Why doesn't the program terminate when simplify a lemma? - isabelle

I'm using Isabelle to simplify a lemma using a functionabsTransfRule (env N) r
and the r is a big formula with conjunctions of hundreds of conjuntals. In fact, when the r is small, this process can be terminated. Can someone tell me what does the simplifying procedure do? What causes the stuck? Thanks!
lemma abs_NI_Remote_GetX_PutX_Home_ref :
"[|M <= N;dst <= M|]
==> absTransfRule (env N) M (NI_Remote_GetX_PutX_Home_ref N dst) =
NI_Remote_GetX_PutX_Home_ref M dst"
"[|M <= N;dst > M|]
==> absTransfRule (env N) M (NI_Remote_GetX_PutX_Home_ref N dst) =
ABS_NI_Remote_GetX_PutX_Home M"
unfolding NI_Remote_GetX_PutX_Home_ref_def
NI_Remote_GetX_PutX_Home_ref_def ABS_NI_Remote_GetX_PutX_Home_def apply(auto simp
add: Let_def )
This is an additional description of the problem
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/GdaNr.png
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/syfOZ.png
[3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Z1QKO.png


Is there an equivalent for map or fmap to replace while loops?

Haskell replaces for loops over iteratable objects with map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] or
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. (This question isn't limited to Haskell, I'm just using the syntax here.)
Is there something similar that replaces a while loop, like
wmap :: ([a] -> b) -> [a] -> ([b] -> Bool) -> [b]?
This function returns a list of b.
The first argument is a function that takes a list and computes a value that will end up in the list returned by wmap (so it's a very specific kind of while loop).
The second argument is the list that we use as our starting point.
The third argument is a function that evaluates the stoping criteria.
And as a functor,
wfmap :: (f a -> b) -> f a -> (f b -> Bool) -> f b
For example, a Jacobi solver would look like this (with b now the same type as a):
jacobi :: ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> ([a] -> Bool) -> [a]
What I'm looking for isn't really pure. wmap could have values that mutate internally, but only exist inside the function. It also has nondeterministic runtime, if it terminates at all.
In the case of a Gauss-Seidel solver, there would be no return value, since the [a] would be modified in place.
Something like this:
gs :: ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> ([a] -> Bool) -> ???
Does wmap or wfmap exist as part of any language by default, and what is it called?
Answer 1 (thanks to Bergi): Instead of the silly wmap/wfmap signature, we already have until.
Does an in place version of until exist for things like gs?
There is a proverb in engineering which states "Don't generalize before you have at least 3 implementations". There is some truth to it - especially when looking for new functional iteration concepts before doing it by foot a few times.
"Doing it by foot" here means, you should - if there is no friendly helper function you know of - resort to recursion. Write your "special cases" recursively. Preferably in a tail recursive form. Then, if you start to see recurring patterns, you might come up with a way to refactor into some recurring iteration scheme and its "kernel".
Let's for the sake of clarification of the above, assume you never heard of foldl and you want accumulate a result from iteration over a list... Then, you would write something like:
myAvg values =
total / (length values)
mySum acc [] = acc
mySum acc (x:xs) = mySum (acc + x) xs
total = mySum 0 values
And after doing this a couple of times, the pattern might show, that the recursions in those where clauses always look darn similar. You might then come up with a name like "fold" or "reduce" for that inner recursion snippet and end up with:
myAvg values = (foldl (+) 0.0 values) / fromIntegral (length values) :: Float
So, if you are looking for helper functions which help with your use-cases, my advice is you first write a few instances as recursive functions and then look for patterns.
So, with all that said, let's get our fingers wet and see how the Jacobi algorithm could translate to Haskell. Just so we have something to talk about. Now - usually I do not use Haskell for anything requiring arrays (containers with O(1) element access), because there are at least 5 array packages I know of and I would have to read for 2 days to decide which one is suitable for my application. TL;DR;). So I stick with lists and NO package dependencies beyond prelude in the code below. But that is - given the size of the example equations we try to solve is tiny - not a bad thing at all. Plus, the code demonstrates, that list comprehensions in lazy Haskell allow for un-imperative and yet performant operations on sets of cells (e.g. in the matrix), without any need for explicit looping.
type Matrix = [[Double]]
-- sorry - my mind went blank while looking for a better name for this...
