Test if regression weights are different from 1 - r

I am doing an lm()regression with R where I use stock quotations. I used exponential weights for the regression : the older the data, the less weight. My weights formula is like this : alpha^(seq(685,1,by=-1))) (the data length is 685), and to find alpha I tried every value between 0.9 and 1.1 with a step of 0.0001 and I chose the alpha which minimizes the difference between the predicted values and the real values. This alpha is equal to 0.9992 so I would like to know if it is statistically different from 1.
In other words I would like to know if the weights are different from 1. Is it possible to achieve that and if so, how could I do this ?
I don't really know whether this question should be asked on stats.stackexchange but it involves Rso I hope it is not misplaced.


Uniquenesses component of explorator yfactor analysis

I am applying an Exploratory factor analysis on a dataset using the factanal() package in R. After applying Scree Test I found out that 2 factors need to be retained from 20 features.
Trying to find what this uniqueness represents, I found the following from here
"A high uniqueness for a variable usually means it doesn’t fit neatly into our factors. ..... If we subtract the uniquenesses from 1, we get a quantity called the communality. The communality is the proportion of variance of the ith variable contributed by the m common factors. ......In general, we’d like to see low uniquenesses or high communalities, depending on what your statistical program returns."
I understand that if the value of uniquenesses is high, it could be better represented in a single factor. But what is a good threshold for this uniquenesses measure? All of my features show a value greater than 0.3, and most of them range from 0.3 to 0.7. Does the following mean that my factor analysis doesn't work well on my data? I have tried rotation, the results are not very different. What else should I try then?
You can partition an indicator variable's variance into its...
Uniqueness (h2): Variance that is not explained by the common factors
Communality (1-h2): The variance that is explained by the common factors
Which values can be considered "good" depends on your context. You should look for examples in your application domain to know what you can expect. In the package psych, you can find some examples from psychology:
m0 <- fa(Thurstone.33,2,rotate="none",fm="mle")
When you run the code, you can see that the communalities are around 0.6. The absolute factor loadings of the unrotated solution vary between 0.27 and 0.85.
An absolute value of 0.4 is often used as an arbitrary cutoff for acceptable factor loadings in psychological domains.

GAM smooths interaction differences - calculate p value using mgcv and gratia 0.6

