Uniquenesses component of explorator yfactor analysis - r

I am applying an Exploratory factor analysis on a dataset using the factanal() package in R. After applying Scree Test I found out that 2 factors need to be retained from 20 features.
Trying to find what this uniqueness represents, I found the following from here
"A high uniqueness for a variable usually means it doesn’t fit neatly into our factors. ..... If we subtract the uniquenesses from 1, we get a quantity called the communality. The communality is the proportion of variance of the ith variable contributed by the m common factors. ......In general, we’d like to see low uniquenesses or high communalities, depending on what your statistical program returns."
I understand that if the value of uniquenesses is high, it could be better represented in a single factor. But what is a good threshold for this uniquenesses measure? All of my features show a value greater than 0.3, and most of them range from 0.3 to 0.7. Does the following mean that my factor analysis doesn't work well on my data? I have tried rotation, the results are not very different. What else should I try then?

You can partition an indicator variable's variance into its...
Uniqueness (h2): Variance that is not explained by the common factors
Communality (1-h2): The variance that is explained by the common factors
Which values can be considered "good" depends on your context. You should look for examples in your application domain to know what you can expect. In the package psych, you can find some examples from psychology:
m0 <- fa(Thurstone.33,2,rotate="none",fm="mle")
When you run the code, you can see that the communalities are around 0.6. The absolute factor loadings of the unrotated solution vary between 0.27 and 0.85.
An absolute value of 0.4 is often used as an arbitrary cutoff for acceptable factor loadings in psychological domains.


PCoA function pcoa extract vectors; percentage of variance explained

I have a dataset consisting of 132 observations and 10 variables.
These variables are all categorical. I am trying to see how my observations cluster and how they are different based on the percentage of variance. i.e I want to find out if a) there are any variables which helps to draw certain observation points apart from one another and b) if yes, what is the percentage of variance explained by it?
I was advised to run a PCoA (Principle Coordinates Analysis) on my data. I ran it using vegan and ape package. This is my code after loading my csv file into r, I call it data
I was then told to extract the vectors from the pcoa data and so
It then returned me 132 rows but 20 columns of values (e.g. from Axis 1 to Axis 20)
I was perplexed over why there were 20 columns of values when I only have 10 variables. I was under the impression that I would only get 10 columns. If any kind souls out there could help to explain a) what do the vectors actually represent and b) how do I get the percentage of variance explained by Axis 1 and 2?
Another question that I had was I don't really understand the purpose of extracting the eigenvalues from data.pcoa because I saw some websites doing that after running a pcoa on their distance matrix but there was no further explanation on it.
Gower index is non-Euclidean and you can expect more real axes than the number of variables in Euclidean ordination (PCoA). However, you said that your variables are categorical. I assume that in R lingo they are factors. If so, you should not use vegan::vegdist() which only accepts numeric data. Moreover, if the variable is defined as a factor, vegan::vegdist() refuses to compute the dissimilarities and gives an error. If you managed to use vegdist(), you did not properly define your variables as factors. If you really have factor variables, you should use some other package than vegan for Gower dissimilarity (there are many alternatives).
Te percentage of "variance" is a bit tricky for non-Euclidean dissimilarities which also give some negative eigenvalues corresponding to imaginary dimensions. In that case, the sum of all positive eigenvalues (real axes) is higher than the total "variance" of data. ape::pcoa() returns the information you asked in the element values. The proportion of variances explained is in its element values$Relative_eig. The total "variance" is returned in element trace. All this was documented in ?pcoa where I read it.

For synthetic control (synth package), how to avoid using predictor.op?

I am trying to use the synth package in R.
The way synthetic control works is that it matches pre-treatment data for a treated unit and control units, and it selects weights to approximate equate the two, so that the treated unit "looks like" a synthetic control unit.
The way it works is explained here.
When matching on the pre-treatment outcomes, we pick up to T0 linear combination of the data. The synth package seems to only pick just one, and it is the one that equates the MEANS. This is what the predictor.op function does.
Suppose, however, I want to just have it so that I select all T0 linear combinations so X1 is a T0 x 1 vector rather than a 1x1, is there a way to do this non-manually?
I am not sure what exactly you are trying to do but I ran into your question because I had a similar issue with Synth() so maybe this will help:
I tried to create a synthetic control unit using all pre-treatment outcome observations and since Synth() averages across all pre-treatment periods, that wasn't too straightforward. What I did is to create individual covariates for each pre-treatment period and then specify those covariates in predictor. That is equivalent to not applying any operator to pre-treatment outcome data.