-- but it is useful nonetheless
idefix nr nc =
[ [(r,c) | c <- [0..nc-1]] | r <- [0..nr-1]]
matElem m (r,c) = (m !! r) !! c
transpose (r,c) = (c,r)
matrixDim m = (length m, length . head $ m)
-- constructs a Matrix by enumerating the indices and querying
-- 'unfolder' for a value.
-- try "unfoldMatrix 3 3 id" and you see how indices relate to
-- cells in the matrix.
unfoldMatrix nr nc unfolder =
fmap (\row -> fmap (\cell -> unfolder cell) row) $ idefix nr nc
-- Not really needed for Jacobi problem but good
-- training to get our fingers wet with unfoldMatrix.
transposeMatrix m =
let (nr,nc) = matrixDim m in
unfoldMatrix nc nr (matElem m . transpose)
addMatrix m1 m2
| (matrixDim m1) == (matrixDim m2) =
let (nr,nc) = matrixDim m1 in
unfoldMatrix nr nc (\idx -> matElem m1 idx + matElem m2 idx)
subMatrix m1 m2
| (matrixDim m1) == (matrixDim m2) =
let (nr,nc) = matrixDim m1 in
unfoldMatrix nr nc (\idx -> matElem m1 idx - matElem m2 idx)
dluMatrix :: Matrix -> (Matrix,Matrix,Matrix)
dluMatrix m
| (fst . matrixDim $ m) == (snd . matrixDim $ m) =
let n = fst . matrixDim $ m in
(unfoldMatrix n n (\(r,c) -> if r == c then matElem m (r,c) else 0.0)
,unfoldMatrix n n (\(r,c) -> if r > c then matElem m (r,c) else 0.0)
,unfoldMatrix n n (\(r,c) -> if c > r then matElem m (r,c) else 0.0)
mulMatrix m1 m2
| (snd . matrixDim $ m1) == (fst . matrixDim $ m2) =
let (nr, nc) = ((fst . matrixDim $ m1),(snd . matrixDim $ m2)) in
unfoldMatrix nr nc
(\(ro,co) ->
sum [ matElem m1 (ro,i) * matElem m2 (i,co) | i <- [0..nr-1]]
isSquareMatrix m = let (nr,nc) = matrixDim m in nr == nc
jacobi :: Double -> Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix -> Matrix
jacobi errMax a b x0
| isSquareMatrix a && (snd . matrixDim $ a) == (fst . matrixDim $ b) =
approximate x0
-- We could possibly avoid our hand rolled recursion
-- with the help of 'loop' from Control.Monad.Extra
-- according to hoogle. But it would not look better at all.
-- loop (\x -> let x' = jacobiStep x in if converged x' then Right x' else Left x') x0
(nra, nca) = matrixDim a
(d,l,u) = dluMatrix a
dinv = unfoldMatrix nra nca (\(r,c) ->
if r == c
then 1.0 / matElem d (r,c)
else 0.0)
lu = addMatrix l u
converged x =
let delta = (subMatrix (mulMatrix a x) b) in
let (nrd,ncd) = matrixDim delta in
let err = sum (fmap (\idx -> let v = matElem delta idx in v * v)
(concat (idefix nrd ncd))) in
err < errMax
jacobiStep x =
(mulMatrix dinv (subMatrix b (mulMatrix lu x)))
approximate x =
let x' = jacobiStep x in
if converged x' then x' else approximate x'
wikiExample errMax =
let a = [[ 2.0, 1.0],[5.0,7.0]] in
let b = [[11], [13]] in
jacobi errMax a b [[1.0],[1.0]]
Function idefix, despite it's silly name, IMHO is an eye opener for people coming from non-lazy languages. Their first reflex is to get scared: "What - he creates a list with the indices instead of writing loops? What a waste!" But a waste, it is not in lazy languages. What you see in this function (the list comprehension) produces a lazy list. It is not really created. What happens behind the scene is similar in spirit to what LINQ does in C# - IEnumerator<T> juggling.
We use idefix a second time when we want to sum all elements in our delta. There, we do not care about the concrete structure of the matrix. And so we use the standard prelude function concat to flatten the Matrix into a linear list. Lazy as well, of course. That is the beauty.
The next notable difference to the imperative wikipedia pseudo code is, that using matrix notation is much less complicated compared to nested looping and operating on single cells. Fortunately, the wikipedia article shows both. So, instead of a while loop with 2 nested loops, we only need an equivalent of the outermost while loop. Which is covered by our 2 liner recursive function approximate.
Lessons learned:
Lists and list comprehensions can help simplify code otherwise requiring nested loops. (In lazy languages).
Ocaml and Common Lisp have mutability and built in arrays and loops. That makes a package, very convenient when translating algorithms from imperative languages or imperative pseudo code.
Haskell has immutability and no built in arrays and no loops, but instead it has a similarly powerful set of tools, namely Laziness, tail call optimization and a terse syntax. That combination requires more planning (and writing some usually short helper functions) instead of the classical C approach of "Let's write it all in main()."
Sometimes it is easier to write a 2 line long recursive function than to think about how to abstract it.
In FP, you don't usually try to fit everything "inside the loop." You do one step and pass it on to the next function. There are lots of combinations that are useful in different situations. A common replacement for a while loop is a map followed by a takeWhile or a dropWhile, but there are many other possibilities, up to just plain recursion.

