GitHub Page Custom URL Styling and Pics don't render - css

My site, Jekyll static pages and a blog, on GitHub pages looks like it is supposed to (such as it is). I have a custom URL set up that points the repo to That works but when I go that URL the pages show up without any CSS or pics.
I know this isn't super specific information, but you can check them both out if you like, and any general insights would be appreciated.

All your css, javascript and other assets are returning 404 errors:
The paths are all pointing to subdirectories of (e.g.
Thats wrong.
You need to drop the /dsu to make it work.
For example works totally fine.


Issue with NextJS nested dynamic routes

My folder structure looks like this:
/vendor/{vendor} shows the vendor page correctly and works fine.
I am trying to achieve /vendor/{vendor}/category/{category}
However there is no redirection or even on page reload. The browser stays on the same vendor page at /vendor/{vendor} but shows /vendor/{vendor}/category/{category} in the URL bar.
Please assist me with this. I've seen this folder structure used for the same use case.

Absolute external links bug, url of the current page added at the beginning of the url

I have a very strange external links behavior on this page:
There is a list of external links visible by clicking on "Go Deeper".
On some links, the address of the current page is added at the beginning of the external link.
E.g.: iSAMâ„¢ (1997)
E.g.: TTTP Photo Collection - 1997
All external links are absolute links.
When you look at the source code, the links are correct.
This site runs under Wordpress, the links are contained in a Gutenberg block built with the ACF plugin.
I tested the following things:
Disable all plugins.
The browser or something else continues to add the current page address on some links only.
I emptied the server cache, removed all the .htaccess rules except the wordpress part.
I made sure that the PHP file that writes these links is in UTF-8.
By recreating the links, it is always the same ones who are affected.
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this?
Thank you for your time and help!
You have the so called "hidden characters" before your link start. I suggest you to check it by yourself with some online tool like this: If you try to paste there the link copied by your source code you will see you have hidden stuff before "https:..."
The solution to this issue is that you delete all the characters and you write them all over again by yourself, w/o copy/pasting them from another source or in alternative paste them inside some non-HTML text editor before pasting them to your website

How to link images and pages in wordpress pages?

So, in the WordPress page, I need to link the pdf in wp-contents so I linked it with the relative URL as href="/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/test.pdf"
when I click it since my root in localhost is localhost/test it takes me to localhost/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/test.pdf (which doesn't serve the file). However, I don't think it'll be an issue in the server. Still, I want to know if this is the correct way?
Also, so I'm in page localhost/test/page22 Now on the page, I have an anchor tag as href="/page23" it takes me to page23 correctly, but when I'm in a different sub page say localhost/test/page/page2 now, the link takes me to localhost/test/page/page23 which is not correct as it should be localhost/test/page23. How can I solve these issues
WordPress provides functions for getting the URL of resources you should use these instead of having your code generate the URL. In this case you should call wp_get_attachment_url().

Hyperlinks in my wordpress site are not working

I have moved a wordpress site from one domain to another domain.
I have a problem now. All menus in my site are not working at all.
These are simple xyz. When I click on a link it does not redirect me to new URL, nothing happens.
Any suggestions?
jQuery is missing. You need to make sure that you replicated the file structure properly.
I tested it by typing
It works well. Then I looked into it
NJ Mortgage Rates
When we clicked this href, it also worked well. So it maybe not the link problem. Could be the problem of html or javascript or just your browser
Test it with other web browser or add <div></div> around <a>your link</a>. Let's see if it's the same result
If it still does not work. Check if your have copied all the .js files in your server. Sometimes we will forget them and just copy the html and css files

Wordpress Custom Post Type CSS & JS 404

I'm having a weird problem on a Wordpress site that I've built. I set up custom post types for a portfolio site, circa Wordpress 2.8. Everything worked out great and it was on auto pilot. Somewhere between Wordpress 3.0 and 3.1, the style.css file started throwing out a 404, but only on the single post pages.
EDIT - It's actually every included file. CSS & JS. The plot thickens...
I'm baffled, and I don't even know where to start. I changed the permalinks, re-did the .htaccessfile. Has anyone else ran into this problem?
Here's the link to the site if you want to FireBug it -
Sorry, I would post some code, but I have no idea where the problem even begins... but let me know what you need to see, and I'll post it.
You're not linking to the style sheet somehow. I'll look at it in detail when I get off work. I would check the names of your classes in the CSS and make sure that the body class for the single post is named correctly. It appears that the reference to the stylesheet is in the head; I think that's ok. Nice photos!
Your problem is that your files are specified with relative path, so you get wrong url.
Here patty-boring/ messes up your urls.
I don't know how you specify urls in theme so I can't tell you where you're doing wrong.
Turns out it's something with mod_pagespeed screwing with the custom post types. Thanks for your help!
