Event Location Linkout to New Tab When Clicked - fullcalendar

when using FullCalendar, is it possible to have the address of the location clickable such that it links out to Google Maps for directions in a new tab when clicked?


Preview inside events on popover

Can we navigate through events inside this one when we click +x more when the popover is open or can we preview over there?
This is regarding fullcalendar features where we need the functionality to view the content of popover events below is the link where you can see the demo.
navigate to image
In this image when we click on more button a new popover is display
navigate to image
Here we can see the popover where list of events are render, So my question is can we navigate to these events or can we preview the details of this event.
Link for fullcalendar demo : https://fullcalendar.io/demos

Open ng-zorro-antd popover at current mouse position

I'm using the ng-zorro popover in an Angular 10 app.
When I click on the page, I'd like an instance of the popover to be shown at the current location of the mouse.
Any suggestions on how can this be quickly implemented? The code samples only seem to show how to display a popover when you click an existing element - button, link etc.

how to create a Google Tag Manager trigger for an anchor #id click

I am using Elegant Themes' Divi Wordpress theme, which prevents anchors from being appended to the current browser address when clicked.
This means I can't track a click to our /#contact form using History State change in Google Tag Manager.
What I'd like to do is create a Trigger for a click on an anchor with id="contact-us". i.e. a click on <img src="something">
How do I do this in Google Tag Manager please?
Trigger "Click - All Elements" and use your id (and Page URL if it's neseccary).

GoogleMap Widget is not loading the coordinates

I have a simple relationship
companies - contacts
The details (contacts, addresses, locations) are on a separate page. Each of these details is a specific table. For locations, I have added a little google icon that opens up a map widget in a separate dialog/window. The separate dialog where google map widget is tied to locations datasource. It should be tied to the specific location row the user clicked on.
The details page is based on companies and each of these details is a table based on contacts/addresses/locations.
Is there a way for me to tell appmaker to use that specific location when the icon is clicked on? I am not sure how it manages to tie the location from a specific company to the dialog. I am guessing it does not.
When user clicks the location icon the click event should be propagated to the row and the row with location you need should be selected. It means that you can achieve desired behavior just by playing with bindings. In theory something like this should make a trick:
// binding for latitude
// binding for longitude

how to get associated marker object for a infowindow in google maps api v3 with multiple infowindows

I have a google map on my page, i am displaying multiple markers on my map with infowindow attached to each marker, when i click on a marker its related infowindow opens & displays information for the marker.
I have a button in infowindow which updates related status of marker & upon update i change the markericon.
So, how do i get exact marker object of infowindow in which the button is clicked.
Note that there may multiple infowindows open at a time.
to get marker which was clicked, you should use infoWindow.anchor