In R, what is the difference between ICCbare and ICCbareF in the ICC package?

I am not sure if this is a right place to ask a question like this, but Im not sure where to ask this.
I am currently doing some research on data and have been asked to find the intraclass correlation of the observations within patients. In the data, some patients have 2 observations, some only have 1 and I have an ID variable to assign each observation to the corresponding patient.
I have come across the ICC package in R, which calculates the intraclass correlation coefficient, but there are 2 commands available: ICCbare and ICCbareF.
I do not understand what is the difference between them as they do give completely different ICC values on the same variables. For example, on the same variable, x:
ICCbare(ID,x) gave me a value of -0.01035216
ICCbareF(ID,x) gave me a value of 0.475403
The second one using ICCbareF is almost the same as the estimated correlation I get when using random effects models.
So I am just confused and would like to understand the algorithm behind them so I could explain them in my research. I know one is to be used when the data is balanced and there are no NA values.
In the description it says that it is either calculated by hand or using ANOVA - what are they?
By: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/ICC/versions/2.3.0/topics/ICCbare
ICCbare can be used on balanced or unbalanced datasets with NAs. ICCbareF is similar, however ICCbareF should not be used with unbalanced datasets.

Dealing with "less than"s in R

Perhaps this is a philosophical question rather than a programming question, but here goes...
In R, is there some package or method that will let you deal with "less than"s as a concept?
Backstory: I have some data which, for privacy reasons, is given as <5 for small numbers (representing integers 1, 2, 3 or 4, in fact). I'd like to do some simple arithmetic on this data (adding, subtracting, averaging, etc.) but obviously I need to find some way to deal with these <5s conceptually. I could replace them all with NAs, sure, but of course that's throwing away potentially useful information, and I would like to avoid that if possible.
Some examples of what I mean:
a <- c(2,3,8)
b <- c(<5,<5,8)
> 4.3333
> 3.3333 -> 5.3333
If you are interested in the values at the bounds, I would take each dataset and split it into two datasets; one with all <5s set to 1 and one with all <5s set to 4.
a <- c(2,3,8)
b1 <- c(1,1,8)
b2 <- c(4,4,8)
# 4.333333
# 3.3333
# 5.3333
Following #hedgedandlevered proposal, but he's wrong wrt normal and/or uniform. You ask for integer numbers, so you have to use discrete distributions, like Poisson, binomial (including negative one), geometric etc
In statistics "less than" data is known as "left censored" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censoring_(statistics), searching on "censored data" might help.
My favoured approach to analysing such data is maximum likelihood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_likelihood. There are a number of R packages for maximum likelihood estimation, I like the survival package https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/survival/index.html but there are others, e.g. fitdistrplus https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/fitdistrplus/index.html which "provides functions for fitting univariate distributions to different types of data (continuous censored or non-censored data and discrete data) and allowing different estimation methods (maximum likelihood, moment matching, quantile matching and maximum goodness-of-t estimation)".
You will have to specify (assume?) the form of the distribution of the data; you say it is integer so maybe a Poisson [related] distribution may be appropriate.
Treat them as a certain probability distribution of your choosing, and replace them with actual randomly generated numbers. All equal to 2.5, normal-like distribution capped at 0 and 5, uniform on [0,5] are all options
I deal with similar data regularly. I strongly dislike any of the suggestions of replacing the <5 values with a particular number. Consider the following two cases:
The problem comes when you try to do arithmetic with these.
I think a solution to your issue is to think of the values as factors (in the R sense. You can bin the values above 5 too if that helps, for example
Now, you still wouldn't do arithmetic on these, but your summary statistics (histograms/proportion tables/etc...) would make more sense.

Test if regression weights are different from 1

I am doing an lm()regression with R where I use stock quotations. I used exponential weights for the regression : the older the data, the less weight. My weights formula is like this : alpha^(seq(685,1,by=-1))) (the data length is 685), and to find alpha I tried every value between 0.9 and 1.1 with a step of 0.0001 and I chose the alpha which minimizes the difference between the predicted values and the real values. This alpha is equal to 0.9992 so I would like to know if it is statistically different from 1.
In other words I would like to know if the weights are different from 1. Is it possible to achieve that and if so, how could I do this ?
I don't really know whether this question should be asked on stats.stackexchange but it involves Rso I hope it is not misplaced.
