EIOPA with swap rates volatility weights - swap

am doing the calibration of the HW one factor using swaptions but i don't know where i can take a database from EIOPA.
Somebody can help me please?
Thanks in advance


Result Interpretation of a two factor Model with repeated measure on one cross factor

I created a split plot model and I got the below result as below:-
However I have no idea how to interpret them. Can you guys please shine some lights on? Thanks!

Does someone knows how to preform Camera-IMU time offset using GTSAM?

Now I have the camera pose and IMU measurement where there exists a time-offset between them? How to model this problem in a factor graph and do estimation use GTSAM, Do someone ever did similar works before? Any advice is needed. Thanks!

Estimating the regression to the mean in R

I am working with a set of 42345 patients, from those, I establish subsets as Obese/non-Obese etc
I am wondering if there is a way in R to estimate the regression to the mean.
This may be a good resource in case someone who knows base R can help me. From this paper, I would be interested in expressing this equation in R:
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards

Plotting the "AirPassengers" dataset in R

I need help plotting the log of the number of passengers for each month and, from this plot, proposing a model for the logdata along the lines of regression. I'm new to R so this is a little troublesome for me. Any help or tips will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Also, R knows this dataset so using data("AirPassengers") will retrieve the data set.
You could start by following many wonderful examples by Rob Hyndman

GEOSoft data analysis and processing

Is there any way to analyze the data within a GEOSoft file, from NCBI, in R? I've tried converting it to an expression set, fitting it with lmFit(), then using eBayes(), but when I use topTable() to look at the results, the adjusted P.Values are always constant throughout the column.
Any help, or even pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much in advance
