'XrmFakedContext' does not cointain a definition for 'ExecutePluginWith' - dataverse

I'm trying to upgrade a unit test project to the latest version of FakeXrmEasy 2.1.2 and I'm getting the error below:
'XrmFakedContext' does not cointain a definition for 'ExecutePluginWith' and no accessible extension method 'ExecutePluginWith' accepting a first argument of type 'XrmFakedContext' could be found
Any ideas what I'm missing?

This might happen because some methods were moved into dedicated namespaces and so some extra using statements might be necessary.
Please try adding these usings:
using FakeXrmEasy.Abstractions.Plugins;
using FakeXrmEasy.Plugins;
Also please check the documentation site with other steps that might be useful. In particular the Quick Guide to migrate in 6 steps is probably an essential resource:


Using "UNSAFE_componentWillMount" in strict mode. But I'm not sure where the issue is

I have a Next.js application that when run, gives me this issue on the browsers console.
Warning: Using UNSAFE_componentWillMount in strict mode is not recommended and may indicate bugs in your code. See https://reactjs.org/link/unsafe-component-lifecycles for details.
* Move code with side effects to componentDidMount, and set initial state in the constructor.
Please update the following components: SideEffect(NullComponent)
I am not sure what SideEffect(NullComponent) is and searching through all the text in my project returns no result. So I'm not sure where the problem is coming from in order to try and resolve it, or be able to provide some relevant code in here.
What does this error mean, and how can I locate at least what file is causing the issue?
The error that you see is most likely the be in a package that you are using
Try to search for the whole project (including node_modules folder) or look more carefully in the console error (name of the file that generates the error).
This way you will know which package uses the outdated code and decide to keep it or update it or use another similar package.
To search for the whole project including node_modules

How to include the application's version number in a Scala.js program?

Basically, I'm curious if something like SBT including the version number in a program is possible for Scala.js. The proposed solution doesn't work in scala.js, apparently due the the absence of the getPackage method:
[error] Referring to non-existent method java.lang.Class.getPackage()java.lang.Package
Use sbt-buildinfo for that. The Usage section of the readme contains everything you need.

How to integrate spring-security.xml file into spring boot ? using Annotation base only

I have searched and didn't find any helpful solution that's why i am going to post this question.
Actually i have spring boot project which is completely configure based upon 'Annotation'.
Now for some reason, i need to add spring-security into this project.
for that i am getting spring-security-XXX.xml file from other co-worker.
Now, i am thinking how can i wrote some Annotation which will automatically load that spring-serity-xxx.xml file into my current project environment without change any other part, so that i can achieve security feature as per spring-serity-xxx.xml file.
For example, #Configuration(classpath:spring-security-config.xml) something like, is it possible ?.
if it's possible then provide me completed list of configuration.
NOTE : security added to get OAuth integration.
Any Help Appreciate..!!
Use #ImportResource annotation.

Meteor Testing Using Spies

I'm using Velocity with the mike:mocha framework and the chai assertions. Everything is working great, but when it comes time to do stubbing, mocking and spying, I've hit a bit of a roadblock. These aren't core features of mike:mocha or chai, so I found practicalmeteor:chai, which should/may have added spies.
My first stab at finding out whether this is true was to write the following code:
it 'calls update when both documents are present but different', ->
spies.create('log', console, 'log')
which gives me:
ReferenceError: spies is not defined
at packages/velocity:test-proxy/tests/mocha/server/charger_server_doc_spec.coffee:88:9
at wrappedFunc (packages/mike:mocha/server.js:200:1)
at runWithEnvironment (packages/mike:mocha/server.js:156:1)
That implies to me that I've misunderstood what practicalmeteor:chai provides, however, the code I showed in the first example is copied verbatim from the README.
Question: Any tips on getting this to work? Is it a load order issue? The code on Github shows spies and so on are implemented in this package. So I'm a bit stuck.
The package practicalmeteor:chai does not include the practicalmeteor:sinon package which is required to get the spies API included.
They are separate packages because you may not have to use spies when creating basic tests with chai.
If you look at the package.js file in the practicalmeteor:chai package, it does not include the sinon files.
So, just running meteor add practicalmeteor:sinon should solve your problem.

Symfony2 install ChillDevProxyTemplatingBundle - Cannot import resource

i´ve just installed the ChillDevProxyTemplating Bundle for symfony2, described here:
My templates was rennamed correctly by the bundle (from 'default' to 'php'), but when i try to call my controller I get the following error:
Cannot import resource "." from (...)app/cache/dev/assetic/routing.yml". (The following loader(s) are not registered: default).
Has anyone an idea how to fix??
Thanks a lot !
As explained here: https://github.com/chilloutdevelopment/ChillDevFileManagerBundle/issues/27
You might just need to install ChillDevViewHelpersBundle to get it working.
I previously added answer to this question, but it was removed by moderator since my reputation was not high enough to post a comment.
But now thanks to support of community I was able to investigate this problem:
It's now fixed :). Thank you for pointing the problem.
The problem was, that Assetic, in dev environment tries to parse all the templates based on templating engine name so it needs loader for each templating engine - of course for "default" there was no loader and thus caused an exception.
