Arduino Yun WifiStatus Example Failing - arduino

I am able to connect and upload the WifiStatus example per the instructions on the Arduino Site/Examples/Yun. However, when I hit the serial monitor button it is supposed to print out the relevant Wifi stats, instead it says "unable to connect" and the final line goes a bit further..."unable to connect: is the sketch using the bridge". Any ideas? A post suggested reseting the 32U4, which I did, but no luck.
Incidently, all of this is over Wifi. Board and port are set per instructions. Yun pings fine and receives the uploaded sketch fine.

More code is usually more illuminating... so you might get better answers when you provide more information.
"is the sketch using the bridge" seems to indicate that there is some problem with the Bridge library. Is it being initialized? Did initialization (i.e., "Bridge.begin()" succeed?

A sketch with bridge functional and serial monitor via network connection cannot be running simultaneously as they use the same hardware connection.
You may use the serial monitor via USB port, or Serial TX/RX pins, or SoftwareSerial for this.


Communicate puredata with Arduino over Serial. Unable to connect to the same port for stablishing communication

As the title indicates, I need to create a bridge betweeen pd and arduino UNO but I can't get it to work.
I need to start an arduino process after receiving a message from my computer through puredata, using the comport object.
Since comport object in pd doesn't allow me to connect to the port used by arduino (listed trough "devices" message in pd) I don't understand how to stablish a communication between them.
[comport]: could not open device COM3:
Arduino is connected to the computer by usb cable.
If been able to sort it out using in arduino.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 1);
And then referring to the serial with the variable used, mySerial, in this case.
Since this moment, when I was trying to do it using a basic included Serial communication, without library, I was not able to find the needed port free in puredata. Now it seems to work well, I cannot figure it out why not before.

ESP8266 connection to a Arduino Nano

I am trying to connect a WiFi module (ESP8266) to a "funduino" development board (Arduino Nano) but I have no success. Since I tried so much schematics I've found on the internet about the connection between them two, I kindly ask here if is anyone who succeed in "pairing" this two devices.
I am asking for the schematic and a functional source code.
The ESP-01 by default comes with nonOS SDK bootloader that communicated via AT commands, you can find the complete command set from Expressif here. This is designed for an MCU (like Arduino Nano) to use it purely as an WiFi module rather than using it as a stand-alone MCU (for which it will require NodeMCU SDK).
If you ever upload an Arduino sketch up to the ESP-01, it will erase the AT Command firmware.
Assuming your ESP-01 is still having the AT Command firmware. What #Ben provided is a sketch that allows you to type AT commands via the Serial Monitor to internact with the ESP-01, it is manual, and good for testing if ESP-01 is working (you type AT and press return on Serial Monitor, the ESP-01 will ack with Ok) but not practical as a real application. The minimum commands required to established an WiFi connection with ESP-01 is listed below.
AT+CIPMUX=1 - Enable single (0) or multiple connection (1) to the web server.
Multiple connection is a good option if you are repeatedly sending
out or reading data from the Internet.
AT+CWMODE=3 - Set WiFi mode: 1 is station mode (ESP8266 is client), 2 is AP mode
(ESP8266 acts like a WiFi router where your phone or PC can connect),
3 is AP+station mode (make the ESP8266 do both)
AT+CWJAP=“<your-ssid>”,”<your-pw>” - Connect to your WiFi. Provide your SSID name
and password inside the double qoutes.
AT+CIFSR - This returns the IP address of the module, indicating that it has
successfully connected to your WiFi router.
Once the WiFi connection is established, you can further communicate with the ESP-01 via the connection, like accessing a website for example:
AT+CIPSTART=0,"TCP", "","80” - Start TCP or UDP connection. The
0 is the id of the connection.
AT+CIPSEND=0,16 - Command to tell the module data is ready to be sent. 0 is the
connection id, and 16 is the length of the data to be sent.
After this command, the ESP8266 will reply with the “>”
character to tell us that it will be waiting for the data to be
sent. If successful, the module will reply with “SEND OK”
GET / HTTP/1.1 - Send the http header, and other data, etc...
You can write your own sketch to automate those AT commands for interacting with with ESP-01 once you understand the AT commands required for establish a WiFi connection.
Here are two resources that I personally found extremely useful for doing more than connecting to WiFi.
STM32-ESP-01 Web Server - although this is for interfacing with STM32, the main difference is the pin assignment, so you should be able to port to Arduino easily.
MQTT via ESP-01
As for hardware interface, please noted that what #Ben provided is correct in principle, but you need to be aware that the ESP-01(ESP8266 to be precise) is a 3V3 MCU, so the connection is depended on what kind of host board you are using. If you are using Arduino Uno/Nano, both are having a 5V MCU, you will need a voltage divider (two resistors to drop the voltage to 3v3 before connecting to ESP-01) or a level shifter chip at least for the ESP-01 Rx pin to avoid the potential damage to the ESP-01.

