Is it possible to create duplicate wordpress site by a new user? - wordpress

im stacked with the question. Example, i have wordpress site at domain name I wanna to new users, after registration users can create duplicate of main site with replace prebuilt variable. Duplicate version must have view like
Main question: how i can make this with easily way? Maybe exist a ready solution. Maybe most effective use another cms?
This is a lot of function, that should be in a site. Example, affilate program for users registration, paid access for this site, etc.
Which cms is better for this tasks? Thank you for ur answers

Users can create new sites using sub-directories using WordPress Multisite (
There is also a plugin called BlogTemplates ( that would allow your users to create a clone of a site upon sign up. It is not being maintained but it is still functional.


Theme/plugin customization: Is it possible to create 1 shared user profile that ties together and combines user profiles from separate plugins/themes?

Disclaimer: I am below even a beginner level of coding/promgramming. I have created a wordpress website using the listingpro business directory THEME (includes a consumer login for customers). I also have a subdomain using the Dokan multivendor marketplace PLUGIN (includes a consumer login for customers).
Currently, my website visitors will create two separate logins by using my site: one for the main domain, the other for the subdomain.
I had to create it this way because I do not have the knowledge to create a combination directory and ecommerce marketplace, and could not find a pre-existing commercial option.
To make for a better user experience, I would like for my site users to be able to create one login that works for both domain and subdomain, linking them together somehow.
A truly beautiful possibility would be to completely merge the theme and the plugin functionalities, but even my beginner knowledge makes me think that is impossible or crazy expensive.
Is there any way to accomplish my desired task?

How can I setup multiple wordpress installs on one domain?

I wish to set up 2 wordpress installs for the same website. One for US english and one for UK english. They need to be more bespoke than just using a language plugin and so I will use 2 similar themes.
Both need to be on the same parent domain "" one will be and the other
I can't work out how to go about this efficiently.
A WordPress multisite network allows you to run and manage multiple WordPress sites from a single WordPress installation.
You can create new sites instantly and manage them using the same username and password. You can even allow other users to signup and create their own blogs on your domain.
You can efficiently maintain your two instances with whatever the languages you need and
Please check wordpress codex for more information.
you shoud see Wordpress multisite, take a look here

Would like to integrate Cakephp project with Wordpress. Wordpress should be used for login/description of the another system

Would like to integrate Cakephp project with Wordpress. Any ideas how to do it best?
It should be my created information system which several pages could be launched from the Wordpress website.
Would like to have everything under one domain - Wordpress website blog (for describing the system) and the system itself.
At the moment I have my information system and bought a Wordpress theme also. Need Wordpress functionality to enrich my current information system based on CakePHP.
The need is to use Wordpress as the login, description, documentation mechanism. That's why I'm not sure how to do it under one domain the best way. Just need consulatancy how to make these two systems with their own databases to work together withinn one domain name.
If more specific - one of the Wordpress page should be the login page of my information system which is handled by the CakePHP MVC. Is that possible?
Maybe it could be done similarly to this approach:
Or maybe here is almost what I need:
Any better ideas?

Wordpress site user accounts

I am new to web development. I am trying to build a site using wordpress as a cms. As such i want to know whether there is any way to create user accounts, so that people can register with the site and login. We would have an online store and we would like users to be able to save and view orders.
I have seen buddy press, but it only works with some themes. Is there any other option available?
Thanks in advance,
You can add one of the free plugins such as "Login Logout". This is the one I am currently using and it lets new users register for accounts.
You need to search for it in your plugins tab in wordpress, then install and activate it. Then you need to go to your Widgets tab and include it. Then it should run on your website.
Yes, Wordpress has user management, I suggest you play around with wordpress to understand how it works. Download a few e-commerce plugins or user management plugins and see how it all works.
Buddy press just uses the same user management that wordpress has.
I'm sure the wordpress documentation is a good place to look for more information.

Managing Multiple Wordpress Sites

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, sorry if its not. I build a lot of Wordpress sites. My problem is, the number of them is getting big and harder to update them all when new releases come out.
I have written an app that will download the latest Wordpress release, and manually ftp the new files to all the clients, but this takes forever... need a new way.
I wanted to restructure this while I can or start a new process at least. Whats the best way to manage multiple Wordpress sites and keep them all updated? Some people have said 1 DB and modded config, others I have seen said to keep all installs separate and use plugins to automatically upgrade, but I don't know whats best to do. Ideas? Thanks :)
If these were all sites you managed on your own server, I'd recommend using a Multisite installation rather than separate instances of WordPress. This way you only have one set of themes, one set of plug-ins, and one copy of WordPress to maintain.
If these sites are on different servers (i.e. you're maintaining sites for clients remotely), I'd recommend you look in to a beta account with WP Remote. This is a service specifically built to allow you to remotely monitor and update multiple WordPress installations. It might be the best solution for you because it allows you to use the one-click update rather than manually downloading/FTP-ing the new files.
You can use this free self hosted app
No limitation in number of sites being managed. You can update WP/plugin/themes, do backups, one click login to your WordPress admin panel.
EAMann is right, especially with the new Multi Site features in Wordpress 3.0, there is no better way to manage multiple sites under one umbrella. Being a developer myself, I know the pain of having to login to all those different accounts!
The way to set it up is create a "master domain name" that you will log into. Place this in your WP Config:
define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
Then login to your admin panel, navigate to TOOLS>Network.
After you've set everything up, copy/paste what it tells you to your HTAccess and WP Config file.
The next step, especially if you are putting clients on this network, is they will want their own domain name, not right? Thats where Domain Mapping comes in:
Check that out and good luck!
What you need is it can do all of that for you plus a ton of other excellent features.
