How can I setup multiple wordpress installs on one domain? - wordpress

I wish to set up 2 wordpress installs for the same website. One for US english and one for UK english. They need to be more bespoke than just using a language plugin and so I will use 2 similar themes.
Both need to be on the same parent domain "" one will be and the other
I can't work out how to go about this efficiently.

A WordPress multisite network allows you to run and manage multiple WordPress sites from a single WordPress installation.
You can create new sites instantly and manage them using the same username and password. You can even allow other users to signup and create their own blogs on your domain.
You can efficiently maintain your two instances with whatever the languages you need and
Please check wordpress codex for more information.

you shoud see Wordpress multisite, take a look here


Is it possible to create duplicate wordpress site by a new user?

im stacked with the question. Example, i have wordpress site at domain name I wanna to new users, after registration users can create duplicate of main site with replace prebuilt variable. Duplicate version must have view like
Main question: how i can make this with easily way? Maybe exist a ready solution. Maybe most effective use another cms?
This is a lot of function, that should be in a site. Example, affilate program for users registration, paid access for this site, etc.
Which cms is better for this tasks? Thank you for ur answers
Users can create new sites using sub-directories using WordPress Multisite (
There is also a plugin called BlogTemplates ( that would allow your users to create a clone of a site upon sign up. It is not being maintained but it is still functional.

Do I need several wordpress installation to create a wordpress website with several admin?

I am planning to create a new website for an organization. We will be several administrators.
Should I plan to install Wordpress on several computers (with different OS), or can I install Wordpress only once, with asking the other contributors to manage the site online?
Meanwhile, my idea is to use a subdirectory of our actual website to create the new one, before replace the old one. Is it a good idea?
Thanks for your help.
Based on what you've indicated in your question if this is for an organization you could take WordPress and create a WordPress Multisite. WordPress does have some documentation on Creating a Network. Multi-site will allow you to be the Super Admin and you could create a site for each department with their individual admins.
Roles and Capabilities
A few helpful links to read:
The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Multisite
How to Activate Multisite
How to Install and Setup WordPress Multisite Network
What is: Multisite (MU)
If you only want one site with multiple users and need some admin features you can setup custom roles with add_role( $role, $display_name, $capabilities );. There are some right-ups on Custom Roles, one I referenced was How to Create Custom User Roles in WordPress.
From comments:
You can build one site with several admins but you should be careful having several admins. One admin can delete other admins and take full control of the site or accidentally cause issues to the site.
To set this up in a directory all you would need to do is install a WP instance in that directory of your choosing but setup your database for it before hand and follow the install procedure. Before building so many admins I think you should review the roles to see if you don't need them to be editors.
No, WordPress instances can have multiple user accounts with different user types from admins to editors to other limited capabilities.

Would like to integrate Cakephp project with Wordpress. Wordpress should be used for login/description of the another system

Would like to integrate Cakephp project with Wordpress. Any ideas how to do it best?
It should be my created information system which several pages could be launched from the Wordpress website.
Would like to have everything under one domain - Wordpress website blog (for describing the system) and the system itself.
At the moment I have my information system and bought a Wordpress theme also. Need Wordpress functionality to enrich my current information system based on CakePHP.
The need is to use Wordpress as the login, description, documentation mechanism. That's why I'm not sure how to do it under one domain the best way. Just need consulatancy how to make these two systems with their own databases to work together withinn one domain name.
If more specific - one of the Wordpress page should be the login page of my information system which is handled by the CakePHP MVC. Is that possible?
Maybe it could be done similarly to this approach:
Or maybe here is almost what I need:
Any better ideas?

Multiple wordpress sites using the same files?

I want to automate the creation process. My idea is:
1- the client creates an account in my site
2- I confirms this account and creates one wordpress instalation to my client.
3- The client logs into the admin area and chooses one pre-fixed theme and fills the wordpress with content.
Ok. My doubts are related with the file structure to this project.
If I have 5 clients, can I use 5 different sql tables connected to just one wordpress archives directory?
See that would be 5 different sites with different themes and different databases using the same files.
You should also check out wordpress multisite. You may find that the functionality is already there, and all you have to do is unlock it.
A multisite build will allow each user to have a completely custom site, and if you want, you can theme all of the sites under the same theme.

Managing 2 websites from 1 admin panel

Is it possible to control 2 different Drupal website from 1 admin panel? 2 different domain, but on same host-server.
one of my client came up with the idea and I wasn't sure if it can be done.
Appreciate advices! Thanks a lot!
If you're just trying to have two domains point to the same Drupal installation (e.g. and point to the same Example Drupal website), this is supported out of the box as long as you don't use a multisite setup.
That is, normally, you'd just stick your settings.php file in sites/default/. If you did that, any domain that's pointed to the Drupal directory will use the same Drupal site. You don't need to do anything else.
If you've stuck your site in sites/, you could create a symbolic link with the name of the other domain; i.e. you'd have sites/ and a symbolic link to it called sites/
If you're trying to run two disparate sites through the same admin panel, you can't do it per se: that is, you can't manage most aspects of Drupal through its default administration system because it's not designed to do that.
However, if you're trying to simulate something like Plesk or Cpanel—that is, you just want to easily manage Drupal deployments using one control panel—there is a project under heavy development called Aegir. I've used it on a few different occasions and it works pretty great, but it's a somewhat involved setup process.
With you can simulate two websites. Is not actually two different Drupal installation.
You can take a look for more information about the different multi-site options.
No, not that I am aware. As well as the content, all the administration aspects of the site are stored in the site's database, so the admin area and the front end of the site are joined at the hip! 1 database per site, so 1 admin area per site.
There is Aegir which is a multi-site manager dashboard system. It's more for creating and managing the site than for managing content, but it might be what you're looking for.