Implementing I2C slave with FT201XB via USB

I've been trying to test a FT201XQ USB-I2C breakout board: UMFT201XB-01, so I can connect it to a master device such as an Arduino and sniff what that device is sending through I2C.
To see the output of the slave device I have successfully configured a Virtual COM PORT by installing the D2XX drivers provided by I can open the serial port through puTTY and everything seems fine in that regard.
Then, i've loaded the "master_writer" example on my Arduino, which sends 1 byte at a time to an address (0x22 is specified in the UM201XB-01 datasheet as the default address).
Nothing seems to happen in the COM port that i've earlier opened. Do I need to configure/program the FTDI device in some way? In that case, how can I do it, in a general way?
UMFT201XB-01 board
Thank you in advance, and sorry if this is a "noob" question : P

What is the cause of "stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" in Arduino

I was using Arduino Uno to build a robot, but suddenly this error (stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00) occurred. I tried a lot, searched on the net, to fix this error, but no solution worked for me. At last I bough 2 new Arduinos. But each of those 2 Arduinos ran few days correctly and after a few days gave the same error.
I was, and am, unable to find what causes this error. Can anyone kindly tell what could be the mistake I may be doing?
This has happened when the COM port is not correctly selected. Determine the COM port used to communicate with Arduino and set in in the IDE, then recompile the sketch.
I just found the reason from this link
of this error.
There are a TON of pages out there on how to solve this error. The problem is none of them worked for me. The typical solutions range from not having the correct serial port or correct Arduino model board selected under the Tools menu in the Arduino software, to not having a driver (or the correct driver) loaded.
However, the frustating part for me is I KNEW I had the correct serial port and board and driver selected because I was getting output from a sketch scrolling in the Serial Monitor window via a USB connection.
The fix? DISCONNECT ANY WIRES going to pin 0 (RX) while you do the upload. The sketch upload function uses the RX pin.
NOTE: You also need to disconnect any wires going to pin 0 (RX) if you have a sketch with a or Serial.peek() statement, and you want to use the Serial Monitor input field (as shown using the '752' in the example below) to feed data into the running sketch. If you don't disconnect pin 0 it will appear as if your data was entered into your sketch but nothing will happen because the data never truly gets input.
It's looks like there is no connection between PC and Arduino. Possible reasons: Something wrong with USB port OR driver, USB wire, ATMega16 controller, ATMega328 UART or bootloader. First, try to check, if data from Serial Port reaches Arduino. Pull ATMEGA from socket, short-circuit pins RX and TX on Arduino board (pins 0 and 1), and send some data from PC. You should receive exactly same string, as you sent. Also you should se RX TX LED's blinking. If you can't see data back, check if serial port you are using are actually exist in device manager, try to play with it's settings (speed, port numer), try to use another USB port and cable, etc.
I was having the same issue. But for me no led was lighting up on connection and the error observed was the same as yours. I fixed this by changing jumper pin configuration from ext to usb . You can try the same settings by altering the jumper pins between power jack and usb jack.

How to send/receive serial communication

How can I send a string via serial communications from Java or Python? I have a very little arduino program that will recieve a CSV string of ints that each control different relays (I adapted it from their example).
I just got an Arduino, and I am trying to use it to open and close a relay remotely. I have it opening and closing the relay, no problem. But I really have no idea where to start as far as using serial communication.
I have a bluetooth dongle that I can connect to, but once I do that I'm lost.
Also, this is my first time using serial communications AND my first time using an Arduino. So I'm sorry if I am completely off on some of the things I am asking. All I know is what I've learned from Google.
Thank you very much
You can use any Java or Python serial port classes and methods. There is however one thing you need to be aware of.
The newer arduino's have a feature known as AutoReset. This works by connecting the DTR signal from the serial port to the Reset line on the chip using a capacitor or such. The IDE uses this to reset the board to activate the bootloader and initiate uploading code to the arduino. The serial monitor in the IDE is aware of this and does not toggle the DTR line when comunicating with the device (except when it initially connects).
There is are several ways to defeat this feature and you can read about them here.
As for actually comunicating with the device, there are several tutorials about serial communication in both Java and Python.
Pyserial includes the option to not use the DTR lines when opening a port.
Here is a website explaining how to use RXTX (a Java library) to comunicate with an Arduino
Best of luck.