Coq can't compute well-founded defined with Fix, but can if defined with Program Fixpoint

As an exercise to understand recursion by a well-founded relation I decided to implement the extended euclidean algorithm.
The extended euclidean algorithm works on integers, so I need some
well-founded relation on integers. I tried to use the relations in Zwf, but things didn't worked (I need to see more examples). I decided that would easier to map Z to nat with the Z.abs_nat function and then just use Nat.lt as relation. Our friend wf_inverse_image comes to help me. So here what I did:
Require Import ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
Require Import Wellfounded.
Definition fabs := (fun x => Z.abs_nat (Z.abs x)). (* (Z.abs x) is a involutive nice guy to help me in the future *)
Definition myR (x y : Z) := (fabs x < fabs y)%nat.
Definition lt_wf_on_Z := (wf_inverse_image Z nat lt fabs) lt_wf.
The extended euclidean algorithm goes like this:
Definition euclids_type (a : Z) := forall b : Z, Z * Z * Z.
Definition euclids_rec : (forall x : Z, (forall y : Z,(myR y x) -> euclids_type y) -> euclids_type x).
unfold myR, fabs.
refine (fun a rec b => if (Z_eq_dec a 0) then (b, 0, 1)
else let '(g, s, t) := rec (b mod a ) _ a
in (g, t - (b / a) * s, s)
apply Zabs_nat_lt. split. apply Z.abs_nonneg. apply Z.mod_bound_abs. assumption.
Definition euclids := Fix lt_wf_on_Z _ euclids_rec.
Now let's see if it works:
Compute (euclids 240 46). (* Computation takes a long time and results in a huge term *)
I know that can happen if some definition is opaque, however all my definitions end with Defined.. Okey, something else is opaque, but what?
If is a library definition, then I don't think that would cool to just redefine it in my code.
It seems that my problem is related with this, this other and this too.
I decided to give Program Fixpoint a try, since I never used it. I was surprised to see that I could just copy and paste my program.
Program Fixpoint euclids' (a b: Z) {measure (Z.abs_nat (Z.abs a))} : Z * Z * Z :=
if Z.eq_dec a 0 then (b, 0, 1)
else let '(g, s, t) := euclids' (b mod a) a in
(g, t - (b / a) * s, s).
Next Obligation.
apply Zabs_nat_lt. split. apply Z.abs_nonneg. apply Z.mod_bound_abs. assumption.
And even more surprise to see that works just fine:
Compute (euclids' 240 46). (* fast computation gives me (2, -9, 47): Z * Z * Z *)
What is opaque in euclids that is not in euclids' ?
And how to make euclids work?
Okey, something else is opaque, but what?
wf_inverse_image is opaque and so are the lemmas it relies on: Acc_lemma and Acc_inverse_image. If you make these three transparent euclids will compute.
The evidence of well-foundness is basically your parameter you do structural recursion on, so it must be transparent.
And how to make euclids work?
Fortunately, you don't have to roll your own transparent versions of the aforementioned standard definitions as there is well_founded_ltof lemma in Coq.Arith.Wf_nat which is already transparent so we can reuse it:
Lemma lt_wf_on_Z : well_founded myR.
Proof. exact (well_founded_ltof Z fabs). Defined.
That's it! After fixing lt_wf_on_Z the rest of your code just works.

