Incompatible MapboxGL plugin built on MSVC2019 with QtQuick - qt

I built Mapbox GL Native on MSCV 2019 successfully based on #dpaulat implementation.
and, generated mapboxgl plugin for Qt5.15.2
I tested on a very simple project, map can be loaded but the text inside the rectangle is invisible. (If I put text into "Item", the text is visible)
Does it seem the mapboxgl plugin impact qt quick ???
The text inside the rectangle disappears
Main.qml file:
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtLocation 5.15
ApplicationWindow {
width: 800
height: 600
visible: true
id: rectId
width: 400
height: 100
color: "yellow"
Text {
id: textInsideRect
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: qsTr("R E C T")
font.pixelSize: 20
color: "red"
Item {
id: itemId
x: 400
width: 400
height: 100
Text {
id: txtItem
text: qsTr("I T E M")
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 20
color: "red"
Map {
id: map
y: 100
width: 800
height: 500
plugin: Plugin {
name: "mapboxgl"
PluginParameter {
name: "mapboxgl.access_token";
value: "pk.eyJ1IjoidGFudHJpZG8iLCJhIjoiY2tlYnB0YWo0MGFpczJzcnZubHRlNTAwbiJ9.6QG-4BeuCpUjaawDiyyfVg"
PluginParameter {
name: "mapboxgl.mapping.additional_style_urls";
value: "mapbox://styles/tantrido/ckyuch3ub001q16ofjwsxnlz6"
The mapboxgl plugin Qt 5.15.2 :
※ Just to put the *.dll file into "msvc2019_64\plugins\geoservices" folder.
In my case, "C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\plugins\geoservices"
and, also the same issue when I built mapboxGL plugin based on maplibre-gl-native.
Is this a good idea for solving this problem?
Sorry for my bad English.


QML Calendar not showing week day or month year (however it does seem to be there....)

I am using Qt 5.13 and in general Qt.Controls 2 however the calendar only exists in v1.0 or the labs version (which I can't get to work, so using V1).
My code is
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 as Old
import Tree 1.0
import "."
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
width: 800; height: 1000
title: "TreeView Example"
visible: true
Old.Calendar {
anchors.centerIn: parent
id: calendar
However when I do this, I don't see the day of the week, nor the month/year in the navivagation bar, although I can see where they should be:
I have tried to add a navigationBar delegate, but this then gets rid of the navigation arrows.
style: CalendarStyle {
navigationBar: Text {
text: "hello"
So, how do I have the nav arrows, show the month/year and show the days of week? The documentation seems to suggest I would get these out of the box...
Now... I thought I could add drop downs as a work around to choose month/year and place them in the nav bar... however when I do that I can actually see that the days of the week are there, just their text colour is white, so I feel I am missing a trick with regard to the navigation bar...?
Worth reading the comments in response to #Aleph0's post, but to get it working I had to copy the default styles and place them within my element. The final code (stripping out the bits that aren't specifically about the calendar then), looks like
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 as Old
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
width: 300; height: 300
title: "Calendar Example"
visible: true
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
Old.Calendar {
id: calendar
style: CalendarStyle {
gridVisible: true
dayOfWeekDelegate: Rectangle {
color: gridVisible ? "#fcfcfc" : "transparent"
implicitHeight: Math.round(TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 2.25)
Label {
text: control.locale.dayName(styleData.dayOfWeek, control.dayOfWeekFormat)
anchors.centerIn: parent
navigationBar: Rectangle {
height: Math.round(TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 2.73)
color: "#f9f9f9"
Rectangle {
color: Qt.rgba(1,1,1,0.6)
height: 1
width: parent.width
Rectangle {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
height: 1
width: parent.width
color: "#ddd"
HoverButton {
id: previousMonth
width: parent.height
height: width
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
source: "./assets/leftanglearrow.png"
onClicked: control.showPreviousMonth()
Label {
id: dateText
text: styleData.title
elide: Text.ElideRight
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
font.pixelSize: TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 1.25
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: previousMonth.right
anchors.leftMargin: 2
anchors.right: nextMonth.left
anchors.rightMargin: 2
HoverButton {
id: nextMonth
width: parent.height
height: width
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: parent.right
source: "./assets/rightanglearrow.png"
onClicked: control.showNextMonth()
That results in
In an ideal world, there would be an alternative to a) using Private controls as that seems like I am using Qt internal modules, but thats an easy fix by using an Image with a mouse area, and if I didn't have to use any 1.x controls either, but there doesn't seem to be a 2.x way of graphically displaying dates etc. Anyway, hopefully this can be useful to someone - it's literally a copy paste job of the default styling so it can be simplified alot...
I'm also using Qt 5.13.0 and just tried you example. After removing some imports it was working with the following files:
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 as Old
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
width: 800; height: 1000
title: "TreeView Example"
visible: true
Old.Calendar {
anchors.centerIn: parent
id: calendar
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
QQmlContext* context = engine.rootContext();
return app.exec();
I'll obtain the following:
I suggest, that you will try my code and compare it with your application.
I had the same problem - days of week and title were almost invisible, because they were written with white color on light gray background. In my case the problem was in desktop color theme in Ubuntu Studio. After I changed it from Dark to Light the text appeared in black as expected. It seems Qt5 can't handle dark themes well or implementation in Ubuntu Studio (22.04) is buggy. The same was true for text in Button-s.

QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling

When I use TumblerColumn in my Tumbler, I get QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling, When I use Tumbler alone the error doesn't appear. I can't figure out what is the problem with TumblerColumn.
Here is my Dialog code
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Extras 1.2
Dialog {
id: customTimerInputDialog
title: "Custom timer"
height: 150
width: 300
standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel
onAccepted: {
onRejected: {
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
Text {
text: "Timer"
height: 40
Tumbler {
id: tumbler
TumblerColumn {
model: 10
TumblerColumn {
model: 60
TumblerColumn (TumblerStyle.qml) complete source code
// line 294
property Component delegate: Item {
implicitHeight: (control.height - - padding.bottom) / tumblerStyle.visibleItemCount
Text {
id: label
text: styleData.value
color: "#666666"
opacity: 0.4 + Math.max(0, 1 - Math.abs(styleData.displacement)) * 0.6
font.pixelSize: Math.round(TextSingleton.font.pixelSize * 1.25)
anchors.centerIn: parent
Error message
I get the same error with Popup QML Type
Popup {
id: popup
x: 100
y: 100
width: 200
height: 300
modal: true
focus: true
closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent
Tumbler {
id: intervalPicker
TumblerColumn {
model: 10
TumblerColumn {
model: 60
You are mixing Qt Quick Controls 1 and 2. In your Dialog/Popup you import
QtQuick.Controls 2.2 and QtQuick.Extras 1.2. Both imports define a Tumbler, but the one from Qt Quick Extras is made to work with Qt Quick Controls 1 (see the imports in TumblerStyle.qml).
If you want to use TumblerColumn and TumblerStyle, you have to use the Tumbler from Qt Quick Extras 1.2.
If you want to use the Tumbler from Qt Quick Controls 2, you cannot use any of the tumbler facility from Qt Quick Extras 1.2.
If you need to have both Qt Quick Extras 1.2 and Qt Quick Controls 2 imported in a qml file, you need to use the as qualifier:
import QtQuick.Extras 1.2 as Extra
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 as Controls2

Delegate FolderListModel in TableView

I'm learning Qt Quick to make a file manager, but I have no experience in QML or GUI in general. The first step is to list the content of a folder, using FolderListModel. I got the example code working using ListView, but naturally I want to display multiple fields in addition to the name, e.g. size, time, and so on. Thus, I'm thinking of using TableView.
However, it's not clear to me how to delegate each entry as a row in TableView. Currently I'm simply using itemDelegate to display fileName, and the resultant is that in each row, all the columns repeat the name of the entry. So I think rowDelegate is the correct way, but how do I make a proper delegate Component for that purpose? Conceptually I'd like to specify an array of fields, e.g. [model.fileName, model.fileSize] corresponding to the table columns. Is this achievable?
For clarify I'm posting the code below:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 900
height: 600
title: qsTr("Hello World")
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
width: 900
height: 600
SplitView {
id: splitView1
anchors.fill: parent
TabView {
id: tabView1
width: splitView1.width / 2
Tab {
title: qsTr("Home")
TableView {
id: tableView1
width: splitView1.width / 2
TableViewColumn {
role: "name"
title: qsTr("Name")
width: tableView1.width * 0.75
TableViewColumn {
role: "size"
title: qsTr("Size")
width: tableView1.width * 0.25
FolderListModel {
id: folderModel2
folder: "file:/home/username"
nameFilters: ["*"]
showHidden: true
Component {
id: fileDelegate2
Text {
text: model.fileName
model: folderModel2
itemDelegate: fileDelegate2
The documentation mentions that the following roles are available:
List item
fileURL (since Qt 5.2)
So you don't need to have custom delegates to display that information, just set the role property of TableViewColumn appropriately:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 900
height: 600
title: qsTr("Hello World")
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
width: 900
height: 600
SplitView {
id: splitView1
anchors.fill: parent
TabView {
id: tabView1
width: splitView1.width / 2
Tab {
title: qsTr("Home")
TableView {
id: tableView1
width: splitView1.width / 2
TableViewColumn {
role: "fileName"
title: qsTr("Name")
width: tableView1.width * 0.75
TableViewColumn {
role: "fileSize"
title: qsTr("Size")
width: tableView1.width * 0.25
FolderListModel {
id: folderModel2
folder: "file:/home/username"
nameFilters: ["*"]
showHidden: true
model: folderModel2

