementations, which implement the same interface:
defmodule MyApp.Repository.Memory do
def get(key) do
# ...
def put(key, value) do
# ...
defmodule MyApp.Repository.Disk do
def get(key) do
# ...
def put(key, value) do
# ...
Then you can write a general repository module that will just forward the function calls to one of the repository backends, based on a configuration value in your config/config.exs file:
defmodule MyApp.Repository do
#backend Application.get_env(:my_app, :repository_backend)
defdelegate [get(key), put(key, value)], to: #backend
The configuration can be made so that it is environment specific (just look at the default config.exs in a mix project freshly created with mix new my_app):
# config/config.exs
import_config "#{Mix.env}.exs"
# config/dev.exs
config :my_app, repository_backend: MyApp.Repository.Memory
# config/prod.exs
config :my_app, repository_backend: MyApp.Repository.Disk
Throughout your entire code, you can then just use the MyApp.Repository module without explicitly referencing one of the specific implementations:
MyApp.Repository.put(:foo, "Hello world!")
value = MyApp.Repository.get(:foo)

How do I change Closure Compiler compile options not exported to command line?

I found that some options in CompilerOption are not exported to the command line.
For example, alias all strings is available in the Closure Compiler's Java API CompilerOption but I have no idea how set this in the command line.
I know I can create a new java class, like:
Compiler c = new Compiler();
ComppilerOptions opt = new ComppilerOptions();
However I have to handle the command line args myself.
Any simple idea?
In order to try the alias all string option, I write a simple command line application based on compiler.jar.
However I found that, the result I got when open the alias all string is not what I expected.
For example:
var a="something string";
Given the above code, the something string will be replaced by a variable like this:
var xx="something string";
var a=xx;
This is fine, but how about the string "say"? How does the closure compiler know this should be aliased(replace it use variable) or exported(export this method)?
This is the compiled code now:
It seems that it export it.
While I want this:
var a="prototype",b="say",c="something string";
In fact, this is the google_map-like compilation.
Is this possible?
Not all options are available from the command line - this includes aliasAllStrings. For some of them you have the following options:
Build a custom version of the compiler
Use the Java API (see example).
Use plovr
Getting the same level of compression and obfuscation as the Maps API requires code written specifically for the compiler. When properly written, you'll see property and namespace collapsing, prototype aliasing and a whole host of others. For an example of the style of code that will optimize that way, take a look at the Closure Library.
Modifying is usually easy enough if you just want to play with something.
Plovr (a Closure build tool) provides an option called experimental-compiler-options, which is documented as follows:
The Closure Compiler contains many options that are only available programmatically in Java. Many of these options are experimental or not finalized, so they may not be a permanent part of the API. Nevertheless, many of them will be useful to you today, so plovr attempts to expose these the experimental-compiler-options option. Under the hood, it uses reflection in Java, so it is fairly hacky, but in practice, it is a convenient way to experiment with Closure Compiler options without writing Java code.

What's the difference between _isEnabled and isEnabled in Anguilla?

I've been following GUI extensions and notice examples use either _isEnabled or isEnabled, without the underscore. Both seem to work to extend or possibly replace existing functionality.
For example, the PowerTools base class (which doesn't seem to "extend" existing functionality) has:
PowerTools.BaseCommand.prototype.isEnabled = function(selection, pipeline)
var p =;
if (!p.initialized)
if (!this.isToolConfigured())
return false;
if (this.isValidSelection)
return this.isValidSelection(selection, pipeline);
return true;
A tool can use this base class and declare .isValidSelection, for example:
PowerTools.Commands.CountItems.prototype.isValidSelection =
function (selection) { ... }
I see Anguilla uses ._isEnabled for existing functionality (in Chrome's console in numerous places in the code). For example, WhereUsed has:
Tridion.Cme.Commands.WhereUsed.prototype._isAvailable =
function WhereUsed$_isAvailable(selection) ...
Private functions?
I'm familiar with a preceding underscore being a naming convention for private variables. Are the _isEnabled and other functions that start with an underscore "private?" If so, then
How should we extend (add additional functionality to existing code) these functions?
How should we replace (not have existing code run, but have ours run instead as in an "override") these?
I'm assuming the same approach applies to other functions that start with an underscore such as _isAvailable, and _invoke.
The following methods are called for a command:
The base class for all commands - Tridion.Core.Command - has a standard implementation of these methods. For the most part, this default implementation allows for extensions to Commands. They also call the underscore methods (_isAvailable, _isEnabled, and _execute).
I don't know why the CME commands only overwrite the underscore methods. Maybe someone thought it was just easier that way. They should be consider private (or the equivalent of "protected" in C#), so it actually seems like a bad practice to me.
It would be cleaner to implement the proper methods (isAvailable, isEnabled, and invoke) and then call the base implementation using this.callBase. However, you might need to stop the pipeline in this case, or also overwrite the underscore methods, in order to avoid your return value getting overwritten by the default underscore methods. It depends on the command you are implementing or extending.
In short: using the underscore methods is probably bad practice, but the Core implementation does seem to make it harder for you to do it "right". So I'd aim to avoid the underscore methods, but not sweat it if it turns out to be too hard to do so.
P.S. isValidSelection is a PowerTools-only method which separates the common logic that they all need from the logic specific to each command.

How to create custom functions in SQLite

Can you create functions in SQLite like you can in MSSQL?
If so, how? What is the syntax?
SQLite does not have a stored function/stored procedure language. So CREATE FUNCTION does not work. What you can do though is map functions from a c library to SQL functions (user-defined functions). To do that, use SQLite's C API (see:
If you're not using the C API, your wrapper API may define something that allows you access to this feature, see for example:
PHP sqlite_create_function() (
Python sqlite3.create_function() (
Perl $dbh->sqlite_create_function($name,$argc,$code_ref,$flags) ($dbh-%3Esqlite_create_function(-$name,-$argc,-$code_ref,-$flags-))
This could be useful to many: in SQLiteStudio it is possible to define new functions and collations easily from interface through a sql built-in plugin for example.
Through the function editor.
You can write arbitrary functions in SQL with the define extension:
-- define a function to sum the numbers 1..n
select define('sumn', ':n * (:n + 1) / 2');
-- use it as a regular function
select sumn(3);
select sumn(5);