How to calculate 5^262144 in Erlang

Based on THIS question, I realized that calculating such numbers seems not possible in regular ways.
Any suggestions?
It is possible, but you need an algorithm that is a bit more clever than the naive solution. If you write the naive power function, you do something along the lines of:
pow(_, 0) -> 1;
pow(A, 1) -> A;
pow(A, N) -> A * pow(A, N-1).
which just unrolls the power function. But the problem is that in your case, that will be 262144 multiplications, on increasingly larger numbers. The trick is a pretty simple insight: if you divide N by 2, and square A, you almost have the right answer, except if N is odd. So if we add a fixing term for the odd case, we obtain:
pow(_, 0) -> 1;
pow(A, 1) -> A;
pow(A, N) ->
B = pow(A, N div 2),
B * B * (case N rem 2 of 0 -> 1; 1 -> A end).
This completes almost instantly on my machine:
2> element(1, timer:tc(fun() -> z:pow(5, 262144) end)).
of course, if doing many operations, 85ms is hardly acceptable. But computing this is actually rather fast.
(if you want more information, take a look at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring )
If you are interested how compute power using same algorithm as in I GIVE CRAP ANSWERS's solution but in tail recursive code, there it is:
power(X, 0) when is_integer(X) -> 1;
power(X, Y) when is_integer(X), is_integer(Y), Y > 0 ->
Bits = bits(Y, []),
power(X, Bits, X).
power(_, [], Acc) -> Acc;
power(X, [0|Bits], Acc) -> power(X, Bits, Acc*Acc);
power(X, [1|Bits], Acc) -> power(X, Bits, Acc*Acc*X).
bits(1, Acc) -> Acc;
bits(Y, Acc) ->
bits(Y div 2, [Y rem 2 | Acc]).
It simple since Erlang uses arbitrary-precision for integers(big numbers) you can define own function pow for integer, for example:
int_pow(_,0,R) -> R;
int_pow(N,M,R) -> int_pow(N,M-1,R*N).
Note, I did not check the arguments and showed the implementation for your example.
You can do:
defmodule Pow do
def powa(x, n), do: powa(x, n, 1)
def powa(_, 0, acc), do: acc
def powa(x, n, acc), do: powa(x, n-1, acc * x)
Pow.powa(5, 262144) |> to_string |> String.length
long number that you were curious about.

Memoization in OCaml?

