Does the HERE Isoline Routing API have a max time limit? - here-api

Does anyone know whether the HERE Isoline Routing API has a limit on how many hours you can plug in?
For example, 6 hours works perfectly fine and has a service area output:
However, I get a error if I try and do 12 hours
In .parse_response(i, out$responses()[[i]]) : Request 'id = 1' failed.
Status 400; Bad Request; Bad request syntax or unsupported method.
Is there a max time you can use on the API?

The maximum value for the time is 9 hours.


How I can filter meetings which are going to start in given time range

I am working on a specific requirement to filter out any meetings that are going to start in next 15 mins of a given calendar.
I can see that there is timeMax query option which will give events starting before given time but the problem I am facing is that I am also getting older events (which are done in past). Any way to get records only froj now to next 15 mins?
I tried query using syncToken but I guess that doesnt works with timeMax so not able to get just the delta and instead getting all the events.
Calendar Event List API
As suggested under the comments, you could be using timeMin and timeMax. It should be something similar to:
timeMin = 2022-12-27T15:30:00+01:00
timeMax = 2022-12-27T15:45:00+01:00
Use the query parameters from above and make sure to respect that it must be RFC3339 timestamp.
This might be the only available option or suggestion when utilizing the event.list to filter them by the 15 minutes mark and check their status. It would be a loop process that could potentially hit a quota.
var request ={
'calendarId': calendar_id,
"singleEvents" : true,
"orderBy" : "startTime",
"timeMin": startDate.toISOString(),
"timeMax": maxDate.toISOString()
Calendar API limitation
If these suggestions or options are not enough or can be considered workarounds due to the limitations, you could always request a feature by going under Issue Tracker.
Events: list
Issue Tracker

Google Analytics Data API - way to small values or missing data

Has anyone tried the new Google Analytics Data Api (still in beta) for a GA4-Property?
We did this, the way it is recommended in the docs here:
Connection and authorization is working fine, but the values that are responded are way to small. For example it reported activeUsers for last 7 days as 50...but Analyitcs GUI has about 20.000...same as our old UA-Property that runs parallel. And the old reporting Api has the correct numbers...
We did it exactly like the reference example...
client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient()
request = RunReportRequest(
date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="7daysAgo", end_date="today")],
response = client.run_report(request)
print("Report result:")
for row in response.rows:
print(row.dimension_values[0].value, row.metric_values[0].value)
This gives me:
Organic Search 34
Paid Search 19
Direct 6
Referral 3
Email 1
So "organic" for example should be around 20.000!
Funny thing is even the Query Explorer App ( is showing these low numbers for the GA4-Property...
Any ideas what could be wrong? Thanks!

Patch & Update requests to remarketingAudiences returning 500 error

I am trying to patch or update Remarketing Audiences using the Google Analytics Management API. However, when I do so, I keep getting a 500 error. Here is an example of the audience I'm trying to patch/update:
{u'linkedAdAccounts': [{u'linkedAccountId': u'679-395-yyyy', u'type': u'ADWORDS_LINKS'}], u'linkedViews': [xyz], u'name': u'Test - 123', u'audienceType': u'SIMPLE', u'audienceDefinition': {u'includeConditions': {u'daysToLookBack': 30, u'isSmartList': False, u'segment': u'users::condition::ga:browser==Safari', u'membershipDurationDays': 30}}}
The problem does not occur for inserting, however. Any ideas on what might be going on?
A 500 error might result during heavy load or for larger more complex requests. Try to use a shorter time period or reduce the complexity of the request, for example by removing the segment and check if the error persists.

Sending HTTP requests after picking up a date, how to get the last value?

Everytime I pick up a date (through datetimepicker), I wait 300ms with Observable-debounceTime if there is another input, and after that I send a http requests to get data from the server.
REQ 1: 2.10.2020 --> Response : 530 units --> needs 4 seconds on slow 3G internet.
REQ 2: 3.10.2020 --> Response : 12 units --> needs 1.2 seconds on slow 3G internet
It shows REQ 1 because it thinks it's the last request, but I wanna show "12 units" in that example.
I wanna show always the lastest request-response I get, but I have no idea how.
I tried with promises, but the problem I have there is that I can't set debounceTime. So I am using Observables now and I have this problem.
Any ideas?

How to solve pdblp Time out issue

I am using Python to download some data from bloomberg. It works most of the time, but sometimes it pops up a 'Time Out Issue`. And after that the response and request does not match anymore.
The code I use in the for loop is as follows:
When I set up the connection, I used following code:
con = pdblp.BCon(debug=True, port=8194, timeout=5000)
If I increase the timeout parameter (now is 5,000), will it help for this issue?
I'd suggest to increase the timeout to 5000 or even 10000 then test for few times. The default value of timeout is 500 milliseconds, which is small!
The TIMEOUT Event is triggered by the blpapi when no Event(s) arrives within milliseconds
The author of pdblp defines timeout as:
timeout: int Number of milliseconds before timeout occurs when
parsing response. See blp.Session.nextEvent() for more information.
