Why don't I receive signal and status for WiFi using QSystemNetworkInformation - qt

I wrote a piece of software which does nothing else than reading network status and signal strength for each network mode (gsm, wlan (wifi), bluetooth, ...) on my device (Nokia E51) and printing it out.
My test device is connected to bluetooth, wlan (wifi) and 3G (wcdma), but it's only able to give me the signal strength of 3G (and also returns the correct name of my carrier). for wlan and bluetooth it gives me the undefined state und isn't able to read any signal strenght. But I am able to receive the IP address of the network I'm connected via wlan.
All I do is:
and calling the method for the network status.
As I said, it works flawless for 3G.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot.

After an SDK update, everything works fine without any code changes. So the problem wasn't in the coede, but in the QtMobility backend.


Bluetooth cant connect a master RN42-I/RN to another

I have a PCB DRONE that is using RN42-I/RN for Bluetooth communication.
The drone is controlled with smartphone APP.
I am making a hardware controller for that drone, so I got the same RN42-I/RN BT Module and connected it to my pc using a UART TO USB converter.
I configured the RN42-I/RN as master
here are the settinges pulled out using command "D" and "E".
Mode =Mstr
***ADVANCED Settings***
SrvName= SPP
when I send "I,10" to scan for the drone I get
Found 2
Inquiry Done
XMC-Bluetooth is the drone but when send "C,0006668CB270" the connection fails
what am I doing wrong??
Note that I can connect the drone to my phone with no problem.
I think that the problem might have to do with the pairing code, which is a code that appears on the phone when i connect and i only have to press connect and it connects. this code is only used to insure you are connecting the right device it is not a passkey
I have tried with HC05 to but had the same result.

ESP8266-05 always return +CWJAP:4 on connection to any Wi-Fi network

I am a novice with ESP8266. I have an ESP-05 module connected to my PC USB through CH340 com-port adapter.
I was able to list all networks with AT+CWLAP, but when I put the command to connect to, it shows me a CWJAP:4 error. I tried my home network, the network in my office, and the Wi-Fi network created by my Android phone. The same result always...
AT+GMRAT version: 14 2016 18:54:01)
SDK version:2.0.0(5a875ba)
Mar 13 2018 09:35:47
The password is 100% valid (I've tried to put the wrong password, in this case, it returns CWJAP:3 as required).
What can be a reason?? Thanks.
I found the solution by myself. It looks like the USB port I used initially has not enough power or it's broken somehow. The network list command is working, but its USB power was not enough to handle transmitting.
I just tried another USB port and it works well.
Thanks all.

Implementing I2C slave with FT201XB via USB

I've been trying to test a FT201XQ USB-I2C breakout board: UMFT201XB-01, so I can connect it to a master device such as an Arduino and sniff what that device is sending through I2C.
To see the output of the slave device I have successfully configured a Virtual COM PORT by installing the D2XX drivers provided by ftdchip.com. I can open the serial port through puTTY and everything seems fine in that regard.
Then, i've loaded the "master_writer" example on my Arduino, which sends 1 byte at a time to an address (0x22 is specified in the UM201XB-01 datasheet as the default address).
Nothing seems to happen in the COM port that i've earlier opened. Do I need to configure/program the FTDI device in some way? In that case, how can I do it, in a general way?
UMFT201XB-01 board http://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Documents/DataSheets/Modules/DS_UMFT201_220_230XB.pdf
Thank you in advance, and sorry if this is a "noob" question : P

Arduino Yun WifiStatus Example Failing

I am able to connect and upload the WifiStatus example per the instructions on the Arduino Site/Examples/Yun. However, when I hit the serial monitor button it is supposed to print out the relevant Wifi stats, instead it says "unable to connect" and the final line goes a bit further..."unable to connect: is the sketch using the bridge". Any ideas? A post suggested reseting the 32U4, which I did, but no luck.
Incidently, all of this is over Wifi. Board and port are set per instructions. Yun pings fine and receives the uploaded sketch fine.
More code is usually more illuminating... so you might get better answers when you provide more information.
"is the sketch using the bridge" seems to indicate that there is some problem with the Bridge library. Is it being initialized? Did initialization (i.e., "Bridge.begin()" succeed?
A sketch with bridge functional and serial monitor via network connection cannot be running simultaneously as they use the same hardware connection.
You may use the serial monitor via USB port, or Serial TX/RX pins, or SoftwareSerial for this.

Arduino 3G shield

I have an Arduino UNO and a 3G shield ( http://imall.iteadstudio.com/development-platform/arduino/im121026002.html ). To connect to the internet I had only to configure the APN once which the SIM provider gave me and write the PIN number via AT commands in the setup() function, that's all.
I have some questions:
1) the internet key which the SIM belongs to comes with a software you have to use to connect to the internet: each time you want to connect you press CONNECT and when you are finished you press DISCONNECT. The 3G shield on the contrary needs only APN and PIN and that's it: am I forgetting anything? The module works, therfore I don't think so: what's your experience?
2) the internet key software needs to be configured with a "Dial Number" too, which I don't know what's for. The 3G shield works without any "Dial Number": any idea why?
3) sometimes while surfing the internet with the internet key, you loose the connection (maybe the provider kicks you off). In that case you have to click connect and you are in again. If something like that happens with Arduino+3G what do I have to do? I tried resetting the 3G module via the reset pin, but the module cannot register any more into the network.
Thank you in advance
1.) It sounds as though the 3G shield is set up to automatically connect to the internet when it is powered on, and the setup function does this.
Depending upon the design of the software supplied with your internet key, you may be able to configure it to do the same thing, so that you wouldn't have to press Connect/Disconnect each time.
2.) The 3G shield probably uses a default dial number like 99**1#.
3.)If the connection is lost due to external factors, e.g. the network dropping the connection, then the 3G shield probably tries to re-connect automatically. If the connection is lost because of a problem in the shield, then powering it off and on again will probably do the trick, but you will have to enter the PIN again of course.
At a guess, the reset button may lock the SIM again, and that's why it appears to lose the network. It sounds as though you would have to run the setup function again, to unlock the SIM and connect to the network.
