External IP Address for Laptop to Work as a Web server - ip

I have a device that sends the data over internet to an IP address.
Assuming my public IP is and the laptop IP is, how I can assign an external IP for the laptop so it can receive the data instead of my modem.
The laptop is connected to the home WiFi.


how to access localhost from another device on same wifi network?

I run tor service on my MacBook; it runs on, and with port 9501, how can I access that IP and port on another device on same wifi network?
With your terminal type "ifconfig" or go to your network configuration->TCP/ip and check your Mac's current IP, ex.
In the other device (another computer or a cellphone) just use the URL

ipv4 address vs localhost

if our system IP address acts as a local host, then what does this definition indicates for IP address of localhost - "127.0. 0.1 is the loopback Internet protocol (IP) address also referred to as the localhost"
Within a network every device has it's own ip address. The ip address of a device is for every device different and May change (DHCP).
The hostname loclalhost respectively the ip address points always on the current device.
For example If you are using a laptop and ping from that laptop to 127.0.01 it will resolve to the device the ping is send from thus the laptop itself.
If you ping from a server, it will resolve to the device the ping is send from thus the server.

Packet Tracer cannot send pdu from lan to wireless

I can't send pdu from pc to wireless laptop
It actually can send the PDU because u only have a network so the network between your PCs and your laptops is actually the same network. Check your IP address on your PC (it should be on the same network / subnet). If your PCs and laptops are already on the same subnet, check the port of the connected cable on the wireless router. It should be placed on ethernet / gigaethernet. But u can't connect it into internet port.
The wireless router that u are using is actually only Access Point. Because of that, it only can have a single network either on LAN or wireless.
Hope it helps!

How to ping a remote server(with public ip) from a local machine?

I have a board in office with ip 192.168.20.x. I have vpn access to the office from my laptop with public ip.
I'm able to ping the board, but what should I do to ping my laptop from the board?
I am running a ntp server on my machine, so that the time will be in sync with my laptop.
How do I do this?
Your laptop should get an IP address from the virtual VPN adapter. Try to use this address when doing reverse ping. You can see all adapters and IP addresses in your PC using console command ipconfig assuming you are on windows.

Getting the host ID and network ID from an IP address

I'm learning about IP addressing, and I'm still a bit confused. I know that an IP address consists of a network and host ID. To test this in the real world, I googled "what is my IP address" on my tablet and smartphone, both connected to my home wireless network and I got the same IP address. Shouldn't they be different since they are two different hosts? I suspect this has to do with public and private IP addresses, but then, my bigger question is how does data really get to my individual device?
To the outside "internet", your IP address is just the IP of your router, provided by your ISP. Within your home network, you have a set of private addresses assigned by your router. The way that programs know to communicate with the correct device is usually through a custom reply-to port that the router re-assigns to packets from each device. This is called NAT.
For example, if you are browsing on port 80 from your tablet and your laptop at the same time, your reply-to port may be set to 3245 for the tablet and 3246 for the laptop. When the router receives a packet going from port 80 to port 3245, it changes 3245 to 80 and sends it to your tablet. If the port is 3246, it sends it to your laptop instead. The key point here is that the website you are communicating only knows the IP of your home router. As far as those sites are concerned, there are no other devices.
To test this in the real world, I googled "what is my IP address" on my tablet and smartphone, both connected to my home wireless network and I got the same IP address. Shouldn't they be different since they are two different hosts?
No, because of NAT.
I suspect this has to do with public and private IP addresses, but then, my bigger question is how does data really get to my individual device?
Thanks to NAT.
