Using discrete elements to optimize the design of another element - Expanding on Circuit Example - openmdao

I've read through most of the questions posted on here tagged with OpenMDAO on discrete variables and have reviewed the following documentation here but I cannot find an answer to my question.
Here is a description of my use-case:
Lets start with the circuit example here. Now lets assume that I have a set of R values I would like to use. Perhaps in my box of hardware I have 3 types of resistors available to me that I must take advantage of.
With the resistors available, I would like to find a configuration that constrains the net current to 0 but minimizes the voltages at the nodes. Is OpenMDAO capable of taking in sets of discrete variables to select an optimal design for the other components? What would be the proper methods for this use-case? Is there any documentation or publication that I could use as a reference for this type of effort?
Overall I'm looking to use OpenMDAO to define bespoke hardware requirements in cooperation with available COTS components to meet a performance need. Am I barking up the right tree?

There is some work on discrete optimization in OpenMDAO. There is specifically some support for discrete variables in components. The SimpleGADriver also supports discrete variables. If you are looking for something more advanced than that, you can check out the AMIEGO driver.
Im not fully sure how to pose the optimization problem you've described, but there is some relevant OpenMDAO code for circuit analysis in the Zappy library that you might wan to check out.


Avoiding singularity in analysis - does OpenMDAO automatically enable 'fully-simultaneous' solution?

Turbulent boundary layer calculations break down at the point of flow separation when solved with a prescribed boundary layer edge velocity, ue, in what is called the direct method.
This can be alleviated by solving the system in a fully-simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous manner. Details about both methods are available here (, pages 38 onwards. Essentially, the fully-simultaneous method combines the inviscid and viscous equations into a single large system of equations, and solves them with Newton iteration.
I have currently implemented an inviscid panel solver entirely in ExplicitComponents. I intend to implement the boundary layer solver also entirely with ExplicitComponents. I am unsure whether coupling these two groups would then result in an execution procedure like the direct method, or whether it would work like the fully-simultaneous method. I note that in the OpenMDAO paper, it is stated that the components are solved "as a single nonlinear system of equations", and that the reformulation from explicit components to the implicit system is handled automatically by OpenMDAO.
Does this mean that if I couple my two analyses (again, consisting purely of ExplicitComponents) and set the group to solve with the Newton solver, I'll get a fully-simultaneous solution 'for free'? This seems too good to be true, as ultimately the component that integrates the boundary layer equations will have to take some prescribed ue as an input, and then will run into the singularity in the execution of its compute() method.
If doing the above would instead make it execute like the direct method and lead to the singularity, (briefly) what changes would I need to make to avoid it? Would it require defining the boundary layer components implicitly?
despite seeming too good to be true, you can in fact change the structure of your system by changing out the top level solver.
If you used a NonlinearBlockGS solver at the tope, it would solve in the weak form. If you used a NewtonSolver at the top, it would solve as one large monolithic system. This property does indeed derive from the unique structure of how OpenMDAO stores things.
There are some caveats. I would guess that your panel code is implemented as a set of intermediate calculations broken up across several components. If thats the case, then the NewtonSolver will be treating each intermediate variable as it it was its own state variable. In other words, you would have more than just delta and u_e as states, but also all the intermediate calculations too.
This is might be somewhat unstable (though it might work just fine, so try it!). You might need a hybrid between the weak and strong forms, that can be achieved via the solve_subsystems option on the NewtonSolver. This approach, is called the Hierarchical Newton Method in section 5.1.2 of the OpenMDAO paper. It will do a sub-iteration of NLBGS for every top level Newton iteration. This acts as a form of nonlinear preconditioner which can help stabilize the strong form. You can limit ho many sub-iterations are done, and in your case you may want to use just 2 or 3 because of the risk of singularity.