I am using the useful gratia package by Gavin Simpson to extract the difference in two smooths for two different levels of a factor variable. The smooths are generated by the wonderful mgcv package. For example
m1 <- gam(outcome ~ s(dep_var, by = fact_var) + fact_var, data = my.data)
diff1 <- difference_smooths(m1, smooth = "s(dep_var)")
This give me a graph of the difference between the two smooths for each level of the "by" variable in the gam() call. The graph has a shaded 95% credible interval (CI) for the difference.
Statistical significance, or areas of statistical significance at the 0.05 level, is assessed by whether or where the y = 0 line crosses the CI, where the y axis represents the difference between the smooths.
Here is an example from Gavin's site where the "by" factor variable had 3 levels.
The differences are clearly statistically significant (at 0.05) over nearly all of the graphs.
Here is another example I have generated using a "by" variable with 2 levels.
The difference in my example is clearly not statistically significant anywhere.
In the mgcv package, an approximate p value is outputted for a smooth fit that tests the null hypothesis that the coefficients are all = 0, based on a chi square test.
My question is, can anyone suggest a way of calculating a p value that similarly assesses the difference between the two smooths instead of solely relying on graphical evidence?
The output from difference_smooths() is a data frame with differences between the smooth functions at 100 points in the range of the smoothed variable, the standard error for the difference and the upper and lower limits of the CI.
Here is a link to the release of gratia 0.4 that explains the difference_smooths() function
enter link description here
but gratia is now at version 0.6
enter link description here
Thanks in advance for taking the time to consider this.
One way of getting a p value for the interaction between the by factor variables is to manipulate the difference_smooths() function by activating the ci_level option. Default is 0.95. The ci_level can be manipulated to find a level where the y = 0 is no longer within the CI bands. If for example this occurred when ci_level = my_level, the p value for testing the hypothesis that the difference is zero everywhere would be 1 - my_level.
This is not totally satisfactory. For example, it would take a little manual experimentation and it may be difficult to discern accurately when zero drops out of the CI. Although, a function could be written to search the accompanying data frame that is outputted with difference_smooths() as the ci_level is varied. This is not totally satisfactory either because the detection of a non-zero CI would be dependent on the 100 points chosen by difference_smooths() to assess the difference between the two curves. Then again, the standard errors are approximate for a GAM using mgcv, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Here is a graph where the zero first drops out of the CI.
Zero dropped out at ci_level = 0.88 and was still in the interval at ci_level = 0.89. So an approxiamte p value would be 1 - 0.88 = 0.12.
Can anyone think of a better way?
Reply to Gavin Simpson's comments Feb 19
Thanks very much Gavin for taking the time to make your comments.
I am not sure if using the criterion, >= 0 (for negative diffs), is a good way to go. Because of the draws from the posterior, there is likely to be many diffs that meet this criterion. I am interpreting your criterion as sample the posterior distribution and count how many differences meet the criterion, calculate the percentage and that is the p value. Correct me if I have misunderstood. Using this approach, I consistently got p values at around 0.45 - 0.5 for different gam models, even when it was clear the difference in the smooths should be statistically significant, at least at p = 0.05, because the confidence band around the smooth did not contain zero at a number of points.
Instead, I was thinking perhaps it would be better to compare the means of the posterior distribution of each of the diffs. For example
# get coefficients for the by smooths
coeff.level1 <- coef(gam.model1)[31:38]
coeff.level0 <- coef(gam.model1)[23:30]
# these indices are specific to my multi-variable gam.model1
# in my case 8 coefficients per smooth
# get posterior coefficients variances for the by smooths' coefficients
vp_level1 <- gam.model1$Vp[31:38, 31:38]
vp_level0 <- gam.model1$Vp[23:30, 23:30]
#run the simulation to get the distribution of each
#difference coefficient using the joint variance
no.draws = 1000
sim <- mvrnorm(n = no.draws, (coeff.level1 - coeff.level0),
(vp_level1 + vp_level0))
# sim is a no.draws X no. of coefficients (8 in my case) matrix
# put the results into a data.frame.
y.group <- data.frame(y = as.vector(sim),
group = c(rep(1,no.draws), rep(2,no.draws),
rep(3,no.draws), rep(4,no.draws),
rep(5,no.draws), rep(6,no.draws),
rep(7,no.draws), rep(8,no.draws)) )
# y has the differences sampled from their posterior distributions.
# group is just a grouping name for the 8 sets of differences,
# (one set for each difference in coefficients)
# compare means with a linear regression
lm.test <- lm(y ~ as.factor(group), data = y.group)
# The p value for the F statistic tells you how
# compatible the data are with the null hypothesis that
# all the group means are equal to each other.
# Same F statistic and p value from
One could argue that if all coefficients are not equal to each other then they all can't be equal to zero but that isn't what we want here.
The basis of the smooth tests of fit given by summary(mgcv::gam.model1)
is a joint test of all coefficients == 0. This would be from a type of likelihood ratio test where model fit with and without a term are compared.
I would appreciate some ideas how to do this with the difference between two smooths.
Now that I got this far, I had a rethink of your original suggestion of using the criterion, >= 0 (for negative diffs). I reinterpreted this as meaning for each simulated coefficient difference distribution (in my case 8), count when this occurs and make a table where each row (my case, 8) is for one of these distributions with two columns holding this count and (number of simulation draws minus count), Then on this table run a chi square test. When I did this, I got a very low p value when I believe I shouldn't have as 0 was well within the smooth difference CI across almost all the levels of the exposure. Maybe I am still misunderstanding your suggestion.
Follow up thought Feb 24
In a follow up thought, we could create a variable that represents the interaction between the by factor and continuous variable
my.dat <- my.dat %>% mutate(interact.var =
ifelse(factor.2levels == "yes", 1, 0)*cont.var)
Here I am assuming that factor.2levels has the levels ("no", "yes"), and "no" is the reference level. The ifelse function creates a dummy variable which is multiplied by the continuous variable to generate the interactive variable.
Then we place this interactive variable in the GAM and get the usual statistical test for fit, that is, testing all the coefficients == 0.
#GavinSimpson actually posted a method of how to get the difference between two smooths and assess its statistical significance here in 2017. Thanks to Matteo Fasiolo for pointing me in that direction.
In that approach, the by variable is converted to an ordered categorical variable which causes mgcv::gam to produce difference smooths in comparison to the reference level. Statistical significance for the difference smooths is then tested in the usual way with the summary command for the gam model.
However, and correct me if I have misunderstood, the ordered factor approach causes the smooth for the main effect to now be the smooth for the reference level of the ordered factor.
The approach I suggested, see the main post under the heading, Follow up thought Feb 24, where the interaction variable is created, gives an almost identical result for the p value for the difference smooth but does not change the smooth for the main effect. It also does not change the intercept and the linear term for the by categorical variable which also both changed with the ordered variable approach.

