Issue with NextJS nested dynamic routes - next.js

My folder structure looks like this:
/vendor/{vendor} shows the vendor page correctly and works fine.
I am trying to achieve /vendor/{vendor}/category/{category}
However there is no redirection or even on page reload. The browser stays on the same vendor page at /vendor/{vendor} but shows /vendor/{vendor}/category/{category} in the URL bar.
Please assist me with this. I've seen this folder structure used for the same use case.


GitHub Page Custom URL Styling and Pics don't render

My site, Jekyll static pages and a blog, on GitHub pages looks like it is supposed to (such as it is). I have a custom URL set up that points the repo to That works but when I go that URL the pages show up without any CSS or pics.
I know this isn't super specific information, but you can check them both out if you like, and any general insights would be appreciated.
All your css, javascript and other assets are returning 404 errors:
The paths are all pointing to subdirectories of (e.g.
Thats wrong.
You need to drop the /dsu to make it work.
For example works totally fine.

Mendix iFrame - Page not found

I have created multiple custom .html pages and placed them in /themes in my project. To use these custom pages in my project, I am using iFrame widget, which is placed in a dataview and all the settings are done correctly as I have used this widget previously as well. When I navigate to this page with widget using iFrame, it works fine the first time and displays the page correctly. However, after first time, no link to any of the pages works and gives an error "Page Not Found". Can someone point out what I am doing wrong here or guide me to a different/better solution to achieve this?
Note: I have also tried the same with iFrame tag inside HTML Snippet, and the behaviour is exactly same.
A common mistake is that people use just the filename instead of complete url in iframe url property. Try changing the filename to complete url e.g. instead of file.html.

Divi Builder not loading saved layout

I have a problem with Divi Builder. I am using Pagely to clone one site into a staging environment. The cloning part goes well and everything is in place.
When I try to access a page on the staging in order to edit it (Via Divi builder) the structure is not there. If I go back to the public are I can see the page structure in place and also I can confirm that the data is there because I checked using inspect that the poststuff text area contains the same data.
It seems that on the staging the structure under et_pb_main_container is not loaded properly
Instead if I check the live site the structure looks like this:
Finally the frontend displays:
Instead of what I am able to see on the live site:
Have you tried saving the layout to the library? I would give that a shot then load it and see if that jogs the content.
Please try to disable all plugins and then check or try to use the updated version of Divi Theme.

WordPress page broken image paths

I made a WP page a while ago (not for me) and all of a sudden most images can't be displayed ...
I took a look into html code and saw that the img paths are all wrong!
Those workig look like:
The ones that DO NOT work: /usr/local/www/apache22/data/niebauer/
I have NO idea why WP all of a sudden changed those paths. I tried to REUPLOAD some images but it seems, wp does this automatically "wrong". The only working solution I found was to upload them in the EXACT size they will display on the page. So I guess something is wrong with the WP asset manager but I did not change anything.

Image disappear when url route

I am writing a web page to show image (image is dynamically generate by .Net charting) in a web. I have used the web forms URL routing to navigate to this page. Once I use the URL routing the image appear on the page. Anyway this is working fine for normal page browse.
More than likely your link to the image is using a relative path, and once you introduce routing you are working with a URL structure that appears to be deeper nested in the folder structure than it is.
When linking to the image for display I would recommend using root relative path something like /Images/MyFile.jpg rather than ../Images/MyFile.jpg, or similar.
This way if your route changes, and additional "folders" appear in the route, the link will still work.