How to get parent button from ButtonStyle without using id?

I created a component (SidebarMenuButton) that is used in the main qml file multiple times. The button has styles that should be inherited by all it's 'instances'. Here is the SidebarMenuButton.qml:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
Button {
width: buttonNewMessage.width
height: buttonNewMessage.height
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
topMargin: 5
style: ButtonStyle {
background: Rectangle {
color: 'transparent'
label: Text {
text: parent.text // undefined here
color: 'white' 'Helvetica'
font.pixelSize: 12
font.bold: true
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
And a part of my main qml file:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
Window {
id: main
title: 'Messenger'
width: 1024
height: 768
minimumWidth: 800
minimumHeight: 600
RowLayout {
id: layout
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 0
Rectangle {
id: sidebar
color: '#3C3E55'
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: 200
ButtonCompanyName {
id: buttonCompanyName
ButtonNewMessage {
id: buttonNewMessage
SidebarMenuButton {
id: buttonInbox
text: 'Inbox (1)' buttonNewMessage.bottom
SidebarMenuButton {
id: buttonSentMessages
text: 'Sent messages' buttonInbox.bottom
SidebarMenuButton {
id: buttonStarred
text: 'Starred' buttonSentMessages.bottom
I commented the line with error. parent there doesn't refer to button so the text in all buttons is empty. I need to access parent button from there and get it's text property. The component has no id cause it's used multiple times and ids are assigned in the main qml file. So the question is: how can I get that button text without id?
There are two ways to set text in your case.
1)The Button for which you are applying the style is available as control property in ButtonStyle class. You can set the the text as text:control.text
Reference:control property(ButtonStyle)
2)You can give an id to the Button in SidebarMenuButton type and access its textproperty.
text: button.text
You can assign an id inside your component file that would not conflict with the id you use when you instantiate the component somewhere else. I use the same value for the id of most of my QML components: container so that I can easily reference properties from the root of the item.
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
Button {
id: container
style: ButtonStyle {
background: Rectangle {
color: 'transparent'
label: Text {
text: container.text
Then when you instantiate this component in another file you set whichever id you want and it would still work

How to use QtQuick.Window element in Qt5 and QML?

I recently installed the Qt5 RC2 for Mac OS X and started developing some QML applications. After looking at the new elements, I especially wanted to try the Window and Screen Element. (
So I set the imports at the top of the file like this:
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
The import is found, but I can use neither Window nor Screen. Everytime I type Screen or Window an error appears which says "Unknown component (M300)"
Has anyone an idea what the problem is?
Sometimes QtCreator doesn't recognize some types/properties, mainly the ones that were not present in Qt4.x, but that doesn't mean you can't use them, so yes, 'Window' is unknown just like properties 'antialiasing', 'fontSizeMode' or 'active' are, but you can use them, here is an example of use for QtQuick.Window 2.0 :
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
Window {
id: win1;
width: 320;
height: 240;
visible: true;
color: "yellow";
title: "First Window";
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent;
text: "First Window";
Text {
id: statusText;
text: "second window is " + (win2.visible ? "visible" : "invisible"); parent.bottom;
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent;
onClicked: { win2.visible = !win2.visible; }
Window {
id: win2;
width: win1.width;
height: win1.height;
x: win1.x + win1.width;
y: win1.y;
color: "green";
title: "Second Window";
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 10
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Second Window"
You just need to have a Window item as root object, and you can embed other Window items into it.