Metric for evaluating agreement at inter-rater reliability for a single subject by multiple raters

I'm making a rating survey in R (Shiny) and I'm tryng to find a metric that can evaluate the agreement but for only one of the "questions" in the survey. The ratings range from 1 to 5. There is multiple raters and each rater rates a set of 10 questions according to the ratings.
I've used Fleiss Kappa and Krippendorff Alpha for the whole set of questions and raters and it works but when evaluating each question separately these metrics give negative value. I tried calculating them by hand (formulas) and I still get the same results so I guess that they don't work for a small sample of subjects (in this case a sample of 1).
I've looked at other metrics like rwg in the multilevel package but thus far I can't seem to make it work. According to r documentation:
rwg(x, grpid, ranvar=2)
x = A vector representing the construct on which to estimate agreement.
grpid = A vector identifying the groups from which x originated.
Can someone explain me what the rwg function expects from me?
If someone know some other agreement metric that might work better please let me know.

Randomly selecting values from a zero inflated distribution in R

Hello and thanks in advance for the help!
A while back I asked a question about randomly selecting values according to a probability distribution. This is related, but I think it deserves its own post.
The vector I created in the last question was binary, now I would like to generate a weighted vector (ie with bounded integers). I am sampling from a zero-inflated or quasi-poisson distribution with a long tail, so there is a much higher probability of selecting a zero than another value, but there is a finite probability of selecting a large value (eg 63).
I can use rpois to select values from a poisson distribution and create a vector of a given length. This is similar to what I would like to do, so I will use it as an example.
ones <- which(vec == 1L)
This works well for assigning a specific number of values selected from a poisson distribution to a vector. Is there anyway to make it quasi-poisson or zero inflated?
There's a big list of the different distributions here: http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Distributions.html
For zero inflated poisson...
rZIP(n, mu, sigma)
For quasi-poisson, it looks like there are some capabilities within the VGAM package with quasipoissonff, but that seems to be for fitting rather than generating. It looks like Arthur Charpentier was on to something here - but you really need to know what you're looking for to get the distribution right: http://freakonometrics.blog.free.fr/index.php?post/2010/10/21/How-to-genrerate-variables-from-a-quasi-Poisson-distribution

mathematical model to build a ranking/ scoring system

I want to rank a set of sellers. Each seller is defined by parameters var1,var2,var3,var4...var20. I want to score each of the sellers.
Currently I am calculating score by assigning weights on these parameters(Say 10% to var1, 20 % to var2 and so on), and these weights are determined based on my gut feeling.
my score equation looks like
score = w1* var1 +w2* var2+...+w20*var20
score = 0.1*var1+ 0.5 *var2 + .05*var3+........+0.0001*var20
My score equation could also look like
score = w1^2* var1 +w2* var2+...+w20^5*var20
where var1,var2,..var20 are normalized.
Which equation should I use?
What are the methods to scientifically determine, what weights to assign?
I want to optimize these weights to revamp the scoring mechanism using some data oriented approach to achieve a more relevant score.
I have following features for sellers
1] Order fulfillment rates [numeric]
2] Order cancel rate [numeric]
3] User rating [1-5] { 1-2 : Worst, 3: Average , 5: Good} [categorical]
4] Time taken to confirm the order. (shorter the time taken better is the seller) [numeric]
5] Price competitiveness
Are there better algorithms/approaches to solve this problem? calculating score? i.e I linearly added the various features, I want to know better approach to build the ranking system?
How to come with the values for the weights?
Apart from using above features, few more that I can think of are ratio of positive to negative reviews, rate of damaged goods etc. How will these fit into my Score equation?
Unfortunately stackoverflow doesn't have latex so images will have to do:
Also as a disclaimer, I don't think this is a concise answer but your question is quite broad. This has not been tested but is an approach I would most likely take given a similar problem.
As a possible direction to go, below is the multivariate gaussian. The idea would be that each parameter is in its own dimension and therefore could be weighted by importance. Example:
Sigma = [1,0,0;0,2,0;0,0,3] for a vector [x1,x2,x3] the x1 would have the greatest importance.
The co-variance matrix Sigma takes care of scaling in each dimension. To achieve this simply add the weights to a diagonal matrix nxn to the diagonal elements. You are not really concerned with the cross terms.
Mu is the average of all logs in your data for your sellers and is a vector.
xis the mean of every category for a particular seller and is as a vector x = {x1,x2,x3...,xn}. This is a continuously updated value as more data are collected.
The parameters of the the function based on the total dataset should evolve as well. That way biased voting especially in the "feelings" based categories can be weeded out.
After that setup the evaluation of the function f_x can be played with to give the desired results. This is a probability density function, but its utility is not restricted to stats.