It is possible to improve "raw" Fibonacci recursive procedure
Fib[n_] := If[n < 2, n, Fib[n - 1] + Fib[n - 2]]
Fib[n_] := Fib[n] = If[n < 2, n, Fib[n - 1] + Fib[n - 2]]
in Wolfram Mathematica.
First version will suffer from exponential explosion while second one will not since Mathematica will see repeating function calls in expression and memoize (reuse) them.
Is it possible to do the same in OCaml?
How to improve
let rec fib n = if n<2 then n else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2);;
in the same manner?
The solution provided by rgrinberg can be generalized so that we can memoize any function. I am going to use associative lists instead of hashtables. But it does not really matter, you can easily convert all my examples to use hashtables.
First, here is a function memo which takes another function and returns its memoized version. It is what nlucaroni suggested in one of the comments:
let memo f =
let m = ref [] in
fun x ->
List.assoc x !m
Not_found ->
let y = f x in
m := (x, y) :: !m ;
The function memo f keeps a list m of results computed so far. When asked to compute f x it first checks m to see if f x has been computed already. If yes, it returns the result, otherwise it actually computes f x, stores the result in m, and returns it.
There is a problem with the above memo in case f is recursive. Once memo calls f to compute f x, any recursive calls made by f will not be intercepted by memo. To solve this problem we need to do two things:
In the definition of such a recursive f we need to substitute recursive calls with calls to a function "to be provided later" (this will be the memoized version of f).
In memo f we need to provide f with the promised "function which you should call when you want to make a recursive call".
This leads to the following solution:
let memo_rec f =
let m = ref [] in
let rec g x =
List.assoc x !m
Not_found ->
let y = f g x in
m := (x, y) :: !m ;
To demonstrate how this works, let us memoize the naive Fibonacci function. We need to write it so that it accepts an extra argument, which I will call self. This argument is what the function should use instead of recursively calling itself:
let fib self = function
0 -> 1
| 1 -> 1
| n -> self (n - 1) + self (n - 2)
Now to get the memoized fib, we compute
let fib_memoized = memo_rec fib
You are welcome to try it out to see that fib_memoized 50 returns instantly. (This is not so for memo f where f is the usual naive recursive definition.)
You pretty much do what the mathematica version does but manually:
let rec fib =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 10 in
begin fun n ->
try Hashtbl.find cache n
with Not_found -> begin
if n < 2 then n
let f = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) in
Hashtbl.add cache n f; f
Here I choose a hashtable to store already computed results instead of recomputing them.
Note that you should still beware of integer overflow since we are using a normal and not a big int.

Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?). OCaml

I'm trying to write a function that accepts an int n and returns a list that runs down from n to 0.
This is what I have
let rec downFrom n =
let m = n+1 in
if m = 0 then
(m-1) :: downFrom (m - 1);;
The function compiles ok but when I test it with any int it gives me the error
Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).
I know it's the local varible that gets in the way but I don't know another way to declare it. Thank you!!!
First, the real thing wrong with your program is that you have an infinite loop. Why, because your inductive base case is 0, but you always stay at n! This is because you recurse on m - 1 which is really n + 1 - 1
I'm surprised as to why this compiles, because it doesn't include the rec keyword, which is necessary on recursive functions. To avoid stack overflows in OCaml, you generally switch to a tail recursive style, such as follows:
let downFrom n =
let rec h n acc =
if n = 0 then List.rev acc else h (n-1) (n::acc)
h n []
Someone suggested the following edit:
let downFrom n =
let rec h m acc =
if m > n then acc else h (m + 1) (m::acc)
h 0 [];
This saves a call to List.rev, I agree.
The key with recursion is that the recursive call has to be a smaller version of the problem. Your recursive call doesn't create a smaller version of the problem. It just repeats the same problem.
You can try with a filtering parameter
let f = function
p1 -> expr1
| p2 -> expr2
| p3 -> ...;;
let rec n_to_one =function
|n->n::n_to_one (n-1);;
# n_to_one 3;;
- : int list = [3; 2; 1]
