Arduino Portenta + Vision Shield unable to connect to Wifi with OpenMV - arduino

I'm running micropython and connecting to office wifi that is available. However, i keep getting an error; the error is = OSError: [Errno 110] ETIMEDOUT
the device is ‘approved’ to connect to office wifi thus it's not an issue of needing access.
I’ve tried connecting from my personal mobile hotspot and it works well. The scan wifi code runs and it is able to detect the office wifi too. However connecting to wifi fails as the code does not detect and GET the same value (whereas on personal hotspot it successfully does so).
Running a template 'connect' script gets me the
# We should have a valid IP now via DHCP
print("WiFi Connected ", wlan.ifconfig()
However when i combine it into my code it returns
Error connecting: 1
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ifconfig'
It is probably not connecting correctly or at all as the rest of the code doesn't retrieve the details needed


Bluetooth cant connect a master RN42-I/RN to another

I have a PCB DRONE that is using RN42-I/RN for Bluetooth communication.
The drone is controlled with smartphone APP.
I am making a hardware controller for that drone, so I got the same RN42-I/RN BT Module and connected it to my pc using a UART TO USB converter.
I configured the RN42-I/RN as master
here are the settinges pulled out using command "D" and "E".
Mode =Mstr
***ADVANCED Settings***
SrvName= SPP
when I send "I,10" to scan for the drone I get
Found 2
Inquiry Done
XMC-Bluetooth is the drone but when send "C,0006668CB270" the connection fails
what am I doing wrong??
Note that I can connect the drone to my phone with no problem.
I think that the problem might have to do with the pairing code, which is a code that appears on the phone when i connect and i only have to press connect and it connects. this code is only used to insure you are connecting the right device it is not a passkey
I have tried with HC05 to but had the same result.

developing a IOT device using GSM 7600E

I am using a SIM7600E module, the module connects to the network and AT+CREG returns 0,5 and when I check the signal quality using AT+CSQ returns 11,99.
I am getting a bit error rate (ber) as 99, idk if this can cause problems during communication. As i am unable to send text messages or connect to the GPRS network as i am not assigned any IP(AT+CGREG returns 0,5)?
Is there anyway to improve the ber 99?

ESP32 (Arduino IDE) OTA update hangs / fails

I cannot get OTA updates to work on my ESP32 using the Arduino IDE (and I've also tried PlatformIO in VS code).
I'm using the standard sketch from this site (and many identical others).
When I try to update using OTA, here's what I get:
Sending invitation to
12:12:49 [ERROR]: No response from device [after a short while]
If I connect the device to a USB/serial terminal, here's what I get:
Start updating sketch
Progress: 0% [never proceeds beyond 0%]
Error[2]: Connect Failed [after a short while]
Error[4]: End Failed
My partition table has two OTA partitions, so this is not the problem.
I've tried with and without my firewall, with and without my anti-virus, with and without the USB connected, with and without a password, with and without setting the port, with and without a manual reset after loading the sketch - always the same.
It's not an initial WiFi connection problem - the device IP is recognized as a port, the password is verified if I use one and the initial connection is made.
Any ideas?
I had exact same problem although with ESP8266, it didn't work when I disabled firewall either. But, after I created a New Rule in "Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security" for the python located in: C:\Users\Erfan\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\tools\python3\3.7.2-post1\python3.exe
and Allowed its connection, my problem was solved.
Note1: Try creating New Rule in your antivirus firewall if you have one.
Note2: I found the location of the ...\3.7.2-post1\python3.exe in Arduino IDE. If you try to upload Over The Air, the path to python.exe will appear in the outputs.

UWP SerialDevice.FromIdAsync return null

I'm trying the Microsoft sample for Serial Port and it's working on Raspberry Pi2 but not on local machine , on,local machine return null.
the DeviceCapability already added, that's why it's working on Pi2.
any idea why it's not working on local machine
local system:
Win10 Ent.
VS 2015.3
I found this answer :(
System-internal or on-chassis serial ports may be enumerated by DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(), but cannot be opened by SerialDevice.FromIdAsync() because they currently are not supported. However, serial ports connected over USB, such as on USB-to-Serial cables are supported.
Update :
the issue still there even after the updates untill now
Serial ports marked as internal to the machine
(DEVPKEY_Device_InLocalMachineContainer == TRUE) are not accessible
unless explictly marked by the vendor driver as unrestricted
(DEVPKEY_DeviceInterface_Restricted == TRUE). Devices connect via most
PCI COM port expansion cards are therefore not accessible.
Inaccessible serial ports may still be enumerated by
DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(), but cannot be opened by
SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(). Attemping to open such a device will
either throw an exception or return null. Apps should handle this case
by filtering such serial ports from the user's view, so that the user
will not be able to interact with such an unsupported serial port.

Why don't I receive signal and status for WiFi using QSystemNetworkInformation

I wrote a piece of software which does nothing else than reading network status and signal strength for each network mode (gsm, wlan (wifi), bluetooth, ...) on my device (Nokia E51) and printing it out.
My test device is connected to bluetooth, wlan (wifi) and 3G (wcdma), but it's only able to give me the signal strength of 3G (and also returns the correct name of my carrier). for wlan and bluetooth it gives me the undefined state und isn't able to read any signal strenght. But I am able to receive the IP address of the network I'm connected via wlan.
All I do is:
and calling the method for the network status.
As I said, it works flawless for 3G.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot.
After an SDK update, everything works fine without any code changes. So the problem wasn't in the coede, but in the QtMobility backend.
