XBee is suddenly not receiving anything after I updated Destination mac address - console

Hello. I am using XBee for serial communication. I majorly use it from python.
However, after I changed the destination mac address of the XBee, it suddenly does not receive anything. When I send something, the TXD led blinks, however, RXD led never blinks.
My first guess was checking everything in the XCTU software. I re-installed firmware (newest) and I rosetted the destination mac address and then I checked whether it is using AT mode. (It is using AT (transparent mode.)
If my knowledge is correct, it should show something in the console log to the other side if I type something there. Is there any suggestions to solve this?


ESP32,ESP8266, AND ESP8266 NODE MCU not working

1.I started with esp. 32 i used arduino IDE it only showed COM1 in PORTS. when i was uploading the code i pressed the boot button when connecting..... appears in the window but still an error (timeout....) occurs and code doesn't upload.
i installed the drivers but whenever i plugged in the usb cable a notification pops up that the computer doesn't recognize the device. i installed ch341 but it says the the drivers are preinstalled.
same problem appear with esp8266 node mcu.
Then using the same cable I started working with esp8266 no error popped up it had two options in PORT COM1 and COM4 I choose COM4 and I uploaded the blink code. it worked fine but after that i upload the WIFI SCAN code it started showing same problem as esp32... i disconnected it and connected again error popped up that it doesn't recognized by computer. and furthermore now it only shows com1 in ports option and when I press flash button the code doesn't get uploaded it shows timed out error. i disconnected and connected many times but it doesn't working.
are you setting like this??
this is my setting on the arduino
I mean you can try to install the esp32 USB port library CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver.exe.
if your system does not detect esp8266 or NodeMCU boards while you installed all possible drivers, as mentioned in this GitHub issue change your USB wire cause the wire maybe is for just charging and not transferring data!
changing it worked for me!

Arduino nano not responding

Few months ago, I bought cheap arduino nano from china. Instaled all the required drivers, and tried out my frirst program.
Now I tried to upload something new, and I get this error message:
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM4": System can't find given file.
I also noticed, that Tools->Ports can not be clicked. The device does not even show up in device manager.
Any Ideas?
In my first program I did also set pin 0 and 1 (RX/TX) as outputs and used them to flash LEDs. I am aware, that this probably prevents new code from beeing uploded, but it should not prevent from the device from shoving up at all. The computer talking to the USB driver, not the microcontroller.
Go to Device Manager and find the Arduino COM Port
Go to the Advanced properties of the port
Set the port # to COM1
Then un-plug your USB and plug it back in.

Arduino Yun WifiStatus Example Failing

I am able to connect and upload the WifiStatus example per the instructions on the Arduino Site/Examples/Yun. However, when I hit the serial monitor button it is supposed to print out the relevant Wifi stats, instead it says "unable to connect" and the final line goes a bit further..."unable to connect: is the sketch using the bridge". Any ideas? A post suggested reseting the 32U4, which I did, but no luck.
Incidently, all of this is over Wifi. Board and port are set per instructions. Yun pings fine and receives the uploaded sketch fine.
More code is usually more illuminating... so you might get better answers when you provide more information.
"is the sketch using the bridge" seems to indicate that there is some problem with the Bridge library. Is it being initialized? Did initialization (i.e., "Bridge.begin()" succeed?
A sketch with bridge functional and serial monitor via network connection cannot be running simultaneously as they use the same hardware connection.
You may use the serial monitor via USB port, or Serial TX/RX pins, or SoftwareSerial for this.

avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout

This is the main error that I get when I try to run my ARDUINO program. The full list of errors is as follows:
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer
My code is as follows:
int led=13;
void setup()
void loop()
I have tried updating the drivers (they are fully updated) and downloading some programs. I have Windows 7 and my arduino is a MEGA 2560. It shows up in the Device Manager and all of my connections are correct. The green PWR light is on and so is the flashing L light. The RX and TX lights flash when I update. I have tried almost everything on the web. What is the problem?
Another possible reason for this error for the Mega 2560 is if your code has three exclamation marks in a row. Perhaps in a recently added string.
3 bang marks in a row causes the Mega 2560 bootloader to go into Monitor mode from which it can not finish programming.
"!!!" <--- breaks Mega 2560 bootloader.
To fix, unplug the Arduino USB to reset the COM port and then recompile with only two exclamation points or with spaces between or whatever. Then reconnect the Arduino and program as usual.
Yes, this bit me yesterday and today I tracked down the culprit. Here is a link with more information: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=132595.0
The error message basically means that the programmer is unable to contact the bootloader on the device; the code you're trying to upload has no bearing on the problem.
What causes this can be numerous and varied, some possible issues:
UART communications
Blinking is happening, so hopefully you aren't using the wrong port. It might be worth checking again though, sometimes USB COM devices install on strange port numbers.
Connect TX to RX (and disconnect them from the AVR if possible) then open a terminal on the COM port, you should see characters echoed if you type them. If you don't, something is wrong up-stream of the chip, it could be the communications chip (I think the Arduino 2560 uses a secondary AVR instead of an FTDI for some reason, so that could be broken, either its software or hardware)
ATmega* bootloader
The AVR is not executing the bootloader for some reason. If the programmer is not resetting the micro before attempting to connect, this might be the reason. Try to reset the AVR (press and release the button) while the programmer is attempting to connect. Sometimes software that runs in a tight loop will prevent the bootloader from connecting.
Barring that, the fuses might have gotten messed up or the code erased. You would need to reflash the bootloader and proper fuses, again, see the appropriate info page for your device.
Arduino Mega 2560 only: ATmega8U/16U software
Might not be working and would need reprogramming. See the Programming section on the info page, you will need the firmware and Atmel-compatible DFU (device firmware update) software on your computer to reflash the target.
Hardware damage to the board, AVR(s), or FTDI chip
You're hosed; need a new chip.
Check this forum post for some more ideas.
I got this error because I didn't specify the correct programmer in the avrdude command line. You have to specify "-c arduino" if you are using an Arduino board.
This example command reads the status of the hfuse:
avrdude -c arduino -P /dev/ttyACM0 -p atmega328p -U hfuse:r:-:h
To my humble understanding, this error arises in different scenarios:
you have selected the wrong port or you haven't at all. go to tools > ports and select the com port with your Arduino connected to.
you have selected the wrong board. go to tools > board and look for the right board.
Do you have one of these Arduino replicas or you don't have the boot-loader installed on the microcontroller? I don't know the solution to this! if you know please edit my post and add the instructions.
(windows only) you don't have the right drivers installed. you need to update them manually.
sometimes when you have wires connected to the board this happens. you need to separate the board from any breadboard or wires you have installed and try uploading again. It seems pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX), which can be used for serial communication, are problematic and better to be free while uploading the code.
Sometimes it happens randomly for no specific reason!
There are all kinds of solutions all over the internet, but sometimes hard to tell the difference between magic! Maybe the Arduino team should think of better compiler errors to help users differentiate between these different causes.
The same problem happened to me and none of the solutions above worked. What happened was that I was using an Arduino UNO and everything was fine, but when I bought an Arduino Mega 2560, no matter what sketch I tried to upload I got the error:
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
And it was just on one of my windows computers and the other one was just ok out of the box.
What solved my problem was to go to tools > boards > Boards Manager... and then on the top left of the opened windows select updatable in the Type section. Then select the items in the list and press update on the right.
I'm not sure if this will solve everyone's problem, but it at least solved mine.
Open Terminal and type:
$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout
(This command is optional)
$ **sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0**
(This command must succeed)
This isn't really a fixing solution but it may help others. Unlike Nick had said for me it was due to code in my program. I have the mega ADK model. The issue was tied to a switch statement for processing and parsing the returned byte[] from the usb connection to the Android. Its very strange because it would compile perfectly every time but would fail as the OP had stated. I commented it out and it worked fine.
I was running this code from Arduino setup , got same error resolve after changing
serial port to COM13
GO TO Option
tool>> serial port>> COM132
If you use the ino command line:
ino upload
it can be because you use the arduino software at the same time, try to kill it.
I've connected to USB port directly in my laptop and timeout issue has been resolved.
Previously tried by port replicator, but it did not even recognized arduino, thus I chosen wrong port - resulting in timeout message.
So make sure that it is visible by your OS.
Ensure the serial monitor is not running and nothing is reading/writing dev/tty/S0 (or whichever port you're using), which may cause uploading interference.
I had the same problem, and in my case, the solution was updating the usb-serial driver using windows update on windows 10 device's manager. There was no need to download a especific driver, I just let windows update find a suitable driver.
I faced same problem. but Root cause of issue. Incorrect communication was set and thats why I occurred Communication timeout.
Solution: If you connected to laptop through USB port.
Change Port as USB. Please follow steps
Open Arduino-IDE
Go to Menu "Tools --> Port" and Select option "USB" { for me its showing as /dev/ttyUSB0 }
It working fine for me.
Something not yet mentioned is that this message also appears when the baudrate is not properly set... for Arduino, it is generally 115200.
My aurdino mega 2560 returned same error. It seems the problem exists in unofficial clones. The issue solved by pressing reset button just before uploading starts, as advertised in following video.

Arduino Uno rejects uploads, changes ports

After experimenting with some Serial communication (which may or may not be relevant), the Arduino IDE throws a "Error opening serial port" error when I try to upload new code to the Arduino or use Serial Monitor. This has happened in both Windows and Linux.
In Linux, after a failed upload I tried disconnecting, then reconnecting the board. It was reassigned to the next open serial port. For example, it starts out as /dev/ttyACM0, then moves to /dev/ttyACM1, and so on.
When plugged in, the "TX" LED lights up, then goes dark. When I try to upload to it, the "TX" LED flickers twice, then nothing.
Any ideas?
Open the file ~/.arduino/preferences.txt file(linux). There you will find a string serial.debug_rate. Check its value. Typically its value is 9600(it denotes the baud rate of the serial communication). So if this value is something else, that might be causing the problem.
I have no definite answer for what might cause the value to change. But in my case changing it back to 9600 worked fine.
Having something physically plugged into the serial port on the arduino will keep sketches from uploading.