Algorithmic Differentiation vs Multiple Explicit Components with Analytical Derivatives

I have a problem composed of around 6 mathematical expressions - i.e. (f(g(z(y(x))))) where x are two independent arrays.
I can divide this expression into multiple explicit comps with analytical derivatives or use an algorithmic differentiation method to get the derivatives which reduces the system to a single explicit component.
As far as i understand it is not easy to tell in advance the possible computational performance difference between these 2 approaches.
It might depend on the algorithmic differentiation tools capabilities on the reverse mode case but maybe the system will be very large with multiple explicit components that it would still be ok to use algo diff.
my questions is :
Is algo diff. a common tool being used by any of the developers/users ?
I found AlgoPY but not sure about other python tools.
As of OpenMDAO v2.4 the OpenMDAO development team has not heavily used AD tools on any pure-python components. We have experimented with it a bit and found roughly a 2x increase in computational vs hand differentiated components. While some computational cost increase is expected, I do not want to indicate that I expect 2x to be the final rule of thumb. We simply don't have enough data to provide such an estimate.
Python based AD tools are much less well developed than those for compiled languages. The dynamic typing and general language flexibility both make it much more challenging to write good AD tools.
We have interfaced OpenMDAO with compiled codes that use AD, such as CFD and FEA tools. In these cases you're always using the matrix-free derivative APIs for OpenMDAO (apply_linear and compute_jacvec_product).
If your component is small enough to fit in memory and fast enough to run on a single process, I suggest you hand differentiate your code. That will give you the best overall performance for now.
AD support for small serial components is something we'll look into supporting in the future, but we don't have anything to offer you in the near term (as of OpenMDAO v2.4)

What is the main idea of OpenFOAM?

I just want to get the main idea/principle of openFOAM and how you create a simulation, please let me know where I go wrong,
So basically you have a object that interacts with gas or liquid and you want to simulate this, so you create model of the object, mesh it, specify where the gas will flow in and out and what are the walls, and set the other correct parameters and then run the program (with the approprate time step etc)?
OpenFOAM is an open source C++ library which implements the finite volume method (FVM), which is widely used in CFD.
What you have explained is a vague understanding of some of the applications of CFD. Those things you specified might not always be the case (i.e. the fluid might not necessarily be (a) gas and so on.
The main stages of a CFD problem are: making the geometry - mesh generation - preprocess - solving - postprocess.
There might be more stages added depending on the resolution and other specifics of the case.
Now OpenFoam is an open source (free for all) tool which is in C++ and helps solve the CFD problems. If the problem is simple and routine, and you have access to a commercial solver such as ANSYS fluent, then you can use that since it is easier and much less work if the problem is not specific. However, if the problem is specific and there are customized criteria OpenFoam is a nice tool.
It is written in C++ thus it is object oriented and also there are many many different solvers already written and available to use, so you will not have to write all the schemes and everything on your own from scratch.
However, my main advice to you is to read more about CFD to have a clear understanding, there are tens of good books avaiable.

RaptorQ FEC Implementation Obstacle

I am trying to implement the RaptorQ Forward Error Correction Scheme in java as specified here:
The core of the problem is actually to execute gaussian elimination on a matrix A in a smart way to be fast.
The matrix A is composed of submatrices, among others these are G_LDPC,1 and G_LDPC,2.
(Generator matrices for Low Density Parity Checks)
On page 22 in section " Pre-coding relationships" it is stated that this matrices can be decuced from the code snippet on the same page.
My Problem: I am not able to derive the structure of these two submatrices from the code snipped.
Does someone see how to do that, or how the structure looks like?
Thanks for any kind of help!
I'm also trying to implement RaptorQ, and ran into this exactly same problem. My suggestion is this book:
Raptor Codes (Foundations and Trends(R) in Communications and Information Theory) [Paperback]
Amin Shokrollahi (Author), Michael Luby (Author)
It has a better explanation on constructing the constraint matrix in section 3.3.3 (I'd quote it, but I don't have it digital).
#Max anyway we can chat or you can share your RFC5053 implementation? I really could use someone familiar with these difficulties to talk to and share some doubts/ideas.
After being stuck with the problem, I decided to implement the Raptor codec according to RFC 5053 as described here:
This is actually the predecessor version of RaptorQ.
The general working principle seems to be the same, but it is less optimized and therefore has worse properties, especially in sense of reception efficiency.
But on the other hand it was less complex and more intuitive to me, and therefore I was able to code a working implementation in Java.
And after all, I have to admit that I'm very astonished by the capabilities of the created codec!
With the deeper understanding gained during coding the RFC 5053 implementation I was probably also able to realize the RaptorQ codec now.

Modelling / documenting functional programs

I've found UML useful for documenting various aspects of OO systems, particularly class diagrams for overall architecture and sequence diagrams to illustrate particular routines. I'd like to do the same kind of thing for my clojure applications. I'm not currently interested in Model Driven Development, simply on communicating how applications work.
Is UML a common / reasonable approach to modelling functional programming? Is there a better alternative to UML for FP?
the "many functions on a single data structure" approach of idiomatic Clojure code waters down the typical "this uses that" UML diagram because many of the functions end up pointing at map/reduce/filter.
I get the impression that because Clojure is a somewhat more data centric language a way of visualizing the flow of data could help more than a way of visualizing control flow when you take lazy evaluation into account. It would be really useful to get a "pipe line" diagram of the functions that build sequences.
map and reduce etc would turn these into trees
Most functional programmers prefer types to diagrams. (I mean types very broadly speaking, to include such things as Caml "module types", SML "signatures", and PLT Scheme "units".) To communicate how a large application works, I suggest three things:
Give the type of each module. Since you are using Clojure you may want to check out the "Units" language invented by Matthew Flatt and Matthias Felleisen. The idea is to document the types and the operations that the module depends on and that the module provides.
Give the import dependencies of the interfaces. Here a diagram can be useful; in many cases you can create a diagram automatically using dot. This has the advantage that the diagram always accurately reflects the code.
For some systems you may want to talk about important dependencies of implementations. But usually not—the point of separating interfaces from implementations is that the implementations can be understood only in terms of the interfaces they depend on.
There was recently a related question on architectural thinking in functional languages.
It's an interesting question (I've upvoted it), I expect you'll get at least as many opinions as you do responses. Here's my contribution:
What do you want to represent on your diagrams? In OO one answer to that question might be, considering class diagrams, state (or attributes if you prefer) and methods. So, obviously I would suggest, class diagrams are not the right thing to start from since functions have no state and, generally, implement one function (aka method). Do any of the other UML diagrams provide a better starting point for your thinking? The answer is probably yes but you need to consider what you want to show and find that starting point yourself.
Once you've written a (sub-)system in a functional language, then you have a (UML) component to represent on the standard sorts of diagram, but perhaps that is too high-level, too abstract, for you.
When I write functional programs, which is not a lot I admit, I tend to document functions as I would document mathematical functions (I work in scientific computing, lots of maths knocking around so this is quite natural for me). For each function I write:
an ID;
sometimes, a description;
a specification of the domain;
a specification of the co-domain;
a statement of the rule, ie the operation that the function performs;
sometimes I write post-conditions too though these are usually adequately specified by the co-domain and rule.
I use LaTeX for this, it's good for mathematical notation, but any other reasonably flexible text or word processor would do. As for diagrams, no not so much. But that's probably a reflection of the primitive state of the design of the systems I program functionally. Most of my computing is done on arrays of floating-point numbers, so most of my functions are very easy to compose ad-hoc and the structuring of a system is very loose. I imagine a diagram which showed functions as nodes and inputs/outputs as edges between nodes -- in my case there would be edges between each pair of nodes in most cases. I'm not sure drawing such a diagram would help me at all.
I seem to be coming down on the side of telling you no, UML is not a reasonable way of modelling functional systems. Whether it's common SO will tell us.
This is something I've been trying to experiment with also, and after a few years of programming in Ruby I was used to class/object modeling. In the end I think the types of designs I create for Clojure libraries are actually pretty similar to what I would do for a large C program.
Start by doing an outline of the domain model. List the main pieces of data being moved around the primary functions being performed on this data. I write these in my notebook and a lot of the time it will be just a name with 3-5 bullet points underneath it. This outline will probably be a good approximation of your initial namespaces, and it should point out some of the key high level interfaces.
If it seems pretty straight forward then I'll create empty functions for the high level interface, and just start filling them in. Typically each high level function will require a couple support functions, and as you build up the whole interface you will find opportunities for sharing more code, so you refactor as you go.
If it seems like a more difficult problem then I'll start diagramming out the structure of the data and the flow of key functions. Often times the diagram and conceptual model that makes the most sense will depend on the type of abstractions you choose to use in a specific design. For example if you use a dataflow library for a Swing GUI then using a dependency graph would make sense, but if you are writing a server to processing relational database queries then you might want to diagram pools of agents and pipelines for processing tuples. I think these kinds of models and diagrams are also much more descriptive in terms of conveying to another developer how a program is architected. They show more of the functional connectivity between aspects of your system, rather than the pretty non-specific information conveyed by something like UML.
